




  • 部门: 生命科学学院
  • 毕业院校: 华东师范大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 研究生
  • 邮编:
  • 联系电话: 021-54342908
  • 传真: 021-54342908
  • 电子邮箱: yplai@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 上海闵行东川路500号生命科学学院363
  • 通讯地址: 上海闵行东川路500号生命科学学院363


1997-2001              华东师范大学生物化学   本科

 2001-2006             华东师范大学生命科学学院  博士研究生   

2005-2006              美国国家卫生研究所(NIH)过敏与感染性疾病研究所(NIAID)  联合培养博士研究

2006-2010              美国加州大学圣地亚哥大学医学院皮肤学系  博士后


2010-2021 华东师范大学生命科学学院   研究员

2021-至今  华东师范大学生命科学学院   教授


赖玉平,华东师范大学与美国国家健康研究所过敏与感染性疾病研究所(NIH/NIAID)联合培养博士。2006-2010年在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校医学院皮肤学系Richard L. Gallo实验室做博士后。2010年回到华东师范大学建立皮肤免疫学实验室,主要利用免疫学、生物化学、遗传学等技术系统研究皮肤微环境紊乱导致角质形成细胞免疫应答失衡,从而引发银屑病、特应性皮炎或糖尿病皮肤感染的调控机制以及炎症性皮肤疾病复发的免疫代谢机制。以第一作者或通讯作者在Nature MedicineImmunityNature CommunicationsPLoS PathogensPNAS等知名学术期刊发表SCI论文40篇,获得“万人计划”青年拔尖人才、国家自然科学基金委优秀青年、上海市“东方学者”、“曙光学者”、“启明星”、“巾帼建功标兵”等荣誉称号。目前主要担任The Asian Society for Psoriasis理事、Frontiers in Immunology-Inflammmation副主编、上海市免疫学会皮肤免疫学分会副主委、中华中医药学会免疫学分会青年副主委、Exploration of Immunology编委和Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology审稿编委。


2021-至今             中国免疫学学会皮肤学分会                                委员

2021-至今              Frontiers in Immunology-Inflammation              副主编   

2020-至今              The Asia Society for psoriasis                           理事

2020-至今              上海市免疫学会皮肤免疫学分会                        副主委

2019-2023              中华中医药学会免疫学分会                               青年副主委

2016-至今               Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology    审稿编委

       2009-2021             Society for Investigative Dermatology                会员

       2012-至今              中国细胞生物学学会                                           会员



      皮肤疾病致病过程中的免疫调节机制是近年来皮肤免疫学的研究热点。本实验室针对银屑病(psoriasis)、特应性皮炎(atopic dermatitis)和痤疮(acne)等炎症性皮肤疾病的发病机制,研究免疫系统尤其是固有免疫系统在其致病过程中的免疫调节机制。主要研究方向有:1)细胞因子及受体剪接与炎症性皮肤疾病;2)角质形成细胞固有免疫记忆与炎症性皮肤疾病的复发;2) 皮肤共生菌与免疫代谢。



《生物医学导论》       本科生专业必修

《固有免疫与皮肤健康》 本科生专业选修课

《固有免疫与皮肤疾病》 研究生专业选修课



1. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 20212024 (82071785)

2. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 20172020 (31670925)

3. 主持国家自然科学基金面上项目 20152018 (31470878)  

4. 主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目 20132015 (31222021)   

5. 主持国家自然科学基金面上基金 20122015 (31170867)

6. 主持国家自然科学基金面上基金 20112013 (81072422)


7. 国家重点研发计划子课题负责人 20232026 (2023YFC2508104)

8. 国家重点研发计划子课题负责人 20162021 (2016YFC0906202)

9. 主持霍英东教育基金项目 2014-2017 (141017)

10. 中组部“万人计划”青年拔尖人才计划 2013-2015

11. 教育部新世纪优秀人才计划 2012-2014 (NCET-11-0141)


12. 上海市教委科研创新重大项目 2023至2027年 (2023ZKZD34

13. 上海市曙光学者 20132015 (13SG25)

14. 主持上海市科委基础重点项目 20132016 (13JC1402301)

15. 主持上海市教育委员会科研创新重点项目 2012至2013 (12ZZ039)

16. 上海市青年科技启明星 2011至2013 (11QA1401900)

17. 上海市特聘教授(东方学者)2011


18.上海家化联合股份有限公司 2021-2024

19. 上海市珈凯生物技术有限公司 2020-2021

20. 上海宜治生物科技有限公司 2019至2020

21. Johnson & Johnson Pte Ltd 2010-2014


发表论文(* 通讯作者)

  1. Wang X, Lai Y*. Keratinocytes in the pathogenesis, phenotypic switch, and relapse of psoriasis. Eur J Immunol, 2024,54(5): e2250279.

