
Bian Wu




  • Department: Education Information Technology
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  • Email: bwu@deit.ecnu.edu.cn
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University of Hong Kong



Associate Professor 

Visiting Scholar at University of Wisconsin-Madison

Other Appointments

Editorial Board Member, Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL), International Journal on Digital Learning Technology

Consulting Editor, Educational Technology Research & Development (ETR&D)

Reviewer, Computers in Human Behavior (CHB), British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET), Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL), International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (ETHE), ICALT, GCCCE, ICCE, ICQE

Research Fields

Complex problem solving

Learning analytics

E-learning design and evaluation

Virtual reality in Education

ICT in teacher training


Data literacy and data science education

Computational thinking and STEM education

Medical education and medical cognition

Enrollment and Training


Introduction to the Learning Sciences

Java Programming

R Language in Learning Analytics

Scientific Research

1.PI. Screen culture on youth intelligence development. “Happiness of Flower” Pilot Research Fund, ECNU (2019-2021)

2.Co-PI. Research on virtual internship-based STEM teacher education innovative mode and application. The youth project of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Education, China. (2019-2022)

3.Co-PI. Research on problem solving ability measurement technology and mechanism based on natural language processing and discourse analysis in collaborative learning contexts. National Natural Science Foundation of China, China (2019-2022)

4.Co-PI. Research on the evolution and funding allocation of the national science foundation’s education science funding system. National Natural Science Foundation of China, China (2017.7-2020.6)

5.PI. Online collaborative problem-solving learning assessment. The youth project of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Education, China (2016.9-2019.8).

6.PI. Research on the impact of teacher’s teaching belief and ICT intention in teaching on 21st century teaching and learning. Scientific Innovation Grant, ECNU (2017-2019).

7.Co-PI. Research on the evolution and fund configuration of the NSF educational science support in the America. National Science Foundation, China (2017-2019).

8.PI. Clinical reasoning competence assessment using computer-based visualization technique. Interdisciplinary workshop grant, ECNU. (2016.7-2018.6)

9.PI. Visualization-based cognitive tool in support of ill-structured problem-solving assessment. The youth project of the Ministry of Education for the 12th Five-year Plan of National Science of Education, China (2014.12-2016.12).

10.Co-PI. A pilot study on integrating learning facilities into computer aided diagnosis systems, Seed Funding for Basic Research, HKU (2014.04-2016.03)

11.Co-PI. Using Semantic Diagram to support knowledge visualization and modeling: Research and practice. The general project of MOE (Ministry of Education in China) for the 12th Five-year Plan of National Science of Education (2013.1-2015.12)

12.Co-PI. E-schoolbag classroom’s teaching behavior based on natural input style of digital media. Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science plan of Science of Education (2013.7-2015.12)

13.PI. MOOCs mode and practice in open university, Shanghai Open University-ECNU Post-doctoral Grant (2013.9-2014.10)

14.PI. E-learning platform requirement analysis and ICT-supported teaching and learning, Soft Science Funding, ECNU (2013.9-2014.9)

15.Co-PI. Connecting problem solving and knowledge construction through the design of a visualization-based learning environment, Seed Funding for Basic Research, HKU (2013.3-2015.4)

Academic Achievements

Refereed International Journal Publications

  1. Wu, B., Hu, Y., & Wang, M. (2019) Scaffolding design thinking in online STEM preservice teacher training. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(5),2271-2287. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12873

  2. Wu, B., Yu, X., & Hu, Y. (2019) How does principal e-leadership affect ICT transformation across different school stages in K-12education: Perspectives from teachers in Shanghai. British Journal of Educational Technology, 50(3), 1210-1225. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjet.12766

  3. Wu, B., Hu, Y., Ruis, A., & Wang, M. (2019) Assessing computational thinking in collaborative programming: A quantitative ethnography approach. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 35(3), 421-434. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12348

  4. Wang, M., Wu, B., Kirschner, P., & Spector, M.(2018) Using cognitive mapping to foster deep learning with complex problems in a computer-based environment. Computers in Human Behavior. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.chb.2018.01.024 

  5. Hu, Y., Wu, B.,& Gu, X. (2017) An eye tracking study of high and low performing students in solving interactive and analytical problems. Educational Technology & Society. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26229225

  6. Hu, Y., Wu, B.,& Gu, X. (2017) Learning analysis of K-12 students’ online problem solving: A three-stage assessment approach. Interactive Learning Environments,25(2).262-279http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2016.1276080

  7. Wu, B., Wang, M., Grotzer, T. A., Liu, J., & Johnson, J. M. (2016) Visualizing complex processes using a cognitive-mapping tool to support the learning of clinical reasoning. BMC Medical Educationhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12909-016-0734-x.

  8. Wu, B., Hu, Y., Gu, X., & Lim, C. P. (2016) Professional development of new higher education teachers with information and communication technology (ICT) in Shanghai: A Kirkpatrick's evaluation approach. Journal of Educational Computing Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0735633115621922.

