

职称: 教授

直属机构: 经济与管理学部




  • 部门: 经济与管理学部
  • 性别:
  • 专业技术职务: 教授
  • 毕业院校: 中国科学院应用数学所
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 博士研究生
  • 联系电话: 62231005
  • 电子邮箱: yzhou@fem.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 理科大楼A1501
  • 通讯地址: 上海市中山北路3663号华东师范大学经济与管理学部,邮编200062
  • 邮编: 200062
  • 传真:


1981.9--1985.7     华中师范大学数学系,获学士学位。

1985.9--1988.7     中国科技大学与安徽大学数学系, 获硕士学位。

1991.9--1994.3     中国科学院应用数学研究所,获博士学位。


1988.07-1991.09  湖南科技大学数学系,讲师,副教授

1994.03-1996.03  北京大学概率统计系,博士后

1996.03-1997.03  香港大学统计与精算系,博士后

1997.03-1998.12  中国科学院应用数学研究所,副研究员

1998.12-2000.12  香港理工大学会计系,研究员(Research Fellow)

2001.01-2002.10  中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,基地副研究员

2002.10-2004.09  美国北卡罗莱纳大学(UNC)生物统计系,研究副教授

2004.09-2005.03  中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,基地副研究员

2005.03-2006.02  中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,研究员

2006.03-2018.03  中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院,基地研究员

2007.07-2013.09  上海财经大学统计与管理学院,教授,常务副院长

2013.09-2018.03  上海财经大学统计与管理学院,教授,院长

2018.04-2020.07  华东师范大学经济与管理学部,常务副主任

2018.04-         统计交叉科学研究院院长



1997.09-1997.12  香港大学统计与精算系

2001.09-2001.12  香港中文大学统计系

2003.12-2004.01  美国普林斯顿大学(PU)运筹与金融工程系

2004.09-2004.10  香港中文大学统计系

2005.07-2005.09  香港城市大学管理科学系

2006.07-2006.80  香港城市大学管理科学系




周勇教授长期从事大数据建模与应用、金融计量、数量金融、风险管理,统计学、经济计量学等科学研究工作,取得许多有重要学术价值和影响的研究成果。在复杂数据分析与建模、风险计量与管理、重大(突发)事件及经济结构变化的检测及预报等方面取得有影响的重要研究成果。(许多研究成果处于世界领先水平)。先后承担并完成国家自然科学基金项目和省部级项目19项,主持国家杰出青年基金1 项,国家自然科学基金委重点项目2项,国家重大研究计划“大数据驱动下的管理与决策”重点项目1项,作为骨干成员曾参加国家973重大项目金融风险控制中的定量分析与计算863重大项目和海外杰出青年基金(国内合作人),国家自然科学基金委创新团队项目, 国家自然科学基金委重点项目。曾获得省部级科技奖三项。


在包括国际顶级《Journal of Econometrics》,《Journal of Business and Economic Statistics等顶级计量经济学杂志和《The Annals of Statistics》、《Journal of The American Statistical Association》,《Biometrika》和《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Theory and MethodsSeries B》等国际顶级统计学四大杂志上发表学术论文200篇,其中,SCI/SSCI索引论文160篇。曾多次应邀在国外开展合作研究、专题演讲或在国际会议中担任主席、组委会主席、成员和大会特邀报告, 研究成果获得了国内外同行的高度肯定曾多次访问美国普林斯顿大学(Princeton),香港大学,香港中文大学和香港科技大学。


  •       《Journal of Business and Economic Statistics》副主编(20199-202210月)

  •     Canadian Journal of Statistics》副主编(20191—202112月)

  •     Sankhya B》编委(20113-20152月)

  •     The Open Statistics & Probability Journal》编委(20107-20176月)

  •     Journal of the Korean Statistical Society》副主编(20103—20172月)

  •     《系统工程理论与实践》编委,(201310-20199月、20197-20246月)

  •     《计量经济学报》编委(20201-202412月)

  •     《中国管理科学》编委(201510-20199月,201910-20239月)

  •     《数理统计与管理》编委(201710-20219日)

