




  • 部门: 心理与认知科学学院
  • 毕业院校: 美国新泽西Rutgers大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 研究生
  • 邮编:
  • 联系电话: 02162235180
  • 传真: 02162233352
  • 电子邮箱: hmwang@nbic.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 上海市中山北路3663号老图书馆306室
  • 通讯地址: 上海市中山北路3663号老图书馆三楼306室


1999年 美国新泽西Rutgers University & Robert-Wood- Johnson Medical School药理系博士

1988年 浙江医科大学(现浙江大学医学院)医学系医学学士


    19886月浙江医科大学毕业后,在附属儿童医院任住院医生。1993年赴美,在新泽西Rutgers UniversityRobert-Wood- Johnson Medical School药理系攻读博士,师从Leroy F. Liu博士,研究ATP如何调控拓扑酶II抗癌药的作用。19995月获博士学位后,在美国普林斯顿大学微生物学系Joe Z. Tsien博士的实验室进行博士后的研究,主要从事研发模式动物的构建技术和探讨学习记忆的分子机制。在2008年加入华东师范大学前,曾在波士顿大学药理系做访问学者。2019年起,担任华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院认知神经科学研究所所长,上海市脑功能基因组学重点实验室主任。



    主要从事学习和记忆的分子调控网络和多脑区神经环路研究,以及神经免疫调控机制在老年痴呆症等神经退行性疾病的发病过程中的作用。同时也关注脑科学研究中中国文化因素对隐私保护、脑智提升技术等伦理问题的影响。在NeuronCurrent BiologyNature CommunicationPNAS等期刊发表论文。担任多个学术期刊审稿人,以及《Precision Medicine》杂志编委。





Precision Medicine》期刊编委

















1    科技创新2030脑科学与类脑研究重大项目,中国学龄儿童脑智发育队列研究—华东师范大学队列建设,2021-20261300万元,参与。

2    上海市科委基础研究重大项目,19JC1410101,儿童脑智发育机制研究,2000万元,2019-2022,已结题,参与。

3    上海市科委软课题,15dz2353700,探索大脑-面向青少年的脑科学科普活动,201510万元,已结题,主持。

4    国家自然科学基金面上项目,31271134,神经细胞发育过程中钙调蛋白激酶I表达的调控机制,2013-201685万元,已结题,主持。

5    上海市科委科研计划项目,11140900600,小鼠狐猴种群的资源开发与生物学特性的研究,2011-201435万,已结题,参与。

6    国家自然科学基金面上项目,30970968,钙调蛋白激酶II参与长期记忆再巩固的分子和细胞机制,2010-201230万元,已结题,主持。

7    上海教委科研创新项目,10ZZ35,钙调蛋白激酶II参与长期记忆再巩固的研究,2010-201215万元,已结题,主持。


1.     Sun Y., Kang P., Huang L., Wang H. and Ku Y. (2023). Reward advantage over punishment for incentivizing visual working memory. Psychophysiology 2023 Mar 26;e14300. doi: 10.1111/psyp.14300.

2.     Global Neuroethics Summit Delegates (2022). Neuroscience is ready for neuroethics engagement. Front. Commun.7 - 2022 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fcomm.2022.909964

3.     Sun Y., Ku Y., and Wang H.*. (2022). Intermittent theta-burst stimulation increases the working memory capacity of methamphetamine addicts. Brain Sci 12(9):1212.doi: 10.3390/brainsci12091212.

4.     Peng W., Xie Y., Liao C., Bai Y., Wang H.*, and Li C. * (2022). Spatiotemporal patterns of gliosis and neuroinflammation in presenilin 1/2 conditional double knockout mice. Frontiers In Aging Neuroscience. 14:966153. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2022.966153.

5.     Cai Y., Jin Z., Zhai. C., Wang H., Wang J., Tang Y., Kwok S. C (2022). Time-sensitive prefrontal involvement in associating confidence with task performance illustrates metacognitive introspection in monkeys. Commun Biol 5(1):799. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03762-6.

6.     Wang T., Bai Y., Zheng X., Liu X., Xing S., Wang L., Wang H., Feng G., Li C. (2022). Sapap4 deficiency leads to postsynaptic defects and abnormal behaviors relevant to hyperkinetic neuropsychiatric disorder in mice. Cereb Cortex, 2022 Apr 3;bhac123.doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhac123        

7.     Wang L., Zuo S., Cai Y., Zhang B., Wang H., & Kwok S. C. (2020). Fallacious reversal of event-order during recall reveals memory reconstruction in rhesus monkeys. Behavioural Brain Research, 112830.

8.     Jiang X, Wang Y, Li X, Wang L, Zhou Y, Wang H*. (2020). A Simple and Compact MR-compatible Electromagnetic Vibrotactile Stimulator. Front. Neurosci., 17 Jan 2020

9.     Shen F, Chen X, Li J, Cao W, Ku Y, Wu J, Cui Y, Wang Z*, Wang H*, Kwok SC*. (2019). Mnemonic Vulnerability Induced by Post-activation Time-dependent New-learning. Neurobiol Learn Mem. Volume 164: 107047. doi: 10.1016/j.nlm.2019.107047.

