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  • 通讯地址: 上海市东川路500号华东师范大学数学系,邮编:200241











项目:参与完成三项国家自然科学基金资助项目‚ 参与完成一项国际合作交流项目,主持完成青年科学基金项目和国家自然科学基金面上项目‚主持一项国家自然科学基金面上项目(2019-2022)。


1、 刘兴波、韩茂安. 一类两点异宿环的扰动分支‚数学年刊‚2000‚21(6)‚667-674.
2、 金银来、李先义、刘兴波. 非扭曲退化同宿分支‚数学年刊‚ 2001‚ 22(4)‚473-478.
3、 Liu X. B.‚ Zhu D.M.‚   Some topological properties of endomorphisms of the unit circle.   Ann. of. Diff .Eqs. 2003‚ 19(3)‚368-370 .
4、 Han. M .A‚ Hu .S. C.‚ Liu .X. B.‚   On stability of double homoclinic and heteroclinic cycles‚   Nonlinear analysis‚ 2003‚ 53‚701-703.
5、 刘兴波‚ 朱德明.   同宿流形中的奇异轨道‚ 高校应用数学学报‚ 2003‚ 18 (2)‚
6、 刘兴波‚ 朱德明.   奇摄动下的共振不变环面分支‚ 数学年刊‚ 2004 (5)‚637-644.
7、 刘兴波. 非线性方程极限环的存在唯一性. 华东师范大学学报‚ 2004 (3)‚1-5.
8、 刘兴波‚ 朱德明.   伴随超临界分支的非通有同宿轨道分支‚ 高校应用数学学报‚‚2004‚ 19 (4)‚401-408 .
9、 刘兴波‚ 朱德明.   伴随超临界分支的通有同宿轨道分支. 数学学报‚ 2004 (5)‚957-964.

10、刘兴波、朱德明.   快变振荡下的同宿轨道分支‚数学物理学报‚2005(6)。 

11、Fu X .L.‚ Liu X.B‚ Existence of solutions for neutral non-autonomous evolution equations with nonlocal conditions‚ Indian J.pure appl.Math‚2006‚37(3)‚179-192.

12、 Fu X .L.‚ Liu X.B‚ Existence of Periodic Solutions for Abstract Neutral Non-autonomous Equations with Infinite Delay. J.Math.Anal.Appl‚ 325‚2007‚249-267。
13、Liu X.B.‚ Fu X.L.‚ Zhu D.M.‚ Bifurcation of homoclinic orbits with saddle-center equilibrium.‚ Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B28 (2007)‚ no. 1‚81--92.
14、Liu X .B.‚ Fu X.L.‚ Zhu D.M.‚homoclinic bifurcation with nonhyperbolic equilibria‚ Nonlinear analysisTheory‚ Methods & Applications 66‚ Issue 12 2653-2982 2007.

15. Liu X.B.‚Zhu D.M‚ Bifurcation of degenerate homoclinic orbits to saddle-center in reversible systems‚ Chin. Ann. Math. Ser B‚ 29(6)‚ 2008‚ 575-584.

16. Liu Xingbo, Exponential trichotomy and homoclinic bifurcation with saddle-center equilibrium, Appl.Math.Lett, 23, 409-416, 2010.

17. 乔志琴,刘兴波, 朱德明,具有三重零奇异的时滞微分方程的分支,数学年刊A,31(1), 59-70, 2010.

18. Liu Xingbo, Homoclinic Flip Bifurcations Accompanied by Transcritical Bifurcation, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 32(6), 905-916, 2011.

19.Xu, Yancong; Zhu, Deming; Liu, Xingbo,Bifurcations of Multiple Homoclinics in General Dynamical Systems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A, 30(3), 945-963, 2011.

20. Liu, Xingbo; Wang, Zhenzhen; Zhu, Deming, Bifurcation of rough heteroclinic loop with orbit flips,Inter. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 22 (11), 1250278-1 - 1250278-17, 2012.

21.Liu, Xingbo; Shi, Lina; Zhang, Dongmei, Homoclinic flip bifurcation with a nonhyperbolic equilibrium, Nonlinear Dynamics, 69,655-665,2012.

22. Liu, Xingbo; Zhu, Deming, On the stability of homoclinic loop with higher dimension, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems B, 17(3), 915-932, 2012.

23. Liu, Xingbo; Yang, Lijuan, Stability analysis of an SEIQV epidemic model with saturated incidence rate, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13 (2012), 2671–2679.

24. 刘兴波,具有轨道翻转和倾斜翻转的退化异维环分支 ,中国科学,数学,11 2013, 1113-1129.

25. Liu Xingbo, Liu Junying and Zhu Deming,Degenerate bifurcations of heterodimensional cycles with orbit flip ,International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 5 (2013). 

26. Liu Xingbo, Bifurcations near the weak type heterodimensional cycle , International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos , 9 (2014) 1450112.

27. Liu Xingbo, Xu,Yancong, Wang, Sisi, Heterodimensional cycle bifurcation with two orbit flips, Nonlinear Dynamics, 79 (2015), 2787-2804.

28.Liu Xingbo, Generic unfolding of a degenerate heterodimensional cycle, Nonlinear Dynamics, 89:2(2017), 833–850.

29. Liu Xingbo, Lin Xiaobiao, Bai Yuzhen, Zhu Deming, Loop Numbers for the Stability of Homoclinic Loops of Planar Vector Fields. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 28:8 (2018) 1850101 (12 pages)
30. Liu Xingbo, Dynamics near the heterodimensional cycles with nonhyperbolic equilibrium. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 28:1(2018),1850003(14 pages).
31. Fengjie Geng, Ting Wang,Xingbo Liu*,Global bifurcations near a degenerate heterodimensional cycle. Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 8:1(2018), 123-151.
32. Yancong Xu, Xingbo Liu*, Analysis of a Shil'nikov type homoclinic bifurcation. Acta Mathematica Sinica, English Series, 34: 5(2018), 901–910
343 Liu Xingbo*, Wang Xiaofei, Wang Ting, Nongeneric Bifurcations Near a Nontransversal Heterodimensional Cycle. Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B, 39:1(2018),111-128.

34. Fengjie Geng, Xiao-Biao Lin, Xingbo Liu#, Chaotic Traveling Wave Solutions in Coupled Chua’s Circuits. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations (published online) (2019),3






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