



  • 部门: 社会发展学院
  • 性别:
  • 专业技术职务: 讲师(晨晖学者)
  • 毕业院校: 浙江大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 博士
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: cxjiang@soci.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 华东师范大学社会发展学院
  • 通讯地址: 上海市闵行区东川路500号
  • 邮编: 200241
  • 传真:


2020 - 2024 浙江大学 社会保障与风险管理系 博士

2022 - 2023 加州大学伯克利分校 社会福利学院 联合培养博士

2018 - 2019 香港中文大学 社会工作系 硕士

2014 - 2018 首都经济贸易大学 劳动经济学院 学士


2024 - 至今 华东师范大学社会发展学院 讲师(晨晖学者)


蒋潮鑫,现任华东师范大学社会发展学院讲师(晨晖学者),获浙江大学与加州大学伯克利分校联合培养博士学位。担任中国社会学会社会福利专业委员会理事。研究领域包括儿童保护与赋能发展、家庭福祉与代际健康、社会政策与社会工作等议题。成果见诸于《Child Abuse & Neglect》,《American Journal of Orthopsychiatry》《Children and Youth Services Review》《British Journal of Social Work》,《治理研究》等国内外学术期刊。担任《International Journal of Social Welfare》副主编,《Journal of Community Psychology》助理主编,以及《Child Indicators Research》期刊编委。


期刊副主编:International Journal of Social Welfare

期刊助理主编:Journal of Community Psychology

期刊编委:Child Indicators Research

期刊审稿人:Children and Youth Services Review,International Journal of Equality in Health,Applied Research in Quality of Life,Behaviour & Information Technology,Health & Social Care in the Community,JMIR Public Health and Surveillance,Risk Management and Healthcare Policy,European Journal of Education, Child & Youth Care Forum等20余本期刊。


1. 儿童保护与赋能发展

2. 家庭福祉与代际健康

3. 社会政策与社会工作







1.国家自然科学基金重大项目《代际均衡与多元共治——老龄社会的社会支持体系研究》(No.7149073) 参与                 

2.国家自然科学基金青年项目《数字排斥与留守儿童心理福祉:影响机制及干预策略》(No.72204216) 参与

3.教育部人文社会科学研究项目《数字时代留守儿童学业成就的影响机理与干预模式研究》(No.22YJC880024) 参与



1. 儿童保护与赋能发展

  • Jiang, C., & Shi, J. (2024). The relationship between bullying victimization and problematic behaviors: A focus on the intrapersonal emotional competence and interpersonal social competence. Child Abuse & Neglect, 152, 106800. 

  • Jiang, C., & Shi, J. (2024). Money or Time? The association between parental investment, school engagement and adolescent behavioral problem. Children and Youth Services Review, 157, 107391.

  • Jiang, C., Chow, J.CC. & Song, H. (2023). Unpacking the Association between Material Deprivation and Children’s Life Satisfaction in 14 Countries: The Mediating Roles of Bullying Victimization by Peers and Siblings and the Moderating Role of Indulgent Culture. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 18(5), 2749-2768. 

  • Jiang, C., & Shi, J. (2024). The Long Arm of Childhood Bullying Victimization: Associations with Social Isolation, Gender Differences and Depression in Later Life. Journal of Interpersonal Violence39(13-14), 3184-3206.

  • Jiang, C., Cheng, Y., & Jiang, S. (2022). Examining the mediator and moderator of the link between migration-related stress and depression among Chinese migrant children. Health & Social Care in the Community,  30, 6044–6055. 

  • Jiang, C., & Shi, J. (2024). Community Violence, Perceived Neighborhood Quality, Collectivism and Children’s Life Satisfaction: A Cross-national Perspective. Child Indicators Research, 17, 509-524.

  • Jiang, C., & Jiang, S. (2023). Growing Up in Adversity: A Moderated Mediation Model of Family Conflict, Cyberbullying Perpetration, Making Sense of Adversity and Depression. Youth & Society, 56(4), 754-773.

2. 家庭福祉与代际健康

  • Jiang, C., Hu, C., & Li, D. (2023). Linking chronic diseases, cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms in Chinese older adults: A three-wave population-based longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders, 324, 496–501.

  • Li, D., & Jiang, C.*. (2024). Factors mitigate the effect of widowhood’s mental health impact: A longitudinal test from individual, familial, and social perspectives. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Publish Online. 

  • Shi, J., & Jiang, C.*. (2024). The negative spillover effect of sandwich-generation caregiving on employees’ job satisfaction: does work time matter? Personnel Review, Publish Online.

  • Jiang, C., & Jiang, S. (2022). Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences on Late-life Mental Health: Potential Mechanisms Based on a Nationally Representative Survey in China. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 100, 104648.

  • Jiang, C., He, W., & Jiang, S. (2024). Unpacking the Relationship Between COVID-19-Related Stress and Quality of Life Among High School Students: A Socio-Ecological Resilience Perspective. Child & Family Social Work, Publish online.

3. 社会政策与社会工作

  • Jiang, C., & Jiang, S. (2024). Is Work–Family Enrichment Important to Social Workers’ Life Meaning? A Serial Mediation Model of Self-Efficacy and Work Engagement. The British Journal of Social WorkPublish online.

  • Jiang, C., Ren, C., & Jiang, S. (2024). Work-family and family-work conflict and negative attitudes toward having children: A multilevel cross-national analysis. International Journal of Social Welfare, Publish online.

  • Jiang, C., & Jiang, S. (2024). Compassion Fatigue and Compassion Satisfaction: The Underlying Mechanisms Between Work-Related Violence Exposure and Turnover Intention in the Social Work Setting. Human Service Organizations: Management, Leadership & Governance, Publish online.

  • Jiang, S., & Jiang, C.*. (2023). Through Thick and Thin: Unpacking the Association between Role Stress and Job Performance by a Nationally Representative Sample of Chinese Child Welfare Workers. The British Journal of Social Work, 53(4), 1984-2000.

  • Jiang, C., & Jiang, S. (2022). Mechanisms from Person–Environment Fit to Professional Identity of Social Workers in China: The Roles of Person-Organization Value Congruence and Collective Psychological Ownership. Journal of Social Service Research, 48(4), 535-544.


1. 浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果奖一等奖(第二十二届)

2. 国家奖学金(2021-2022 & 2022-2023)

3. 国家留学基金委奖学金(国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目)

4. 浙江省优秀毕业生

5. 浙江大学学术新星

6. 浙江大学五好研究生