




  • 部门: 心理与认知科学学院
  • 毕业院校:
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 研究生
  • 邮编: 200062
  • 联系电话:
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  • 电子邮箱: mgjyduan@hotmail.com
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  • 通讯地址: 上海市中山北路3663号


浙江大学应用心理学本科、硕士和博士(工业-组织心理学, 2008)


2019.1-至今   华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院  教授(博导) 紫江青年学者

2013.7-2019.1  苏州大学教育学院   教授(破格)(2014.7评为博导)

2010.7-2013.7  苏州大学教育学院   副教授(破格)

2008.9-2010.7  苏州大学教育学院   讲师

2004.11-2005.5  香港城市大学商学院  研究助理




中南大学、苏州科技大学兼职教授。中国人力资源开发研究会常务理事,中国心理学会工业心理学专委会理事,中国心理学会管理心理学专委会理事。《中国人力资源开发》,《珞珈管理评论》,《应用心理学》, 《Asian Pacific Journal of Management》等期刊编委。办有'泡泡心理'微信公众号。
















发表论文摘选(Selected Publications)

  1. Lin X., Tse H H M., Shao B., & Duan J*. (accepted).How do humble leaders unleash followers’ leadership potential? The roles of workplace status and individualistic orientation. Journal of Organizational Behavior.

  2. Li S., Peluso A M., Duan J*.(in press).Why do we prefer humans to artificial intelligence in telemarketing? A mind perception explanation. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

  3. Duan J., Yin J., Xu Y.(in press).Distance makes the heart grow fonder: construal-level perspective on entrepreneurial opportunity evaluation. Journal of Vocational Behavior.

  4. Lin X., Wu C., Dong Y., G Z X Chen., Wei W., Duan J. (in press).Psychological contract breach and destructive voice: The mediating effect of relative deprivation and the moderating effect of leader emotional support. Journal of Vocational Behavior.

  5. Wang X, Guo J, Cai Y, Zhu Y, Duan J*. (2024). How does managerial consultation backfire pertaining to employee voice pressure? The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 35(6), 1164-1192. 

  6. Duan J., Wang X., Xu Y., Shi L.(2024).Why and how manager promotive and preventive psychological ownership influence voice endorsement.British Journal of Management, 35(1), 487-502.

  7. Duan J., Wang X., Lin X., Guo Z.(2024).How voicer humility influences managerial voice endorsement: An expectancy violation perspective. British Journal of Management, 35(1), 449-463.

  8. Duan J., Zong Z., Wang X., Wang T., Li P. (2023). Leverage self- and other- compassion to prevent the abuse trickle-down. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 44, 1419-1435.

  9. Duan J., Wang T., Xu Y., Zhu Y.(2023).Employee status and voice under authoritarian leader: An attachment perspective. Journal of Business and Psychology, 38, 607-619.

  10. Duan J., Ren X., Liu Z., Riggio R E.(2022). Connecting the dots: How original and current social status shape individuals' transformational leadership. Journal of Business Research, 150, 51-58.

  11. Duan, J., Xia, Y., Xu, Y., Wu, C.(2022).The curvilinear effect of perceived overqualification on constructive voice: The moderating role of leader consultation and the mediating role of work engagement. Human Resource Management,61(4), 489-510.

  12. Duan J., Lin X., Wang X., Xu Y. (2022). How organisational cultures shape social cognition for newcomer voices. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 95, 660-686.

  13. Duan J., Xu T., Cai Y. (2022).To act or not to act? How do pregnant employees perform based on family-supportive supervisor behavior. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 71, 1493-1512.

  14. Hao L., Zhu H., He Y., Duan J., Zhao T., Meng H.(2022). When is silence golden? A meta-analysis on antecedents and outcomes of employee silence. Journal of Business and Psychology, 37, 1039-1063.

  15. Duan, J., Wang, X., Janssen, O., & Farh, J.L. (2022). Transformational leadership and voice: When does felt obligation to the leader matter? Journal of Business and Psychology, 37,543-555.

  16. Duan, J., Zhou, A.J., Yu, L.(2022). A dual-process model of voice endorsement. The International Journal of Human Resouce Management, 33(18), 3765–3787.

  17. Duan, J., Yao, D., Xu, Y., & Yu, L.(2022).Theory of self-cultivation based on Confucianism: A supplement to social exchange theory. Chinese Management Studies,16(1), 62-77.

