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Research Fields

Urban Sociology, Gender/Sexuality, and Qualitative Methods

Enrollment and Training


Scientific Research

Academic Achievements


1.Wei, W. 2015. 酷读中国社会:城市空间,流行文化和社会政策, 广西师范大学出版社 / Queering Chinese Society: Urban Space, Popular Culture and Social Policy in Chinese, Guangxi Normal University Press.

2.Wei, W. 2012. 公开:当代成都“同志”空间的形成和变迁,上海三联书店 / Going Public: The Production and Transformation of Queer Spaces in Contemporary Chengdu, China (in Chinese) Shanghai Joint Publishing Company.


Journal Articles and Book Chapters

1.Wei, W. (forthcoming) “Straight Men, Gay Buddies: Chinese BL Boom and Its Impact on Male Homosociality”, in Queer Transfigurations: Boys Love Media in Asia. James Welker ed. University of Hawaii Press.

2.Wei, W. (forthcoming) “The Normalization Project: The Progress and Limitations of Promoting the LGBTQ Research and Teaching in Mainland China”, Journal of Homosexuality. (SSCI)

3.Wei, W. and J. Shi. 2017. 同性恋话语与中国城市青年异性恋男性特质建构, 《青年研究》/ “Homosexually-themed Discourse and the Construction of Chinese Urban Youth’s Heteromasculinity” (in Chinese), Youth Studies (4): 66-77.

4.Wei, W. 2017. 家本位传统和中国特色同志运动,《妇研纵横》(台湾)4. / "Family-Centered Tradition and Gay Movement with Chinese Characteristics" (in Chinese), Forum in Women's and Gender Studies (Taiwan) (4): 44-51.

5.Wei, W. 2017, “Good Gay Buddies for Lifetime: Homosexually-themed Discourse and the Construction of Heteromasculinity among Chinese Urban Youth”, Journal of Homosexuality 64 (12): 1667-1683. DOI:10.1080/00918369.2016.1253393 (SSCI)

6.Zhou, R., W. Coleman, Y. Huang, C. Sinding, W. Wei, J. Gahagan, E. Micollier, and H. Su. 2017. "Exploring the Intersections of Transnationalism, Sexuality and HIV Risks", Culture, Health & Sexuality 19 (6): 645-652. DOI:10.1080/13691058.2017.1300327 (SSCI)

7.Wei, W. 2017. “Masculinity on Transnational Journeys: Sexual Practices and Risk Management among Male Chinese Immigrants to Canada”, Culture, Health & Sexuality 19 (6): 680-694. DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2016.1237673 (SSCI)

8.Wei, W. 2016.同性伴侣家庭的生育:实现途径、家庭生活和社会适应,《山东社会科学》/“Lesbian and Gay Parenting: Paths, Family Life and Social Adaptability” (in Chinese), Shandong Social Sciences (12): 75-82

9.Wei, W. 2016.性别失衡社会中的同性伴侣家庭:实践、权利和政策启示,《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》/"Same-sex Households in a Sexual Imbalanced Society: Practices, Rights and Policy Implications” (in Chinese), Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Science Edition) (6): 133-134

10.Wei, W. 2016. (Book Review) Tongzhi Living: Men Attracted to Men in Postsocialist China, by Tiantian Zheng, Journal of Asian Studies 75 (3):827-828 (SSCI)

11.Wei, W. 2015. “Queer Organizing and HIV/AIDS Activism: An Ethnographic Study of a Local Tongzhi Organization in Chengdu”, in Queer/Tongzhi China: New Perspectives on Research, Activism and Media Cultures, Elisabeth L. Engebretsen, William F. Schroeder and Hongwei Bao eds. Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 192-216.

12.Wei, W. 2015. “Street, Behavior, Art: Advocating Gender Rights and the Innovation of a Social Movement Repertoire”, Chinese Journal of Sociology 1 (2): 279-304, DOI: 10.1177/2057150X15579151

13.Wei, W. 2014. “性别失衡治理的研究预设和反思,《探索与争鸣》9, 34-35 / “Treating Imbalanced Sex Ratio: Research Presupposition and Reflection” (in Chinese), Exploration and Free Views (9):34-35

14.Shen, Q. andW. Wei. 2014, “国家和市场共同形塑的性别多元再现: ‘酷读’2013年央视春晚,《国际新闻界》1, 76-89 / “The Representation of Gender Diversity Shaped by the State and Market: The Queer Reading of 2013 CCTV Spring Festival Gala” (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Journalism & Communication (1): 76-89

15.Wei, W. 2014. 街头. 行为. 艺术:性别权利倡导和抗争行动形式库的创新,《社会》2, 94-117 / “The Use of Street Theatre in Advocating Gender Rights: An Innovation of Social Movement Repertoire in Contemporary Chinese Society” (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Sociology 34 (2):94-117

16.Wei, W. 2013. (Book Review) Chinese Male Homosexualities: Memba, Tongzhi and Golden Boy, by Travis S.K. Kong, Women's Studies 42 (5): 617-620, DOI: 10.1080/00497878.2013.794086 (A&HCI)

