
Huang Chenxi




  • Department: Social Work
  • Graduate School: The University of Hong Kong
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Academic Credentials:
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  • Email: cxhuang@soci.ecnu.edu.cn
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Bacholar of geography, Zhejiang Normal University

Master of population study, East China Normal University

Ph.D. of social work and social administration, The University of Hong Kong



Other Appointments

Research fellow, the Center for Chinese Modern City Studies, ECNU

2015-date Council member of Social Assistance Branch of China’s Social Security Association, China
2011-date Council Member of Shanghai Population Association, China
2011-date Council Member of Shanghai Women Study Association, China

Research Fields

population aging and elderly social work

Poverty and social work

Social work practice research


To all CSC scholarship applicants,

1) DO NOT send your email to ALL supervisors.

2) Send a WELL-PREPARED good-quality research proposal (Not just a research plan), in addition to your CV, before asking for an acceptance letter.

3) Have a reseach topic relavent to my research interest as above.

Enrollment and Training


Scientific Research

Relative Poverty in Urban China: issues and policy suggests, 2021-2025

Academic Achievements

2016 Caregiver support policies for those who care for the disabled elderly in Shanghai (zhaoguzhe shehui zhichi Zhengyuan: yi shanghaishi shineng shizhi laonian jiating zhaoguzhe weili). Shanghai Urban Management (in press).
2014 Social policies for floating population in China: progress and problems. In China Ancient City (zhongguo mingcheng), (3), 4-10.
2014 family care system for the elderly in a super aged community in Ganquan Street of Putuo District in Shanghai (chao gaoling shequ jujai yanglao baozhang tixi yanjiu: yi putuoqu guanquan jiedao weili). Shanghai Urban Management (shanghai chengshi guanli). (3) 31-37.
2013 Migration, vulnerability and social protection: social policies for floating population in China (liudong renkou she hui zhengce yanjiu). In Labor Economic Review (laodong jingji pinglun), 1(6), 37-56.
2011 What affect the intention of stay of floating population in Urban China: A case study of Zhezhou, Jiangsu (chengshi wailai renkou juliu yiyuan de yingxiang yinsu fenxi). In Northwest Population (xibei renkou). 32(6), 23-30.
2011 Trend of education attainment in China from 1964 to 2005: Based on population census and sampling (woguo renkou shoujiaoyu zhuangkuang de biandong). In Journal of Population (renkou xuekan), (4), 3-13.
2010 Characteristics of Chinese welfare systems and its future trends (woguo fuli zhidu de tedian ji weilai zouxiang), in The Journal of Humanities (renwen zazhi), (6) 174-181
2010 Chapter Nine social assistance, in Introduction of social security (shehui baozhang xue), edited by GUO, Shi-zheng, Shanghai University of Finance Press
2009 Dynamics of recipients and management of Urban Minimum Living Guarantee System in China (chengshi dibao duixiang dongtai guanli yanjiu ), in Population and Development (renkou yu fanzhan), (6) 10-22
2009 Social welfare (edited book), Shanghai People Press
2008 understanding the concept of social policy (shehui zhengce gainian bianxi), in Sociological Studies (shehuixue yanjiu), (4) 163-181
2008 Social Policy (edited book), Shanghai: East China Science and Technology University Press
2007 social assistance and urban Minimum Living Guarantee System in Shanghai, in Social development report of Shanghai, 2006-2007, edited by LU, Han-long and SUN, Ke-qin, Social Science Academic Press.
2007 job-seeking behaviors of clients of MLSGS-UR and related institutional arrangements in Shanghai, in Sociological Studies (shehuixue yanjiu), (6) 137-160
2005 make work pay: a case study of Minimum Living Guarantee System for Urban residents in Shanghai (rang jiuye youliketu: wanshan shanghai chengshi zuidi shenghuo baozhang zhidu yanjiu), in Market and Demography Analysis (shichang yu renkou renxi), 11(3), 1-9, with WANG Da-ben, QIU, Shi-chang and CAI Min
2003 Social Assistance in Urban China: A case study of Shanghai, (Ph.D. dissertation), Department of social work and social administration, The University of Hong Kong (in English)


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