  2. Lin X, Lai Y*.  Scarring skin: Mechanisms and Therapies. Int J Mol Sci, 2024, 25(3): 1458.

  3. Wang X, Lai Y*. When SLC46A2 delivers cargo into keratinocytes. Immunity,  2023, 56(5):897-900.

  4. Ni X, Xu Y, Wang W, Kong B, Ouyang J, Chen J, Yan  M, Wu Y, Chen Q, Wang X, Li H, Gao X, Guo H, Cui L, Chen Z, Shi Y, Zhu R,  Li W, Shi T, Wang L-F, Huang J, Dong C, Lai Y*. IL-17D-induced inhibition of DDX5 expression in keratinocytes amplifiers IL-36R-mediated skin inflammation. Nat Immunol.2022,23(11): 1577-1587.

  5. Tian D & Lai Y*. The relapse of psoriasis: mechanisms and mysteries. JID Innov. 2022, 2(3) :100116.

  6. Ni X  & Lai Y*. Crosstalk between keratinocytes and immune cells in inflammatory skin diseases. Explor Immunol. 2021, 1:418-431.

  7. Ni X  & Lai Y*. Keratinocyte: a trigger or an executor of psoriasis? J Leukoc Biol. 2020, 108(2): 485-491.

  8. Li D, Wang W, Wu  Y, Ma X, Zhou W, Lai Y*.   Lipopeptide 78 from Staphylococcus epidermidis activates β-catenin to inhibit skin inflammation. J Immunol, 2019, 202(4): 1219-1228.

  9.  Jiang Z, Liu Y, Li C, Chang L, Wang W, Wang Z, Gao X, Ryffel B, Wu Y, Lai Y*. Interleukin-36γ induced by the TLR3-SLUG-VDR axis promotes wound healing via REG3A. J Invest Dermatol. 2017, 13712):2620-2629.

  1. Lei H, Wang Y, Zhang T, Chang L, Wu Y, Lai Y*. TLR3 activation induces S100A7 to regulate keratinocyte differentiation after   skin injury. Sci China Life Sci. 2017, 60(2): 158-167.

  2. Wu Y, Quan Y, Liu Y, Liu K, Li H, Jiang Z, Zhang T, Lei H, Radek KA, Li D, Wang Z, Lu J, Wang W, Ji S, Xia Z, Lai Y*. Hyperglycaemia inhibits REG3A expression to exacerbate TLR3-mediated skin inflammation in diabetes. Nat Commun. 2016, 7:13393.

  3.  Lai Y & Dong C. Therapeutic antibodies that target inflammatory cytokines in autoimmune diseases. Int Immunol. 2016, 28(4): 181-188.

  1. Xia X, Li Z, Liu K, Wu Y, Jiang D*, Lai Y*. Staphylococcal LTA-induced miR-143 inhibits Propionibacterium acnes-mediated inflammatory response in skin. J Invest Dermatol. 2016,136(3): 621-630.

  2. Zhang M, Jiang Z, Li D, Jiang D, Wu Y, Ren H, Peng H, Lai Y*.Oral antibiotic treatment induces skin microbiota dysbiosis and influences wound healing. Microb Ecol. 2015, 69(2): 415-421.

  3. Li C, Li H, Jiang Z, Zhang T, Wang Y, Li Z, Wu Y, Ji S, Xiao S, Ryffel B, Radek KA, Xia Z*, Lai Y*. Interleukin-33 increases      antibacterial defense by activation of inducible nitric oxide synthase in skin. PLoS Pathog. 2014, 10(2): e1003918.

  4. Li D, Lei H, Li Z, Li H, Wang Y, Lai Y*. A novel lipopeptide from skin commensal activates TLR2/CD36-p38 MAPK signaling to increase antibacterial defense against bacterial infection. PLoS One. 2013, 8(3): e58288.

  5. Lai Y*, Li D, Li C,Muhleisen B,Radek KA, Park HJ, Jiang Z, Li Z, Lei H, Quan Y, Zhang T, Wu Y, Kotol P, Morizane S, Hata TR, Iwatsuki K, Tang C, Gallo RL. The antimicrobial protein REG3A regulates keratinocyte proliferation and    differentiation after skin injury. Immunity. Issue highlight.  2012, 37(1):74-84.

  6. Lai  Y, Cogen AL, Radek KA, Park HJ,Macleod DT, Leichtle A, Ryan AF,  Di Nardo A, Gallo RL. Activation of TLR2 by a small molecule produced by Staphylococcus epidermidis increases antimicrobial defense against bacterial skin infections. J Invest Dermatol.2010, 130(9):2211-2221.