  •     《应用数学学报》执行编委(20171-202212月)

  •     《应用概率统计》编委(20107-20146月)

  •     《计量经济学》副主编(202010-20249月)

  •     管理科学与工程学会金融计量与风险管理分会理事长(201710—20239月)

  •     全国工业统计教学研究会副会长(201810-20229月)

  •     管理科学与工程学会常务理事(201710-20239月)

  •     中国数量经济学会常务理事(20107-20176月)

  •     中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会副理事长(201510-20199月,201910-20239)

  •     中国统计教育学会副会长(20147—20197)

  •     国家基金委自然科学基金项目评议专家

  •     中国现场统计研究会环境与资源统计分会理事长(2007-2017)
















  1. 本科生课程《现代统计方法》

  2. 研究生课程《经验过程》

  3. 研究生课程《复杂数据分析》

  4. 研究生课程《机器学习》

  5. 研究生课程《数据科学导论》

  6. 研究生课程《高等数理统计》

  7. 研究生课程《线性模型》

  8. 研究生课程《广义线性模型》

  9. 研究生课程《广义估计方程估计方法》

  10. 本科生课程《数理统计》

  11. 研究生课程《极限理论》



  1. 蔺富明 上海财经大学博士后(在职)四川科技工程技术大学

  2. 王江涛 上海财经大学博士后(在职)华中师范大学经济学院 (已出站)

  3. 徐  达 上海财经大学博士后(全职)东北师范大学数学与统计学院 (已出站)

  4. 王培洁 上海财经大学博士后(在职)吉林大学数学与统计学院

  5. 钱  茜 华东师范大学博士后(在职)四川师范大学管理学院

  6. 郁淼淼 华东师范大学博士后(全职)上海财经大学统计与管理学院



  荀  立,长春工业大学


  潘  娜,湖北财经学院  






2、中国科学院: 蒋中峰,李佳璇,耿俞,崔广源




  • 博士毕业生


罗羡华 2005级博士,广州大学经济与统计学院,副教授 

李长林 2005级博士,金融公司


马昀蓓 2006级博士,西南财经大学统计学院,常任副教授


谢尚宇 2006级硕博,对外经济贸易大学金融学院,教授,中银集团(香港)



 2008级博士<zhaomu266@163.com>;  中南财经政法大学数学与统计学院,副教授



陈雪蓉 2008级博士,西南财经大学统计学院,副教授


白芳芳 2007级硕博,对外经济贸易大学统计学院,副教授


林存洁 2009级硕博,中国人民大学统计学院,副教授


  2010级硕博,英国Kent 大学,副教授    


  韦文华 2011级硕博,上海财经大学统计与管理学院、助理教授,恒瑞医药数据分析师

李艳凤 2013级博士,吉林财经大学统计学院,讲师


樊书琴 2012级硕博,JP Morgen




赵 玮 2014级硕博,美国Emory 大学博士后


   王天平 2015硕博生 石药集团统计师

   陈兰珏 2015硕博生 邮蓄银行总行


   郑思明 2016硕博生 香港中文大学统计学系博士后

  • 硕士毕业生  

  李道纪 2003级硕士,美国加州州立大学统计学系,副教授

  王晓婧 2005级硕士,University of Connecticut,副教授

  舒鑫鑫 2007级硕士,美国UIUC博士生

  刘沛欣 2007级硕士,国家外汇管理局中央外汇业务中心(储备管理司)

  杨海达 2007级硕士,金融投资公司

  栾清淑 2008级硕士,普华永道会计师事务所

  姚宏伟 2008级硕士,新华信托

  由立华 2009级硕士,中国航空航天总公司

  朱丽蓉 2009级硕士,中粮集团

  刘  2013级硕士,光大银行




  • 博士毕业生



陈柏成 2008级博士,国家税务总局税务干部进修学院.


