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  • Tel: 021-62238732
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  • Email: cjchen@dem.ecnu.edu.cn
  • Office: No.3663, Zhongshan North Road
  • Address: No.3663, Zhongshan North Road




Other Appointments

Ÿ2014 - Present, the head of project "Changes in Returns to Education Under the Context of Transformation and Reform in China", funded by the National Office for Education Sciences Planning, China.

Research Fields

Economics of Education.

School Effectiveness and Efficiency Evaluation.

Education ProductionFunction and Productivity Analysis in Education.

Enrollment and Training


Scientific Research

Academic Achievements

Chen, C. J. and Gu, X. Q. (2017). Does the Internet Expand the Inequality of Education Outcome: An Empirical Study Basedon the Programme for International Student Assessment. Peking University Education Review (a journal published in China), 15(1), 140-153.

Chen, C. J. and Zhi, T. J. (2017). Does Public Education Financial Investment Reduce the Inequality of Education Outcomes?Educational Research (a journal published in China), 38(7),68-78.

Chen, C. J. and Gu, X. Q. (2017).The Impact of Information Technology on Students’ Literacy: A Perspective on Education Informatization. Open Education Research (a journal published in China), 23(3), 37-49.

Chen, C. J. (2017).Teachers’ Teaching Efficacyon the International Perspective: Evidences from TALIS Survey.Global Education (a journal published in China), 46(4), 11-22.

Chen, C. J. (2017).An Empirical Study on the Influencing Factors of Teachers’ Job Satisfaction in Secondary Schools: Evidences from PISA 2015 Survey. Teacher Education Research (a journal published in China), 29(2), 84-91.

Chen, C. J. (2017). Teacher Professional Development and Its Influential Factors on the International Perspective:Evidences from TALIS Data. International and Comparative Education (a journal published in China), (6), 84-92.

Chen, C. J. and Liu, Q. (2017).A Quasi-experiment Study of Impact of Early Childhood Education on Students’ Academic Achievements When They Were 15 Years Old Based on the Shanghai Data from PISA. Studies in Childhood Education (a journal published in China), (1), 3-12.

Wang, H. and Chen, C. J. (2017). The Influencing Factors of Compulsory Education Quality for Rural Migrants Children in Urban China: An Empirical Analysis Based on China Education Panel Survey. China Economics of Education Review (a journal published in China), (2), 102-114.

Chen, C. J. and Zhi, T. J. (2016).The Impact of Information Technology on Students’ Digital Reading Achievement: Evidence from PISA. Open Education Research (a journal published in China), 22(4),57-70.

Chen, C. J. and Hu, Y. M. (2016). Labor Market Segmentation, Intergenerational Occupational Mobility and Income Inequality. Education & Economy (a journal published in China), (3), 12-22.

Chen, C. J. and Li, S.(2014). Market Transition and Income Inequality in Urban China: Evidences from Shapley Value Decomposition. Frontiers of Economics in China, 9(2),309-338.

Chen, C. J. and Li S. (2013).  The Structural Changes in the Labor Market and the Wage Inequality in Urban China between 1989 and 2009. Management World (a journal published in China), (1), 45-55.

Chen, C. J. and Hu, Y. M. (2013). Changes in Economic Return toEducation in Urban China. Journal of Beijing Normal University (SocialScience Edition) (a journal published in China), (5), 54-68.

Chen, C. J. and Wang, H. (2013).The Effectiveness of Blended Learning and E-Learning on Student Learning Outcomes: A Meta- Analysis of 47 Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Studies. Open Education Research (a journal published in China), 19(2), 69-78.

Hu, Y. M. and Chen, C. J. (2013). Changes in the Rate of Return to Vocational Education in Rural China, 1989 to 2009. Education & Economy (a journal published in China), (1), 22-30.

Chen, C. J. (2012). Who Benefits Most from Higher Education Expansion? Empirical Evidence for Transitional China. Peking University Education Review (a journal published in China), 10(4), 135-152.

Wang, H. and Chen, C. J. (2012). A Reviewof Three Decades of Educational Leadership Assessment in America. Comparative Education Review (a journal published in China), 1.

Wang, H. and Chen, C. J. (2011). A Study onthe Effectiveness of Primary Schools and Its Influencing Factors in Rural China. Educational Research, (a journal published in China), 1, 61-67.

Chen, C. J. and Hu, Y. (2011). An Empirical Analysis of Teacher Quality and Its Influence Factors in Western Rural China among Primary and Secondary Schools. Teacher Education Research (a journal published in China), 23(3), 61-65.

Wang, H. and Chen, C. J. (2011). The Impact of College Student Financial Assistance on Higher Education Fairness. China Higher Education Research (a journal published in China), 9, 21-26.

Chen, C. J. and Wang, H. (2010). A Study on Training Quality of Primary and Secondary Schools Principals in Western Rural China: A Survey of Hainan Prefecture in Qinghai Province. Theory and Practice of Education(a journal published in China), 5(12), 3-5.

Chen, C. J. and Wang, H. (2010). A Review of Teacher Leadership on British School Improvement. Elementary & Secondary Schooling Abroad (a journal published in China), 9, 36-39.

Chen, C. J. and Wang, H. (2010). The Dilemma and Countermeasure on the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in Country Areas. Journal of Schooling Studies (a journal published in China),7(11), 3-6.

Chen, C. J. and Wang, H. (2010). Enhancing Teacher Leadership for School Improvement. Shanghai Research on Education (a journal published in China), 5(8), 31-34.

Chen, C. J. and Wang, H. (2010). A Study on the Relationship between Teacher Education and Student Achievement in Primary and Secondary Schools. The In-service Education and Training of School Teachers (a journal published in China), 12, 61-64.

Chen, C. J. (2010). Replacing Punishment with Education: A Practical View of Moral Education. Journal of Educational Development (a journal published in China), 5(6), 78.

Wang, H. and Chen, C. J. (2010). A Meta-analysis of the Relationship between Principal Leadership and School Effectiveness. Education Research Monthly (a journal published in China), 5(10), 77-79.

Wang, H. and Chen, C. J. (2010). A Review of School Effectiveness Research in China: Prospective of Content Analysis. Journal of Schooling Studies (a journal published in China), 7(5), 61-64.

Wang, H. and Chen, C. J. (2010). Paradigms of School Effectiveness Sudy in Mainland China in Recent Fifteen Years. Shanghai Research on Education (a journal published in China), 11, 19-22.

Wang, H. and Chen, C. J. (2009).Deconstruction and Reconstruction: A New Paradigm of Public Education Management.Journal of South China Normal University (Social Science Edition) (a journal published in China), 5(4), 36-38.


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