  7. Lai Y, Gallo RL. Commensal skin bacteria as the probiotic of the cutaneous immune response. Expert Rev. Dermatol. Editorial.  2010, 5(3): 251-253.

  8. Lai Y, Di Nardo A, Nakatsuji T, Leichtle A, Yang Y, Cogen AL, Wu Z-R, Hooper LV, Schmidt RR, von Aulock S, Radek KA, Huang C-M, Ryan AF, Gallo RL.  Commensal bacteria regulate TLR3-dependent inflammation after skin injury.Nat Med.Covey Story. 2009, 15(12): 1377-1382.

  9. Lai Y, Gallo RL. AMPed up immunity: how antimicrobial peptides have multiple roles in immune defense. Trends  Immunol. Feature Review.  2009, 30(3): 131-141.

  10. Lai Y, Gallo RL. Toll-like receptors in skin infections and inflammatory diseases. Infect Disord Drug Targets (Formerly 'Current Drug Targets - Infectious Disorders'). 2008, 8(3): 144-155.

  11. Li M, Lai Y,Villaruz AE, Cha DJ, Sturdevant DE, Otto M. Gram-positive three-component antimicrobial peptide-sensing system. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007, 104(22):9469-9474 (Co-first author).      

  12. Lai Y, Villaruz AE, Li M., Cha DJ, Sturdevant DE, Otto M. The human anionic antimicrobial peptide dermcidin induces  proteolytic defence mechanisms in staphylococci. Mol Microbiol. 2007, 63(2):497-506.

  13. Lai YP, Peng YF, Zuo Y, Li J, Huang J, Wang LF, Wu ZR.  Functional and structural characterization of recombinant dermcidin-1L, a human antimicrobial peptide. Biochem Biophy Res Commun. 2005, 328(1):243-250.      

  14. Lai YP, Huang J, Wang LF, Li J, Wu ZR. A new approach to random mutagenesis in vitro. Biotechnol Bioeng. 2004, 86(6): 622-627.

  15. Liu Q, Han M, Wu Z, Fu W, Ji J, Liang Q, Tan M, Zhai L, Gao J, Shi D, Jiang Q, Sun Z, Lai Y, Xu Q, Sun Y. DDX5 inhibits hyaline cartilage fibrosis and degradation in osteoarthritis via alternative splicing and G-quadruplex unwinding. Nat Aging.     2024, 4(5): 664-680.

  16. Zhu Y, Wu Z, Yan W, Shao F, Ke B, Jiang X, Gao J, Guo W, Lai Y, Ma H, Chen D, Xu Q, Sun Y. Allosteric inhibition of SHP2 uncovers aberrant TLR7 trafficking in aggravating psoriasis. EMBO Mol Med. 2022, 14(3): e14455.

  17. Gao W, Li Y, Liu X, Wang S, Mei P, Chen Z, Liu K, Li S, Xu XW, Gan J, Wu J, Ji C, Ding C, Liu X, Lai Y, He HH, Lieberman J, Wu H, Chen X, Li J. TRIM21 regulates pyroptotic cell death by promoting Gasdermin D oligomerization. Cell Death Differ. 2022. 29(2): 439-450.

  18. Su Y, Huang J, Zhao X, Lu H, Wang W, Yang X, Shi Y, Wang X, Lai Y, Dong C. Interleukin-17 receptor D constitutes an    alternative receptor for interleukin-17A important in psoriasis-like skin inflammation. Sci Immunol. 2019, 4(36): eaau9657.

  19. Han Z, Ren X, Huang Q, Shi T, Lai Y, Zhao YL. Lipopolysaccharides Inhibit REG3A Self-Aggregation on Gold Nanoparticles:    A Combined Study of Multivariate Analysis on Time-Resolved Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Spectra and Molecular Modeling. Langmuir. 2019, 35(9): 3498-3506.

  20. Xu M, Lu H, Lee YH, Wu Y, Liu K, Shi Y, An H, Zhang J, Wang X, Lai Y, Dong C. An interleukin-25-mediated autoregulatory circuit in keratinocytes plays a pivotal role in psoriatic skin inflammation.Immunity. 2018, 48(4): 787-798.

  21. Li C, Maillet I, Mackowiak C, Viala C, Di Padova F, Li M, Togbe D, Quesniaux V, Lai Y, Ryffel B. Experimental atopic dermatitis depends on IL-33R signaling via      MyD88 in dendritic cells. Cell Death Dis. 2017, 8(4): e2735.