  9. Wu, B., Wang, M., Johnson, J. M., & Grotzer, T. A. (2014) Improving clinical reasoning learning through computer-based cognitive representation. Medical Education Online, http://dx.doi.org/10.3402/meo.v19.25940.

  10. Gu, X., Wu, B., & Xu, X. (2014) Design, development, and learning in e-Textbooks: What we learned and where we are going. Journal of Computers in Edcuation, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s40692-014-0023-9

  11. Wu, B., Wang, M., Spector, M., & Yang, S.. (2013) Design of a dual-mapping learning approach for problem solving and knowledge constructionin ill-structured domains.Educational Technology & Society, Vol.16, No.4, pp.71-84, http://www.jstor.org/stable/jeductechsoci.16.4.71

  12. Wang, M., Wu, B., Chen, N. S., Kinshuk, & Spector, M. (2013) Connecting problem solving and knowledge construction processes in a visualization-based learning environment.Computers & Education,Vol.68, pp.293-306, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2013.05.004

  13. Wu, B., & Wang, M. (2012) Integrating problem solving and knowledge construction through dual mapping.Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal (KM&EL), Vol.4,No.3, pp. 248-257, http://kmel-journal.org/ojs/index.php/online-publication/article/viewArticle/197

Refereed International Conference Publications

  1. Peng, X. & Wu, B. (2020) Modeling STEM Learning Design Competence Through Discourse Analysis. International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology (ICALT).

  2. Nie, J. & Wu, B. (2020) Investigating the effect of immersive virtual reality and planning on simulation learning outcomesA media and method experiment. International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology (ICALT).

  3. Ruan, J., Wu, B., & Wang, G. (2020) How to support STEM learning design: A learning design tool based on backward design model. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), April 2020, San Francisco, USA.

  4. Wu, B., & Ruan, J. (2019) Plan backward to move forward: Exploring preservice teachers’ competence trajectory through backward design of STEM curriculum. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography (ICQE), Oct 2019, Madison, USA.

  5. Wu, B., & Peng, X. (2019) Directive or facilitative tutor? The effect of tutoring styles on STEM learning design discussion. Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography (ICQE), Oct 2019, Madison, USA.

  6. Wang, G., Wu, B., & Hu, Y. (2019) How to measure the collaborative problem-solving competency based on conversational agent. Proceedings of 27st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Dec 2019, Kenting, Taiwan.

  7. Peng, X. & Wu, B. (2019) Research on the development of a personalized learning assessment model: Building connections between knowledge components and cognitive levels. Proceedings of 27st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Dec 2019, Kenting, Taiwan.

  8. Hu, Y., Yu, X., & Wu, B. (2019) University teachers' m-learning approach adoption: Integrating m-technology and m-pedagogy factors into a behavioral intention model. Proceedings of 2019 AECT International Convention, Oct 2019, Las Vegas, USA.

  9. Ruan, J., Wu, B., & Gu, X. (2019) Design of an online STEM teacher training environment: An authentic learning perspective. Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education 2019, Las Vegas, USA.

  10. Wu, B. & Sung, H. (2019) Exploring the epistemic development trajectories in jigsaw-based collaborative problem solving. AERA 2019, Toronto, Canada.

  11. Du, F., Zhao, Y., Wu, B., & Gu, X. (2018) A review of presence research in foreign online learning. GCCCE 2018, Guangzhou, China.

  12. Wang, G., Sheng, H, & Wu, B. (2018) Case study of learning evaluation based on epistemic network analysis. GCCCE 2018, Guangzhou, China.

  13. Jiang, F. & Wu, B. (2018) Innovative Design Pattern of Internet +STEM Education: Inspiration from Virtual Internship Program. GCCCE 2018, Guangzhou, China.

  14. Hu, Y., Zhu, J., Wu, B. (2017) Scaffolding spatial thinking with visualization and embodiment: A 3D multimedia approach. International Conference on Advanced Learning Technology (ICALT).

  15. Wu, B. (2017) Effective scaffolding strategies in support of learning computational thinking in a primary robotics-programming course. AERA, 2017,San Antonio, USA.

  16. Hu, Y., Wu, B., & Gu, X. (2017) Why Shanghai students performed not so well in PISA problem-solving test: A control-valueperspective. AERA, 2017, San Antonio,USA.

  17. Wu, B. (2016) Robotics programming in support of computational thinking: Scaffolding from teacher,peer, and robotics agents. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Singapore.

  18. Wang, M., Wu, B., & Kirschner,P. (2016). Extended concept mapping to support problem solving and learning in a computer-based learning environment, Proceedings of the Workshopon Computer-Based Learning Environments for Deep Learning in Inquiry and Problem-Solving Contexts, International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), Singapore.