10.  Weng X, Lin Q, Ma Y, Peng Y, Hu Y, Shen K, Wang H*, Wang Z.* (2019). Effects of Hunger on Visual Perception in Binocular Rivalry. Front.Psycho., 12 Mar 2019

11.  Cao T, Zhou X , Zheng X, Cui Y, Tsien JZ, Li CX*,Wang H*. “Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor Alleviates the Neurodegenerative Phenotypes and Histone Dysregulation in Presenilins-Deficient Mice”. Front. Aging Neurosci., 15 May 2018

12.  Jiang MRao RWang JWang JXu LWu LMChan JRWang HLu QR. “The TSC1-mTOR-PLK Axis Regulates the Homeostatic Switch from Schwann cell Proliferation to Myelination in a Stage-specific Manner”. Glia, 3 May 2018 doi: 10.1002/glia.23449.

13.  Feng T, Hu Y, Fan M, Wang H, Wang Z. “Racial Bias in Neural Response for Pain is Modulated by Minimal Group”. Front. Human Neurosci., 11:1-9, 2018

14.  Jiang M, Liu L, He X, Wang H, Lin W, Wang H, Yoon SO, Wood TL, Lu QR. “Regulation of PERK-eIF2α Signalling by Tuberous Sclerosis Complex-1 Controls Homoeostasis and Survival of Myelinating Oligodendrocytes”. Nat Commun. 15;7:12185, 2016

15.  Li C, Zhang N, Hu Y, Wang H*. “NR2B Overexpression Leads to the Enhancement of Specific Protein Phosphorylation in the Brain”. Brain Res.Vol 1588:127-34, 2014

16.  Jacobs S, Cui Z, Feng R, Wang H, Wang D, Tsien JZ. “Molecular and Genetic Determinants of the NMDA Receptor for Superior Learning and Memory Functions”. Plos One  9(10):e111865, 2014

17.  Cui Z, Feng R, Jacobs S, Duan Y, Wang H, Cao X, Tsien JZ. “ Increased NR2A:NR2B Ratio Compresses Long-term Depression Range and Constrains Long-term Memory”. Sci Rep. Vol 3:1036, 2013

18.  Li C, Su M, Wang H*, Hu Y*. “Global View of Transcriptome in the Brains of Aged NR2B Transgenic Mice”. Neural Regen Res.Vol 8:2734-43, 2013 (co-correspondence author)

19.  C. Li, S. Dong , H. Wang* and Y. Hu*. “Microarray Analysis of Gene Expression Changes in the Brains of NR2B-indiced Memory-enhanced Mice”. Neuroscience Vol197:121, 2011 (co-correspondence author)

20.  S.T. Doh, H. Hao, S.C. Loh, T. Patel, H.Y. Tawil, D.K. Chen, A. Pashkova, A. Shen, H. Wang and L. Cai. “Analysis of Retinal Cell Development in Chick Embryo by Immunochemistry and In Ovo Electroporation Techniques”. BMC Dev. Biol. Vol 10:8, 2010

21.  X. Cao*, H. Wang*, B. Mei*, S. An, L. Yin, L. P. Wang and J. Z. Tsien. “Inducible and Selective Erasure of Memories in the Mouse Brain via Chemical-Genetic Manipulation”. Neuron Vol 60 : 353-366, 2008 (co-author)

22.  H. Wang*, R. Feng*,  L. P. Wang, F. Li, X. Cao and J. Z. Tsien. “CaMKII Activation State Underlies Synaptic Labile Phase of LTP and Short-Term Memory Formation”. Curr. Biol. Vol 18 : 1540-154, 2008 (co-author)

23.  H. Wang, Y. Hu and J. Z. Tsien. “Molecular and Systems Mechanisms of Memory Consolidation and Storage”. Prog. Neurobio. Vol 79:123-135, 2006

24.  F. Wei, G. D. Wang, C. Chang, K. M. Shokat, H. Wang, J. Z. Tsien, J. Liauw and M. Zhuo. “Forbrain Overexpression of CaMKII Abolishes Cingulate Long Term Depression and Reduces Mechanical Allodynia and Thermal Hyperalgesia”. Mol. Pain Vol 15: 21, 2006

25.  R. Feng, H. Wang, J. Wang and J. Z. Tsien. “Loss of Presenilin Function Induces Apoptosis followed by Age-dependent Neurodegeneration”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. Vol 101:8162-8167, 2004

26. Z. Cui , H. Wang , Y. Tan , S. Zhang , J. Z. Tsien. “Inducible and reversible NR1 knockout reveals crucial role of the NMDA      receptor in preserving remote memories in the brain.” Neuron. Vol 41:781-793, 2004

27.  H. Wang*, E. Shimizu*, Y.-P. Tang*, M. Cho, M. Kyin, W. Zuo, D. A. Robinson, P. J. Alaimo, C. Zhang, H. Morimoto, M. Zhuo, R.   Feng,K. M. Shokat and J. Z. Tsien. “Conditional Protein Knockout Reveals Temporal Requirement of CaMKII Reactivation for Memory Consolidation in the Brain”. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. Vol 100:4287-4292, 2003 (co-author)

28.  Y.-P. Tang, H. Wang, R. Feng, M. Kyin and J. Z. Tsien. “Differential Effects of Enrichment on Learning and Memory Function in   NR2B Transgenic Mice”. Neuropharmacology. Vol 41:779-90, 2001


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