Selected publications
56 C. Xu, J. Gao, H. Xiang, W. Jia, S. Guan, and Z. Zheng, Dynamics of phase oscillators with generalized frequency-weighted coupling, Phys. Rev. E 94, 062204 (2016).
55 J. Zhou, Y. Zou, S. Guan, Z. Liu, and S. Boccaletti, Synchronization in slowly switching networks of coupled oscillators, Sci. Rep. 6, 35979 (2016).
54 S. Boccaletti, J. A. Almendral, S. Guan*, I. Leyva*, Z. Liu*, I. Sendiña-Nadal, Z. Wang, Y. Zou,
Explosive transitions in complex networks’ structure and dynamics: Percolation and synchronization,
Phys. Rep. 660, 1(2016).
53 T. Qiu, S. Boccaletti, I. Bonamassa, Y. Zou, J. Zhou, Z. Liu, and S. Guan*, Synchronization and Bellerophon states in conformist and contrarian oscillators, Sci. Rep. 6, 36713 (2016).
52 H. Bi, X. Hu, S. Boccaletti, X. Wang, Y. Zou, Z. Liu and S. Guan*, Coexistence of quantized, time dependent, clusters in globally coupled oscillators, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 204101 (2016).
51 L. Zhang, L. Ying, J. Zhou, S. Guan, and Y. Zou, Fixation probabilities of evolutionary coordination games on two coupled populations, Phys. Rev. E 94, 032307 (2016).
50 X. Zhang, H. Bi, S. Guan, J. Liu and Z. Liu, Model bridging Chimera state and explosive synchronization, Phys. Rev. E 94, 012204 (2016).
49 R. Zhang, Y. Zou, J. Zhou, Z.-K. Gao, and S. Guan, Visibility graph analysis for re-sampled time series from auto-regressive stochastic processes, Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 42, 396 (2017).
Commun Nonlinear Sci Numer Simulat 42-396 (2017).pdf
48 C. Xu, Y. Sun, J. Gao, T. Qiu, Z. Zheng, and S. Guan*, Synchronization of phase oscillators with frequency weighted coupling, Sci. Rep. 6, 21926 (2016).
47 X. Zhang, S. Guan, Y. Zou, X. Chen, and Z. Liu, Suppressing explosive synchronization by
contrarians, EPL 113, 28005 (2016).
EPL113-28005 (2016).pdf
46 R. Yuan, S. Ma et al., Core level regulatory network of osteoblast as molecular mechanism for osteoporosis and treatment, Oncotarget 7, 3692 (2016).
Oncotarget7-3692 (2016).pdf
45 T. Qiu, Y. Zhang, J. Liu, H. Bi, S. Boccaletti, Z. Liu, and S. Guan*, Landau damping effects in the synchronization of conformist and contrarian networks, Sci. Rep. 5, 18235 (2015).
44. M. Zheng, C. Wang, J. Zhou, M. Zhao, S. Guan, Y. Zou, and Z. Liu, Non-periodic outbreaks of
recurrent epidemics and its network modelling, Sci. Rep. 5, 16010 (2015).
43. W. Zhou, L. Chen, H. Bi, X. Hu, S.Guan*, and Z. Liu, Explosive synchronization with asymmetric frequency distributions, Phys. Rev. E, accepted (2015).
42. S. Ma, H. Bi, Y. Zou, Z. Liu, and S. Guan*, Shuttle-run synchronization in mobile ad hoc networks,
Front. Phys. 10, 100505 (2015).
41. L. Zhang, Y. Zou, S.Guan, and Z. Liu, Analytical description for the crtical fixations of evolutionary coordination games on finite complex structured populations, Phys. Rev. E 91, 042807 (2015).
40. X. Zhang, S. Boccaletti, S. Guan, and Z. Liu, Explosive synchronization in adaptive and multilayer
networks, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 038701 (2015).
39. X. Hu, S. Boccaletti, W. Huang, X. Zhang, Z. Liu, S. Guan*, and C.-H. Lai, Exact solution for the
first-order synchronization transition in a generalized Kuramoto model, Sci. Rep. 4, 7262 (2014).
38. H. Bi, X. Hu, X. Zhang, Y. Zou, Z. Liu, and S. Guan*, Explosive oscillation death in coupled Stuart-
Landau oscillators,EuroPhys. Lett.108, 50003 (2014).
37. W. Huang, X. Zhang, X. Hu, Y. Zou, Z. Liu, and S. Guan*, Variation of critical point of aging
transition in a networked oscillators system, Chaos 24, 023122 (2014).
36. M. Li, S. Guan*, C. Wu, X. Gong, K. Li, J. Wu, Z. Di, and C.-H. Lai, From sparse to dense
and from assortative to disassortative in online social networks. Sci. Rep. 4, 4861 (2014).
35. M. Li, H. Zou, S. Guan*, X. Gong, K. Li, Z. Di, and C.-H. Lai, A coevolving model based on
34. G. Su, S. Guan, and Z. Liu, Explosive synchronization based on the mutual correlation of co-
evolving networks, EuroPhys. Lett. 103, 48004 (2013).
33. Y. Dong, W. Huang, Z. Liu, and S. Guan*, Network analysis to time series under the constraint of
fixed nearest neighbors, Physica A 392, 967 (2013).
Physica A292-967(2013).pdf
32. K. Li, X. Gong, S. Guan, and C.-H. Lai, Efficient algorithm based on neighbourhood overlap for
community identification in complex networks, Physica A 391, 1788 (2012).
Physica A391-1788(2012).pdf
31. M. Li‚ S. Guan*‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Formation of modularity in a model of evolving n
etworks‚ EuroPhys. Lett. 95‚ 58004 (2011).
