
10 Visits


  • Department: School of Life Sciences
  • Gender: male
  • Post:
  • Research:
  • Graduate School:
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Academic Credentials:
  • Tel: 021-24206734
  • Email: chlzhang@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
  • Office: School of Life Sciences Room 235
  • Address: Dongchuan Rd. 500, Shanghai, China, 200241
  • PostCode: 200062
  • Fax:




Other Appointments

Research Fields

Research interests include teacher knowledge and beliefs, PCK, Model-based Inquiry,Science literacy assessment, and ICT application in science education.

Enrollment and Training



Academic Achievements

Selected Publications

Zhang, C(October 2015).Why Teachers Can or Cannot Develop CoherentContent Storylines for Their Lesson: A Descriptive Study of Pre-Service BiologyTeachers in China Mainland. East-Asian Association for Science Education,Beijing,China

Zhang, C., & Liu, E.(April 2015).Mapping out the growing trends and the crucial structures of biology teachers' pedagogical content knowledge. National Association for Research in Science Teaching,Chicago, IL

uft, J.A., & Zhang, C. (2014).The pedagogical content knowledge and beliefs of newly hired secondary science teachers: The first three years.Educacion Quimica, 25(3), 325-331.

Zhang, C., & Liu, E.(Marth 2014).Teachers' Perceptions of Working Conditions and Workplace Learning in the Context of China's Educational Reform. National Association for Research in Science Teaching,Pittsburgh, PA.

Zhang, C., & Liu, E. (2011). Study on the Development Model of Senior High School Biology Teachers’ PCK. The Newsletter of the East-Asian Association for Science Education, 4(3), 0015, v06

Reviewed Journal Articles (original in Chinese)
王引连,张春雷.概念转变教学模式在生物学教学中的应用——以染色体组概念为例. 生物学教学[J]2010,32(4): 21-23
Wang, Y. & Zhang, C. (2010). The application of conceptual change teaching model in biology teaching: a case study of the concept “chromosome set”. Biology Teaching, 32(4), 21-23

张春雷,余波. GoogleGroup:互动学习和专业交流的教师社区建设——以生物教学茶吧为例.中国信息技术教育[J],2009,(11):P10-12
Zhang, C. & Yu, B. (2009). GoogleGroup as a platform for teachers’ professional learning and communication: a case study of Bioteahouse learning community. China Information Technology Education, (11), 10-12

庄秀丽,张春雷.WEB2.0 技术学习的作用研究.中国远程教育[J],2009,(11):P32-36
Zhuang, X. & Zhang, C. (2009). The Learning of Web 2.0 Technologies and Its Impact on Learning. Distance Education in China, (11), 32-36

张春雷,刘恩山.运用概念图进行“植物的激素调节”的教学内容分析[J]. 生物学通报, 2008,43(09):P38-41
Zhang, C. & Liu, E. (2008). Use Concept Map in Analyzing the Teaching Content and Preparing Lesson Plan of "Regulation and Plant Hormone". Bulletin of Biology, 43(9), 38-41

Zhang, C. (July, 2010). Peer curriculum based on network learning community: a case study of Bioteahouse learning community. Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu, SiChuan, China.

Zhang, C. (September, 2009). An Investigation of high school biology teachers’ personal learning environment: a pilot study. Yunnan Normal University, Kunming, Yunnan, China.

Grants & Projects
Project: One year-long national training program for key biology teachers form Xinjiang province in ECNU. co-P.I. with Prof. Xiaohui Zheng, funded by the Ministry of Education of China at Y180,000 (9/11-6/12).

I also participated in our national training programs for high school biology teachers 3 times as expert group members in summer 2008, 2009 & 2010 with my tutor Prof. Liu Enshan. It was granted by the Ministry of Education of China.


2007-2010        College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, BJ
Ph.D., Science Education; Dissertation: Study on the Development Model of Senior High School Biology Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge (Enshan Liu, Advisor)

2004-2006        School of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, BJ
M.A.Ed., Science Education

2000-2004        College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, BJ
B.S., Life Sciences