  22. Hu J, Quan Y, Lai Y, Zheng Z, Hu Z, Wang X, Dai T, Zhang Q, Cheng Y. A smart aminoclycoside hydrogel with tunable      gel degradation, on-demand drug release, and high antibacterial activity. J  Control Release. 2017, 10(247): 145-152.

  23. Yan S, Xu Z, Lou F, Zhang L, Ke F, Bai J,  Liu Z, Liu J, Wang H, Zhu H, Sun Y, Cai W, Gao Y, Su B, Li Q, Yang X, Yu J, Lai Y, Yu XZ, Zheng Y, Shen N, Chin YE, Wang H. NF-κB-induced microRNA-31 promotes epidermal hyperplasia by repressing protein phosphatase 6 in psoriasis. Nat Commun. 2015, 3(6): 7652.

  24. Hata TR, Afshar M, Miller J, Two AM, Kotol P, Jackson M, Alexandrescu DT, Kabigting F, Gerber M, Lai Y, Gallo RL.Etanercept decreases the innate immune wounding response in psoriasis. Exp Dermatol. 2013, 22(9): 599-601.

  25. Wang Z, Lai Y, Bernard JJ, Macleod DT, Cogen AL, Moss B, Di Nardo A. Skin Mast Cells Protect Mice against Vaccinia Virus by Triggering Mast Cell Receptor S1PR2 and Releasing Antimicrobial Peptides. J Immunol. 2012, 188(1):345-357.

  26. Leichtle A, Lai Y, Wollenberg B, Wasserman SI, Ryan AF. Innate signaling in otitis media: pathogenesis and recovery. Curr Allergy Asthma Rep. 2011, 11(1):78-84.

  27. Wu YL, Huang J, Xu J, Liu J, Feng Z, Wang Y, Lai Y*, Wu ZR*. Addition of a cysteine to glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) conjugates GLP-1 to albumin in serum and prolongs GLP-1 action in vivo. Regul Pept. 2010, 164(2-3):83-89.

  28. Feng Z, Lai Y, Ye H, Huang J, Xi XG, Wu Z. Poly (gamma,  L-glutamic acid)-cisplatin bioconjugate exhibits potent antitumor activity  with low toxicity: A comparative study with clinically used platinum derivatives. Cancer Sci.  2010, 101(11): 2476-2482.

  29. Leichtle A, Hernandez M, Ebmeyer J, Yamasaki K, Lai Y, Radek K, Choung YH, Euteneuer S, Pak K, Gallo R, Wasserman SI, Ryan AF. CC chemokine ligand 3 overcomes the bacteriocidal and phagocytic defect of macrophages and hastens recovery from experimental otitis media in TNF-/- mice. J Immunol. 2010, 184(6): 3087-3097.

  30. Cogen AL, Yamasaki K, Muto J, Sanchez KM,  Crotty Alexander L, Tanios J, Lai Y, Kim JE, Nizet V, Gallo RL. Staphylococcus epidermidis antimicrobial  delta-toxin (phenol-soluble modulin-gamma) cooperates with host antimicrobial peptides to kill group A Streptococcus. PLoS One. 2010, 5(1): e8557.

  31. Cogen AL, Yamasaki K, Sanchez KM, Dorschner      RA, Lai Y, Macleod DT, Torpey JW, Otto M, Nizet V, Kim JE, Gallo RL. Selective antimicrobial action is      provided by phenol-soluble modulins derived from Staphylococcus epidermidis, a normal resident of the skin.J Invest Dermatol. 2010, 130(1): 192-200.

  32. Li M, Rigby K, Lai Y, Nair V, Peschel A, Schittek B, Otto M. Staphylococcus aureus mutant screen reveals the interaction of human antimicrobial peptide dermcidin with membrane phospholipids. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2009, 53(10):4200-4210.

  33. Di Nardo A, Yamasaki K, Dorschner RA, Lai Y, Gallo RL. Mast cell cathelicidin antimicrobial peptide prevents invasive group A Streptococcus infection of the skin. J Immunol. 2008, 180(11):7565-7573.

  34. Li M, Cha DJ, Lai Y,Villaruz AE, Sturdevant DE, Otto M. The antimicrobial peptide-sensing system aps of Staphylococcus aureus. Mol  Microbiol. 2007, 66(5): 1136-1147.

  35. Yao Y, Vuong C, Kocianva S, Villaruz AE, Lai Y, Sturdevant DE, Otto M.  Characterization of the Staphylococcus   epidermidis accessory gene regulator response: quorum-sensing  regulation of resistance to innate host defense. J Infect Dis. 2006, 193(6):841-848.

