

Faculty of Education


  • Department: Department of Early Childhoood Education
  • Gender: female
  • Post:
  • Graduate School: The University of Newcastle
  • Degree: Ph.D
  • Academic Credentials:
  • Tel: 021-62233913
  • Email: Ting.liu@uon.edu.au
  • Office:
  • Address: The Department of Early Childhoood Education, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.200062
  • PostCode:
  • Fax:




Other Appointments

Research Fields

Ting Liu, PhD, is a full-time staff at the Department of Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Education, East China Normal University. 

Her current research topics include:

1. Migrant children's educational inclusion; 

2. Care and education for young children aged 0-3; 

3. Mathematics education of young children.

Enrollment and Training


Mathematics education of young children;

Behavior observation and assessment of children in early childhood;

Frontier courses in early childhood education research.


Academic Achievements

 Liu T., Zhang, X., & Jiang Y. (2020) Family socioeconomic status and the cognitive competence of very young children from migrant and non-migrant Chinese families: The mediating role of parenting self-efficacy and parental involvement. Early Childhood Research Quarterly. 51, 229-241.

Liu, T., Zhang, X., Zhao, K., & Chan, W. L. (2020). Teacher-child relationship quality and Chinese toddlers’ developmental functioning: A cross-lagged modelling approach. Children and Youth Services Review. 116(9), 1-12.

Liu T., Holmes K., & Albright J. (2020). Teachers’ perceptions of educational inclusion for migrant children in Chinese urban schools: A cohort study. Education and Urban Society, 52(4), 649-672.

Liu T., Lu M., & Holmes K. (2019). Co-parental self-efficacy and young child developmental outcomes among rural-urban migrant families. Early Child Development and Care. 189(11), 1800-1811.

 Liu T., & Laura R. S. (2018). From education segregation to inclusion: The policy ramifications on Chinese internal migrant children. Policy Futures in Education, 16(3), 237-250.

 Liu T., Holmes K., & Zhang M. (2018). Better educational inclusion of migrant children in urban schools? Exploring the influences of the population control policy in large Chinese cities. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 12(1), 54-62.

 Liu T., & Laura R. S. (2017). School segregation policy and its educational ramifications for internal migrant children in urban China. Asian Journal of Social Science Studies, 2, 10-19.

 Liu T., & Laura R. S. (2017). Assimilation patterns of migrant students in China: An exploration of their implications for mathematics outcomes. International Journal of Asian Social Science.7, 595-607.

 Liu, T., Holmes, K., & Albright, J. (2015). Predictors of mathematics achievement of migrant children in Chinese urban schools: A comparative study. International Journal of Educational Development, 42 (2), 35-42.

 Liu, T., Holmes, K., & Albright, J. (2015). Urban teachers’ perceptions of inclusion of migrant children in the Chinese educational institution: a comparative study. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 19(9), 994-1008.

 Liu, T., & Laura, R. S. (2015). Pedagogic reflections on Chinese equity issues: Investigating disparate performance outcomes in primary mathematics. International Online Journal of Primary Education, 4(1), 10-20.