张飞鹏 2009级博士,西安交通大学经济学院,教授


刘玉涛 2009级博士,中央财经大学统计与数学学院,副教授 


 张  2010级博士,西北大学经管学院,副教授

 邱志平 2010级博士,国立华侨大学数学科学学学院,教授

 杨广仁 2010级博士,暨南大学经济学院统计学系主任,教授

 刘晓倩 2008级硕博,上海外国语大学国际金融贸易学院,副教授


王艺馨 2009级硕博,美国华Washiton 大学统计学博士后

刘睿智 2010级硕博,金融公司

陈晓平 2011级博士,福建师范大学数计学院,副教授

施建华 2011级博士,闽南师范大学数学与统计学院,教授

 范彩云 2011级博士,上海对外经济贸易大学信息与统计学院,副教授


   刘君娥 2012级博士





范奎奎 2011级博士,部队



张书聪 2013级硕博,对外经济贸易大学统计学院,讲师

厉博城 2014年博士,东北财经大学统计学院,讲师


缪程程 2012年硕博,金融公司



苑慧玲 2013级博士,香港大学统计学第,博士后  


  孙桂萍 2013级博士,讲师

  马秋霞 2013级博士,上海金融学院数学系,讲师   


  贺一凡 2015年硕博  香港中文大学统计学系,讲师 

  管  2015年硕博  中南财经政法大学统计学院,讲师

  宋珊珊 2015年硕博  香港中文大学统计学系,博士后

  李永明 2016年博士  上绕师范学院,教授,副校长

  潘  2016年博士  恒瑞医药数据分析师

  谭详勇 2016年博士  江西财经大学统计学院,讲师

  方月歆 2016年博士  上海师范大学数学与统计学院,讲师

  • 硕士毕业生  








赵小玲 2008级硕士,江苏省银监会

雷小凤 2009级硕士,中信集团


熊晓萍 2010级硕士,华宝证券有限责任公司

邓礼英 2010级硕士,江西省邮政公司、电子商务局数据分析中心


庄雅婷 2011级硕士,浙江省财务厅

白露明 2011级硕士,上海财经大学商学院


董丹萍 2012级硕士,携程网

林甜甜 2012级硕士,杭州某私募公司

王舒曼 2012级硕士,携程网


刘建宇 2012级硕博,美国华尔街金融投资






董淑琴 2013级硕,(硕博转)

周子逸 2013级硕士



彭辰逸 205年硕士  


  胡锦瑶 2015年硕士

    李宣萱 2015年硕士

    胡空明 2015年硕士

    李佩瑶 2015年硕士

    陶律然 2015年硕士













  1. 留学回国自然科学基金项目:“复杂多元删失纵向数据统计分析”,(编号:K690011G212005-2006年,项目负责人

  2. 国家自然科学海外杰出青年基金项目:“金融工程中统计模型的若干前沿问题研究”(编号:10628104),2006-2010年,国内合作人

  3. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目“金融风险控制中的定量分析与计算”子项目: “金融创新产品的设计和定价” (编号:2007CB8149022007-2012年,参与。

  4. 国家863重大项目“转化医学相关信息的整合与利用”(编号:SQ2007AA02Z336549)子项目“药物临床活性和药代特征的早期评价和预测网络计算系统”,2007-2011年,参与。

  5. 国家基金委自然科学基金重点项目“复杂数据的统计分析及其应用” (编号:107310102007-2011年,协作单位项目负责人。

  6. 国家自然科学基金委创新研究群体科学基金“随机复杂数据与随机复杂结构的理论方法及其应用”(编号:10721101)2007-2013年,参与。

  7. 国家杰出青年基金“风险计量经济模型的建模、预测及应用” (编号:70825004),2008-2012年,项目负责人

  8. 中国科学院科学出版基金的项目:“一般估计方程统计方法”,2008-2009年,项目负责人

  9. 国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC)与英国爱丁堡皇家学会(RSE)在管理科学(Management Sciences)领域共同资助两国科学家的合作研究项目,“复杂经济系统中参数与非参数估计”(编号:70911130018),2009-2011年,项目负责人

  10.  国家自然科学基金委基金项目“复杂因素下金融风险度量与风险传染建模与风险管理” (编号:712711282012-2017年,负责人

  11.  国家自然科学基金委重点项目“复杂环境下资产定价与风险管理的金融计量理论及其应用” (编号:71331006 2013-2018年,项目负责人

  12.  国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划重点项目“金融大数据统计学习理论与方法及其在互联网金融中的应用” (编号:91546202 2016-2020年,项目负责人