  36. 王梦珂、赖玉平*。组蛋白修饰在固有免疫记忆中的作用。生物学教学,20224711):2-5

  37. 林新晔、赖玉平*。病理性瘢痕的形成机制与治疗概述。生物学教学,20224712):2-5

  38. 吴叶林、全艳春、赖玉平*角质形成细胞与T细胞的crosstalk诱发银屑病的研究现状及展望。生命科学, 2016 282):258-267

  39. 蒋子威、李长伟、雷虎、全艳春、赖玉平*胰岛再生源蛋白(Reg)在组织修复中的功能和调控机制。中国细胞生物学学报,2012341):1-10

  40. 李冬青、李之珩、李茜、赖玉平*。皮肤共生菌调节机体免疫应答的研究进展。中华皮肤科杂志,2012453):215-217

  41. 赖玉平、彭沂非、郁正艳、黄静、吴自荣DCD-1L在毕赤酵母中的克隆和表达。中国生物工程杂志, 2004, 242: 61-65


  1. Lai Y& Dong C. Interleukin-17 family. In: Michael J.H. Ratcliffe (Editor in Chief), Encyclopedia of Immunobiology,  Vol. 2, pp.534-543. Oxford: Academic Press, London. ISBN: 978-0-08-092152-5. 2016

  2. Lai Y. Keratinocytes: gatekeeper in innate defense (Chapter 5). In: Elia Ranzato (eds),  Keratinocytes: structure, molecular mechanisms and role in immunity, page 109-116. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.  New York. ISBN: 978-1-62618-798-6. 2013.


  1. 赖玉平、孔柏达。细胞因子白介素-17D及其诱导的组蛋白乳酰化和乙酰化修饰在银屑病复发治疗中的应用。专利号及申请号:202410299098.9

  2. 赖玉平、林新晔、倪欣惠。IL-17D在疤痕预防和治疗中的应用。专利号及申请号:202210747679.8

  3. 赖玉平、徐艺、倪欣惠、孔柏达、王旺。炎症性皮肤疾病生物标志物DDX5/sIL-36R及其应用。专利号及申请号:202110117195.8

  4. 赖玉平、梁韵宁、蒋璐璐。REG3A-DGTM光敏水凝胶组合物及其诱导表皮再生修复的应用。专利号及申请号:202110486145.7

  5. 赖玉平、王旺、雷虎、吴雅伟。一种IL-36的可溶性受体sIL-36R及其应用。专利号及申请号:201910333393.0

  6. Dongqing Li, Hu Lei, Hongquan Li, Yuping Lai.      Anti-inflammatory lipopeptide and preparing method and application      thereof. US 10072051B2. 2018/9/11

  7. 赖玉平、王玥、吴叶林。一种脂肽在制备抗黑色素瘤的药物中的应用。专利号:ZL201410370095.6,授权时间:2016/11/16

  8. 李冬青、雷虎、李红泉、赖玉平。一种脂肽及其衍生物、及其制备方法和应用。专利号:ZL      201210138021.0,授权时间:2016/01/13

  9. 李冬青、王玥、李红泉、赖玉平。一种抗炎症的脂肽及其制备方法和应用。专利号:ZL 201210254311.1,授权时间:2015/06/24

  10. 赖玉平、吴叶林、刘媛琪、全艳春、鲁纪龙、雷虎。胰再生源蛋白在制备促进过度炎症伤口愈合的药物中的应用。专利号:ZL 201410747546.3授权时间:2020/08/25

  1. 赖玉平、吴自荣、黄静、王林发、左翼、李骏。一种高效表达重组人汗腺抗菌肽的基因工程菌及其构建方法和应用。专利号: ZL 200510023674.4 (已授权)

  2. Gallo RL, Nizet V,  Cogen A, Lai Y. Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory therapies and compositions. U.S.A. Patent No. US2010/0166708A1.

  3. Otto M, Li M, Lai  Y, Villaruz AE, Cha DJ, Sturdevant DE. Gram-positive three-component      antimicrobial peptide-sensing system. U.S.A. patent. Application  No.60/930,709.


2016.3          上海市巾帼建功标兵

2014             上海市曙光学者

2013.8          中组部万人计划“青年拔尖人才”支持计划

         2011.11         教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划

         2011.11        上海市高校特聘教授(东方学者)

2011.4          上海市青年科技启明星

         2009.2          美国Albert M. Kligman Travel Fellowship

2007.12        上海市优秀博士论文

2006. 5         美国Outstanding graduate research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

 2005-2006    美国Graduate Partnerships Program Fellowship (NIAID, NIH)

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