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  • Email: xlliu@zhwx.ecnu.edu.cn
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  • Address: Department of Chinese language & literature East China Normal University (ECNU) No.500 Dongchuan Road, Shanghai, China, 200241




Other Appointments

Research Fields

Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature, especially Manchu Literature (1932-1945)

Modern and Contemporary Chinese Art, especially Abstract Art

Aesthetic Theory, especially Analysis Aesthetics

Enrollment and Training


Scientific Research

Academic Achievements



Appreciating Aestheticsontheweekend.Shanghai: Jiao Tong University Press, 2013

Manchurian Literature and Manchurian Magazines. Chongqing: Chongqing Press, 2012

Mentality in Unmoral Age: Literature in the Manchukuo.Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2008

Books edited:

The New Classifications of Chinese Modern Literature Journals, Book I, II & III, Edited by Wu Jun, Li Jin, Liu Xiaoli and Wang Binbin,Shanghai: Shanghai People’s Press, 2010

Research Papers:

The Rhetoric of "New Manchuria"--A Survey Centered onthe Magazines of the Period of "New Manchuria". Literary Theory Research. 2013 (1)

Aesthetic Phenomenology Analysis of "Little Prince". Study of Chinese Language and Literature. 2012 (2).

With the Fall of the Country, What Can Writers Do?--A Case Study of Manchurian Writer Jue Qing (爵青). Northeast China Culture Research Center. Vol.3, 2012

Where Does the Meaning of Literary Form Come from? ArtandLiterature Research.2011(1)

The Logic Underlying the Urban Advertising. Urban Culture Review Vol. 7. Hua Cheng Press. 2011(6)

Theory Misuse and Literary Criticism PracticeLiterary Theory and Criticism2010 (3)

Where does the literature historical data come from--Criticism of the Way in Writing Literary History. Study of Chinese Language and Literature2010 (1)

The Colonial Domination and Construction of National Consciousness——A Survey of Literary Activities in Puppet Manchukuo[J]. Journal of East China Normal University. No.6, 2010

Sense of Beauty, Start from TrainingLiterary Theory Research 2010(5)

Betrayed Works in Puppet Manchukuo Northeast China Culture Research Center--Collections of Papers of Literary Theory Research Association.Japan Vol. 2, 2009 (3)

Imaginations of Manchuria by Writers from Northeast China Who Roamed and Resided in North China [J].Journal of Shanghai Normal University, No.3, 2010 (total No.182,Vol.37)

A Textual Research on the Original Data about Jue Qing, a Major Writer in Manchukuo [J]. Journal of Shanghai Normal University,No.3, 2007 (total No.170, Vol.36)

Literature in the Manchukuo: a Supplement to the Study of Modern Chinese Literature [J]. Journal of East China Normal University,No.5, 2006 (total No.187, Vol.38)

Literature had no intention to construct New Manchu: research and recounting on New Manchu periodical[J].Hong Kong Baptist University: Sino-Humanitas, No.12, 2006

The Outside and Inside of the Works Currying Favor with Japanese Invaders during the Period of the Regime of Manchukuo[J]. Studies on Modern Chinese Literature (Bimonthly) Issue4.2006 (totally No. 111)

New Textual Research on Literary Magazines Published in the Period of Manchurian Regime [J]. Modern Chinese Literature Studies (Bimonthly) No.6, 2005(Vol.107)

Popular Literature in the Occupied Northeast China Reflected by Qilin [J]. Modern Chinese Literature Studies (Bimonthly) No.3.2005 (Vol.104)

Magazine“Yi Wen Zhi”--A Window to Understand Manchurian Literature Seeking truth 2005(6)

The Truth, Secrete and Mysterious words in Manchukuo- a Case Study of the Magazine "Qilin”. Read Widely2005 (9)

The Literary Ccenery Veiled--a Survey of the Group of Writers in Northeast China in 1932-1945. Journal of Shanghai Normal University 2005(2)

The Delicate Understanding of “Words do not convey the full meaning”. Literary Theory Research2004 (4)


Win 20,000RMB from the 2012 "New Century Excellent Talents Supporting Program" of Ministry of Education [NCET-12-0188]

Win 150,000RMB for the research project Study on History of Northeast of China in 1931-1945 from National Social Science Fund in 2012

Win 70,000RMB for the research project Study on Literary Periodicals published in the Northeast of China in 1939-1945 from National Social Science Fund in 2006

Win 70,000RMB for the research project Study on Literature in the Manchukuo from Ministry of Education of Social Science Fund in 2008

Win visiting scholar fund (airfare and a monthly stipend of $1800 for one year) for the research project Literature in the Manchukuo from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) in 2012

Research Rewards:

The book Mentality in Unmoral Age: Literature in the Manchukuo was awarded the second class prize of the tenth Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Works in 2010.


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