  13. 国家自然科学基金重点项目“经济管理中复杂数据和复杂行为的分析方法及其应用”(编号:71931004 2019-2024年, 项目负责人

  14. 国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划“大数据驱动下的管理与决策”培育项目“面向大数据的统计分布式计算及隐私保护的理论与方法”(编号:92046005),2021-2022年项目负责人  

  15. 国家重点研发计划“油气管网安全运维的大数据分析理论、算法及应用”(批准号:2021YFA10001002021YFA1000101),2021.12-2026.11,项目负责人


(1) Zheng, S.M. Qin, J. and Zhou, Y. (2021). Effect assessment of age and gender on the incubation

period of COVID-19 with mixture regression model. Journal of Data Science. To appear.

(2) Li, P. Song, S.S. and Zhou, Y. (2021). Semiparametric additive frailty hazard model for clustered

failure time data. Canadian Journal of Statistics. To appear.

(3) Fan, C.Y. Lu,W.B. and Zhou, Y. (2021). Testing error heterogeneity in censored linear regression.

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 161,107207.

(4) Jiang, Z.F. Yang, B.Y. Qin, J. and Zhou, Y. (2021). Enhanced empirical likelihood estimation

of incubation period of COVID-19 by integrating published information. Statistics in Medicine.


(5) Xun, L. Zhang, G.C.Wang, D.H. and Zhou, Y. (2021) Estimating equation estimators of quantile

differences for one sample with length-biased and right-censored data. Statistics and Its Interface,

14, 183-195.


(6) Ma, H.J. Zhao,W. and Zhou, Y. *(2020). Semiparametric model of mean residual life with biased

sampling data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 142:106826.

(7) Song, X.Y., Kim D., Yuan, H.L., Cui, X.Y. Lu, Z.P. Zhou, Y. andWang, Y. (2020). Volatility analysis

with realized GARCH-Ito models. Journal of Econometrics, 26,761-788.

(8) Chen, L.J. and Zhou, Y. (2020). Quantile regression in big data: a divide and conquer based

strategy. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 142: 106892.

(9) He, Y. F. and Zhou, Y. (2020). Nonparametric and semiparametric estimators of restricted mean

survival time under length-biased sampling. Accepted in Lifetime Data Analysis.

(10) Xu, D.* and Zhou, Y. (2020). Local composite partial likelihood estimation for length-biased and

right-censored data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 89 (14), 2661C2667.

(11) Xun, L., Li, T. and Zhou, Y. (2020). Estimators of quantile difference between two samples with

length-biased and right-censored data. Test, 29, 409-429.

———————— 2019—————————–

(12) Liu, Y. T., Zhang, S. C. and Zhou, Y. Semiparametric quantile difference estimation for lengthbiased

and right-censored data. Science in China, Mathematics. 62: 1823-1838.

(13) Chen, X.*, Chen, Y., Wan, A. and Zhou, Y. (2019). On the asymptotic non-equivalence of

efficient-GMM and MEL estimators in models with missing data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics,


(14) Pan, J., Zhang, S. and Zhou, Y. (2019) Variable screening for ultrahigh dimensional censored

quantile regression. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 89 (3), 395C413.

(15) Xun, L., and Zhou, Y. (2019) A generalization of Expected Shortfall based capital allocation.

Statistics and Probability Letters, 146, 193-199.

(16) Zhang, F., Peng, H. and Zhou, Y. (2019) Fine-Gray proportional subdistribution hazards model

for competing risks data under length-biased sampling. Statistics and its Interface, 12 (1), 107-122.

(17) Wei,W., Zhou, Y. andWan, Alan T. K. (2019) A semiparametric linear transformation model for

general biased-sampling and right-censored data. Statistics and its Interface, 12(1), 77-92.