30. K. Li‚ X. Gong‚ S. Guan‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Analysis of traffic flow on complex networks‚
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 25‚ 1419 (2011).
29. M. Li‚ S. Guan*‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Spontaneous formation of dynamical groups in an adaptive
networked system‚ New J. Phys. 12‚ 103032 (2010).
28. S. Guan*‚ X. Gong‚ K. Li‚ Z. Liu‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Characterizing generalized synchronization on
complex networks‚ New J. of Phys. 12‚073045 (2010).
27. Y. Zhou‚ J. Zhou‚ X. Wang‚ S. Guan‚ C.-H. Lai‚ and Z. Liu‚ Resonance effect of direction-
phase clusters in scale-free networks‚ EuroPhys. Lett. 90‚ 30005 (2010).
26. X. Wang‚ S. Guan‚ Y.-C. Lai‚ B. Li‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Desynchronization and on-off intermittency
in complex networks‚ Europhys. Letts. 88‚ 28001 (2009).
25. H. Zou‚ S. Guan‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Dynamical formation of stable irregular transients in
discontinuous map systems‚ Phys. Rev. E 80‚ 046214 (2009) .
24. W. Liu‚ X. Wang‚ S. Guan‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Transition to amplitude death in scale-free networks‚
New. J. Phys. 11‚ 093016 (2009).
23. X. Wang‚ S. Guan‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Protecting infrastructure networks against cost-based attacks‚
New. J. Phys. 11‚ 033006 (2009).
22. S. Guan*‚ X. Wang‚ X. Gong‚ K. Li‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ The development of generalized
synchronization on complex networks‚ Chaos 19‚ 013130 (2009).
21. S. Guan*‚ X. Wang‚ K. Li‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ The manyfaces of synchronization of networks‚
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 23‚ 1983 (2009).
20. K. Li‚ S. Guan‚ X. Gong‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Synchronization stability of general complex dynamical
networks with time-varying delays‚ Phys. Lett. A 372‚ 7133 (2008).
19. X. Wang‚ L. Huang‚ S. Guan‚ Y.-C. Lai‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Onset of synchronization in complex
gradient networks‚ Chaos 18‚ 037117 (2008).
18. X. Gong‚ S. Guan‚ X. Wang‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Stability of the steady state of delay-coupled chaotic
maps on complex networks‚ Phys. Rev. E 77‚ 056212 (2008).
17. S. Guan*‚ X. Wang‚ Y.-C. Lai‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Transition to global synchronization in clustered
networks‚ Phys. Rev. E 77‚ 046211 (2008).
16. S. Guan*‚ X. Wang‚ K. Li‚ B.-H. Wang‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Synchronizability of network ensembles
with prescribed statistical properties. Chaos 18‚ 013120 (2008).
15. J. Ma‚ S .Guan*‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Disorder effect on electronic and optical properties of
doped carbon nanotubes‚ Phys. Rev. B 74‚ 205401 (2006).
14. S. Guan*‚ K. Li‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Chaotic synchronization through coupling strategies‚
Chaos16‚ 023107 (2006).
13. S. Guan*‚ X. Wang‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Frequency locking by external force from a dynamical system
12. S. Guan*‚ Y.-C. Lai‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Effect of noise on generalized chaotic synchronization‚
Phys. Rev. E 73‚ 046210 (2006).
11. S. Guan*‚ Y.-C. Lai‚ C.-H. Lai‚ and X. Gong‚ Understanding synchronization induced by
“common noise”‚ Phys. Lett. A 353‚ 30 (2006).
10. G. Tang‚ S. Guan‚ and G. Hu‚ Controlling flow turbulence with moving controllers‚ Eur. Phys. J.
9. S. Guan*‚ C.-H. Lai‚ and G. W. Wei‚ Phase synchronization between two essentially different
chaotic systems‚ Phys. Rev. E 72‚ 016205 (2005).
8. S. Guan*‚ C.-H. Lai‚ and G. W. Wei‚ Bistable chaos without symmetry in
generalized synchronization‚ Phys. Rev. E 71‚ 036209 (2005).
7. S. Guan*‚ C.-H. Lai‚ and G. W. Wei‚ Controllability of flow turbulence‚ Phys. Rev. E 69‚
066214 (2004).
6. S. Guan‚ C.-H. Lai‚ and G. W. Wei‚ Characterizing the spatiotemporal dynamics of turbulence‚
Computer Physics Communications 155‚ 77 (2003).
5. S. Guan‚ Y. Zhou‚ G. W. Wei‚ and C.-H. Lai‚ Controlling flow turbulence‚ Chaos 13‚ 64 (2003).
4. S. Guan‚ C.-H. Lai‚ and G. W. Wei‚ Geometry and boundary control of pattern formation
and competition‚ Physica D 176‚ 19 (2003).
3. S. Guan‚ C.-H. Lai‚ and G. W. Wei‚ A wavelet method for the characterization of spatiotemporal
patterns‚ Physica D 163‚ 49 (2002).
Physica D163-49(2002).pdf
2. S. Guan‚ C.-H. Lai‚ and G. W. Wei‚ Fourier-Bessel analysis of patterns in a circular
domain‚ Physica D 151‚ 83 (2001).
Physica D151-83(2001).pdf
1. S. Guan and A. Qi‚ Contributions of memory B-cells to second immune response‚ B.
Math. Biol. 57‚ 713 (1995).
BMB57-713 (1995).pdf
44. M. Zheng, C. Wang, J. Zhou, M. Zhao, S. Guan, Y. Zou, and Z. Liu, Non-periodic outbreaks of
recurrent epidemics and its network modelling, Sci. Rep. 5, 16010 (2015).