  18. Duan, J., Peluso, A.M., Yu, L, Pilati, M. (2021). How employment relationship types influence employee work outcomes: The role of need for status and vigor. Journal of Business Research, 128, 211-221.

  19. Duan, J., Xu, Y., Wang, X., Wu, C., Wang, Y. (2021).Voice for oneself: Self-interested voice and its antecedents and consequences. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology,94(1), 1-28.(top cited article 2020-2021)

  20. Duan, J., Wang, X., Brinsfield, C.T., Liu, S.(2020). How enhancing employee well-being can encourage voice behavior: A desire fulfillment perspective. Human Performance, 33(5), 425-446. 

  21. Duan, J., Guo, Z., Brinsfield, C.T. (2020).Does leader integrity facilitate employee voice? A moderated mediation model of perceived risk and leader consultation. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 41(8), 1069-1087.

  22. Duan, J., Yin, J., Xu, Y., & Wu, Y. (2020) Should I stay or should I go? Job demands’ push and entrepreneurial resources’ pull in Chinese migrant workers’ return-home entrepreneurial intention. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 32(5-6), 429-448..

  23. Duan, J., Lapointe,É., Xu, Y., & Brooks, S. (2019). Why do employees speak up? Examining the roles of LMX, perceived risk and perceived leader power in predicting voice behavior. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 34(8), 560-572.

  24. Duan, J., Xu, Y., Frazier, M. L. (2019). Voice climate, TMX, and task interdependence: A team-level study. Small Group Research, 50(2), 199-226.

  25. Duan, J.,Wong,M., Yue, Y. (2019). Organizational helping behavior and its relationship with employee workplace well-being. Career Development International, 24(1),18-36.

  26. Duan, J., Xia, X., Van Swol, L.M. (2018).Emoticons' influence on advice taking. Computers in Human Behavior, 79, 53-58.

  27. Duan, J., Bao, C., Huang, C., Brinsfield, C.T. (2018). Authoritarian leadership and employee silence in China. Journal of Management & Organization, 24(1), 62-80.

  28. Duan, J., Li, C., Xu, Y., Wu, C.(2017). Transformational leadership and employee voice behavior: A Pygmalion mechanism. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(5), 650-670.(top 10 most cited in 2019)

  29. Duan J., Kwan, H., Ling B.(2014).The role of voice efficacy in the formation of voice  behaviour: A cross-level examination. Journal of Management & Organization, 20(4), 526-543.

  30. 贾建锋, 刘伟鹏, 段锦云*, 赵洋.(2024).妒忌还是钦佩: 员工对同事被授权的心理与行为反应. 心理学报.

  31. 张颖, 段锦云*, 王甫希, 屈金照, 彭雄良.(2022).近朱者赤: 同事主动行为如何激发员工动机和绩效. 心理学报,54(5),516-528.

  32. 段锦云, 施蓓, 王啸天. (2019). 寻求者的注视方向对建议者提出建议的影响. 心理学报, 51(12),1363-1374.

  33. 段锦云, 施嘉逸, 凌斌.(2017). 高承诺组织与员工建言:双过程模型检验. 心理学报, 49(4), 539-553.(年度优秀论文)

  34. 段锦云, 古晓花, 孙露莹.(2016).外显自尊、内隐自尊及其分离对建议采纳的影响. 心理学报, 48(4), 371-384.

  35. 王永跃, 段锦云.(2015).政治技能如何影响员工建言:关系和绩效的作用.管理世界, 3,102-112.

  36. 段锦云, 周冉, 古晓花. (2014).正面自我标签对建议采纳的影响.心理学报,46 (10), 1591-1602.

  37. 段锦云,黄彩云.(2013).个人权力感对进谏行为的影响:权力认知的视角.心理学报,45(2),217−230.

  38. 段锦云, 周冉, 陆文娟, 李晶, 朱宜超.(2013).不同反应线索条件下调节匹配对建议采纳的影响. 心理学报, 45(1), 104-113.

  39. 段锦云, 魏秋江. (2012). 建言效能感结构及其在建言行为发生中的作用.心理学报, 44(7), 972−985.

  40. 段锦云, 凌斌. (2011). 中国背景下建言行为结构及中庸思维对其的影响.心理学报, 43(10), 1185−1197.



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