




  • Department: institute of anthropology
  • Graduate School:
  • Degree: PhD
  • Academic Credentials:
  • PostCode: 200241
  • Tel:
  • Fax:
  • Email: xwu@soci.ecnu.edu.cn
  • Office: 500 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai
  • Address:


PhD in anthropology, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada


Postdoctoral fellow: University of Alberta, 2004-2005

Research associate: University of Calgary, 2005

Assistant professor: University of Saskatchewan, 2006-2008

Associate and full professor: East China Normal University, 2008-now 

Visiting scholar: Harvard Yenching Institute, 2012-2013

Consultant: Final Evaluation of UN MDG-F “China Culture & Development Partnership Framework Project.” UN MDG-F (Millennium Development Goals Fund), 2011

Consultant: Final Evaluation of “Sustainable Ethnic Minority Cultural Industry Development Project.” UNDP, 2014


Other Appointments

Research Fields

food, ethnobiology, place-making

         Wu, Xu. 2023. Weed-fed Pigs: Food Sovereignty in the Blind Spot. Journal of Ethnobiology 43(2) 115–124 [SSCI]

        Wu, Xu. 2022. Weed-Eating Pigs: Cultural Keystone Species, Interiority and Traditional Village Protection in Central China. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 23(2): 166-184 

        Wu, Chang & Xu Wu. 2021. The Art-Craft Boundary in Contemporary Central China: The Case of Root Carving. The Journal of Modern Craft, 14(2): 141-154

          Wu, Xu. 2016. Local Foods in China. In Cooking Cultures: Convergent Histories of Food and Feeling, edited by Ishita Banerjee-Dube, Cambridge University Press, pp139-157.        

Wu, Xu. 2016. Ethnic Foods as Unprepared Materials and as Cuisines in a Culture-based Development Project in Southwest China. Asian Ethnology, 75(2):417-437.

Wu, Xu. 2015. Wild Edible Plants and Pilgrimage on Wudang Mountain. Journal of Ethnobiology, 35(3): 606-627.

Wu, Xu. 2015. La comida local y su significado en la China contemporáea: el caso del suroeste de Hubei. Estudios de Asia y África, 50(3):651-677.

Wu, Xu. 2014. The Farmhouse Joy (nongjiale) Movement in China's Ethnic Minority Villages. The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 15(2): 158-177.

Wu, Xu. 2014. Artemesia Meals in Enshi, China. Flavor and Fortune, 21(4): 8-10

Wu, Xu. 2014. Final Evaluation of Sustainable Ethnic Minority Cultural Industry Development Project (2011-2014). UNDP

Tapp, Nicholas & Xu Wu. 2011. Final Evaluation of Millennium Development Goals Fund (MDG-F) China Culture & Development Partnership Framework (4 November 2008 - 3 November 2011), UN CDPF Publication No. 24. http://www.mdgfund.org/sites/default/files/China%20-%20Culture%20-%20Final%20Evaluation%20Report.pdf

Wu, Xu. 2010. Tujia National Minority. The Berg Encyclopedia of World Dress & Fashion, Oxford: Berg, Volume 6: 225-229.

        Wu, Xu. 2006/2007. Maize, Ecosystem Transition and Ethnicity in Enshi, China. East Asian History, 32/33(1):129-150.

        Wu, Xu. 2005. The New Year’s Eve Dinner and Wormwood Meal: Festival Foodways as Ethnic Markers in Enshi. Modern China, 31(3):353-380.

        Wu, Xu. 2004. “Ethnic Foods” and Regional Identity: the Hezha Restaurants in Enshi. Food and Foodways, 12(4):225-246.

Wu, Xu. 2003. “Turning Waste into Things of Value”: Marketing Fern, Kudzu and Osmunda in Enshi Prefecture, China. Journal of Developing Societies, 19(4):433-457.

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Scientific Research

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10 Visits

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