  19. Hu, Y., Feng, Y. & Wu, B. Do they learn well in class: A new lens to explore learning motivation and cognitivecompetence. The AECT-LKAOE 2015 SummerInternational Research Symposium, Shanghai, China, 2015.

  20. Luo, J., Sun, M., Wu, B., & Gu, X. Exploring the Effectiveness of a FlippedClassroom Based on Control-Value Theory: A Case Study.Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education. Japan: Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education, Nara,Japan.  

  21. Wu, B., Cai, H., & Gu, X. Visualization tool-supported PBLenvironment in clinical expertise development.AERA 2014 Annual Meeting, April 2014, Philadelphia, USA.

  22. Wang, J., Wu, B., & Gu, X. (2014) Training of Pre-service Teachers in Higher Education Institutions in Shanghai: Research on TPACK and Technology Acceptance, Proceedings of 18th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), May 2014, Shanghai, China.

  23. Cai, H., Wu, B., & Gu, X. (2013) Collaborative Problem-Solving Learning Supported by Semantic Diagram Tool: From the View of Technology Orchestrated into Learning Activity, Proceedings of 21st International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Nov 2013, Denpasar Bali, Indonesia.

  24. Wu, B., & Wang, M. (2012) Integrating Problem Solving and Knowledge Construction through Dual Mapping, 16th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), May 2012, Kenting, Taiwan.

  25. Wu, B., & Wang, M. (2011) Dual Mapping for Support of Problem Solving and Knowledge Construction, 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning TechnologiesICALT, July 2011, Athens, Georgia, USA (IEEE, EI).

  26. Wu, B., & Wang, M., & Yun, H. (2009) An Agent-Based System for Healthcare Process Management, Proceedings of International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS), Milan, May 2009 (EI).

  27. Wu, B., Wang, M., Yun, H., & Jiang, H. (2009) An Agent-based Cognitive Approach for Healthcare Process Management, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics (ICCI), Hong Kong, June 2009 (IEEE, EI).

Refereed Chinese Journal Publications

  1. Wu, B., Wang, G., Hu, Y., & Zhu, J. (2019) Design and effect verification of collaborative problem-solving ability assessment tool based on conversational agent. Journal of Distance Education, (6), 91-99.

  2. Wu, B., & Du, F. (2019) The influence of teachers’ tutoring style on PBL learning performance in ill-structured problem domain: An epistemic network analysis approach. Distance Education in China, (9), 65-71,93.

  3. Wu, B., Hu, Y., & Zhao, Y. (2019) How to use data scientifically? Returning to theory-based deep learning and assessment: An interview with Prof. David Williamson Shaffer. Open Education Research, 25(1), 4-12.

  4. Wu, B., & Wang, G. (2019) Discourse analysis of cooperative programming to model computational thinking competence development trajectory: A quantitative ethnography approach. Modern Distance Education Research, 158(2), 76-84, 94.

  5. Wu, B., Wang G., Sheng, H. (2018) Epistemic Network Analysis: A New Idea for Learning Assessment in STEM Education. Journal of Distance Education, (6), 3-10.

  6. Wu, B., Hu, M., & Hu, Yi. (2018) Focused areas of ICT in teacher education study: Co-occurrence analysis based on international journal articles from 2000 to 2017. Open Education Research, 24(1), 92-90.

  7. Wu, B., & Gu, X. (2017) Deep Understanding, Practical Cases, Trends and Prospects in Educational Big Data. Modern Distance Education Research, 147(3), 11-17.

  8. Wu, B., Hu, Y., & Gu, X. (2016) An empirical study on pre-Service higher education teachers’ ICT integration competencies: A lesson from pre-service higher education teacher training program in Shanghai. Modern Distance Education Research, 141(3), 77-83.

  9. Wu, B., & Cai, H. (2015) Authentic learning: Let learning happening both hands and minds of students: An interview with Dr. Jan Herrington of Murdoch university in Australia. Modern Distance Education Research, 137(5), 12-18.

  10. Xiao, J., Hu, Y., Chen, J., & Wu, B. (2015) MOOCs operational mechanism in open education. China Educational Technology, (3), 10-14, 38.

  11. Wu, B.,& Gu, X. (2014) Research on learning behavior pattern analysis of expertise development facilitated by a visualization-learning tool. Open Education Research, 20(5), 59-66.

  12. Hu, Y., Chen, J., Gu, X., & Wu, B. (2014) The challenges and strategies of MOOCs in educational balance. China Educational Technology, (7), 40-45.

  13. Wu, B., & Gu, X. (2013). The way to effective pedagogy and instruction design: An interview with Prof. Paul A. Kirschner. Open Education Research, 19(5), 4-11.

  14. Liu, J., Wu, B., & Wang, M.(2013). Visualization tool-supported problem-based learning in clinical diagnostic expertise development. Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research.


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