17.Wei, W. 2013. “同性伴侣关系:亲密关系的多重样态及应可能,《探索与争鸣》5, 29-30 / “Same-Sex Partner: Multipilicity and the New Possibility of Intimacy” (in Chinese). Exploration and Free Views (5): 29-30

18.Wei, W. 2013. “上海地铁女性着装’‘之争:性别化公共空间的后果,《妇女研究论丛》1, 10-17 / “The Debates on Female Provocative Dressing and Sexual Harassment: The Consequence of Gendered Public Space” (in Chinese). Collection of Women’s Studies (1): 10-17

19.Wei, W. and X. Fu. 2013.“城市、空间和同性恋:中国本土经验以及区域差异,《青年研究》 1, 68-76 / “City, Space and Homosexuality: Chinese Experiences with Local/Regional Difference” (in Chinese), Youth Studies (1):68-76

20.Wei, W. and S. Cai. 2012. “探索新的关系和生活模式:关于成都男同性恋伴侣关系和生活实践的研究,《社会》 6, 57-85 / “Exploring a New Relationship Model and Life Choice: A Study of Relationship and Family Practices among Gay Couples in Chengdu” (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Sociology 32 (6):57-85

21.Yang, B., W.Wei and S. Li. 2012中国性别失衡与sexuality:一个新的研究视角与框架,《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》3, 60-66 / “Sexuality and Imbalanced Sex Ratio in China: A New Perspective and Research Framework” (in Chinese). Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Science Edition) 32 (3): 60-66

22.Wei, W. 2012.“想象的社区:当代中国都会同志圈子的民族志研究,《中国城市研究》(第4辑),商务印书馆, 130-147 / “Imagined Community: An Ethnographic Study of the Tongzhi Circle in a Chinese City” (in Chinese). China Urban Studies 4, 130-147

23.Wei, W.2011.“‘酷儿视角下的城市性和空间政治,《人文地理》 1, 50-55 / “A Queer Inquiry of Urbanism and Spatial Politics” (in Chinese).Human Geography (1):50-55.

24.Wei, W.2010.“圈内人如何看待同性婚姻:内化的异性恋正统主义对´同志´的影响,《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 4, 35-44 / “Perception of Same-Sex Marriage from Within: The Impact of Internalized Heteronormativity over Chinese Tongzhi” (in Chinese). Journal of East China University of Science and Technology (Social Science Edition) (4):35-44

25.Wei, W. 2010.“同性恋社会表现形式的历史变迁和中西比较,《费孝通学术论坛讲谈录》,上海大学出版社/ “The Historical Change and Sino-West Comparison of Homosexual Expression in Society” (in Chinese), Collection of Fei Xiaotong Academic Forum Lectures, Shanghai University Press.

26.Wei, W. 2010. “符号性灭绝到审查性公开:《非诚勿扰》对同性恋的再现,《开放时代》 2, 84-99 / “From Symbolic Annihilation to Censored Publicity: A Critical Analysis of the Representation of Homosexuality in If You Are the One (in Chinese), Open Times (2): 84-99

27.Wei, W.2009. “消费主义和同志空间:都市生活的另类欲望地图,《社会》 4, 79-106 / “Consumerism and Queer/Tongzhi Space: A Map of Alternative Desire in Urban Life”(in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Sociology 29 (4):79-106

28.Jiang, H.,C.Lu, W. Wei, J.Zhang, Y.Gu,S.Dickson and H.Jiang. 2009.“中国男男性行为群体HIV干预面临的挑战:基于社区和已发表证据的初步评价,《预防医学情报》 7499-503 / “Challenges towards HIV/AIDS Prevention among Chinese MSMs: A Primary Evaluation Based on Community and Publication Evidences” (in Chinese). Journal of Preventive Medicine Information 25 (7):499-503

29.Wei, W. 2008.“都市运动研究:理论传统的界定和中国经验的嵌入,《社会》1, 77-96 / “Researches on Urban MovementsThe Clarification of a Theoretical Tradition and the Inclusion of Chinese Experiences” (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Sociology 28 (1): 77-96

30.Wei, W. 2007. “Wandering Men” No Longer Wander Around The Production and Transformation of Local Homosexual Identities in Postsocialist Chengdu, China”, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 8 (4):572-588 DOI: 10.1080/14649370701568029

31.Wei, W. 2007. “政治经济学视角下的近期中国城市研究:资本扩张,空间分化和都市运动,《社会》 2, 90-103 / “Political Economy and Contemporary Chinese Urban Researches: Capital Expansion, Spatial Stratification and Urban Movements” (in Chinese). Chinese Journal of Sociology 27 (2): 90-103

32.Wei, W. 2007,“城里的飘飘:成都本地同性恋身份的形成和变迁,《社会》 1, 67-97 /“Wandering Men” in the City: The Production of Homosexual Identities in Chengdu, China (in Chinese) , Chinese Journal of Sociology 27 (1): 67-97


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