(18) Liu, Y., Lin, C. and Zhou, Y. (2019) Nonparametric estimates of conditional quantile residual

lifetime for right censored data. Statistics and its Interface, 12 (1), 61-70

(19) Ma, H., Shi, J. and Zhou, Y. (2019) Proportional mean residual life model with censored survival

data under case-cohort design. Statistics and its Interface, 12 (1), 21-33.

(20) Wang, X., Zhou, Y. and Liu, Y. (2019) Semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear models

with auxiliary covariates. Statistics and its Interface, 11 (4), 587-602.

(21) Qiu, Z. P., Wan Alan, T. K.*, Zhou, Y. and Gilbert, P. (2019). Smoothed rank regression for the

accelerated failure time competing risks model with missing cause of failure. Statistica Sinica,

29, 23-46.

(22) Liu, X.Q., Song, X. Y. and Zhou, Y. (2019). Likelihood ratio-type tests in weighted composite

quantile regression of DTARCH models. Science China Mathematics, 62(12), 2571-2590.

———————— 2018—————————–

(23) Wei, W. H. Wan, T. K. and Zhou, Y. (2018). Partially linear transformation model for lengthbiased

and right-censored data. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 30(2), 332-367.

(24) He, D., Zhou, Y., and Zou, H. (2018). High-dimensional variable selection with right censored

length-biased data. Statistica Sinica, DOI: 10.5705/ss.202018.0089.

(25) Lin, C. J., Wei, W. H. * and Zhou, Y. (2018). Semiparametric estimation of treatment effect with

density ratio model. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 14, 3338-3359.

(26) Zhang, L. Lin, C. and Zhou, Y. (2018). Generalized method of moments for nonignorable missing

data. Statistica Sinica 28, 2107-2124

(27) Fan, C., Ma, H. * and Zhou, Y. (2018). Quantile regression for competing risks analysis under

case-cohort design. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 88(6), 1060-1080.

(28) Zhang, S. * and Zhou, Y. (2018). Variable screening for ultrahigh dimensional heterogeneous

data via conditional quantile correlations. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 165, 1-13.

(29) Liu, Y., Zhang, S. * and Zhou, Y. (2018). Semiparametric estimation of quantile differences for

length-biased and right-censored data. Science in China Mathematics, to appear.

(30) Pan, J., Yu, Y., and Zhou, Y. (2018). Nonparametric independence feature screening for ultrahigh 

dimensional survival data. Metrika, 81, 821-847.

(31) Yu, Y. He, D. and Zhou, Y. (2018). Robust model-free feature screening based on modified

Hoeffding measure for ultra-high dimensional data, Statistics and Its Interface, 11, 473-489.

(32) Zhang, F.*, Zhao. X. and Zhou, Y. (2018). An embedded estimating equation for additive risk

model with biased-sampling data. Science in China, Mathematics, 61(8), 1495-1518.

(33) Wang, X. J.*, Zhou, Y. and Liu, Y. (2018). Semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear

model with auxiliary covariates. Statistics and Its Interface, 11587-602.

(34) Zhang, F. and Zhou, Y. * (2018). Nonparametric quantile estimate for length-biased and right

censored data with competing risks. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 10, 2407-


(35) Zhang S. Z. Pan, J. and Zhou, Y. (2018). Robust conditional nonparametric independence

screening for ultrahigh-dimensional data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 143, 95-101.

(36) Shi, J. H.*, Ma, H. J. and Zhou, Y. (2018). The nonparametric quantile estimation for lengthbiased

and right-censored data. Statistics and probability Letter, 134, 150-158.

(37) Fan, C., Ma, H.* and Zhou, Y. (2018). Quantile regression for competing risks analysis under

case-cohort design. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 88(6), 1060-1080.

(38) Zhang, S.* and Zhou, Y. (2018). Variable screening for ultrahigh dimensional heterogeneous

data via conditional quantile correlations. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 165, 1-13.

(39) Zhang, F. and Zhou, Y. * (2018). Nonparametric quantile estimate for length-biased and rightcensored

data with competing risks. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 10, 2407-


———————— 2017—————————–

(40) Wan, A.*, Xie, S. Y. and Zhou, Y. (2017). A Varying Coefficient Approach to Estimating Hedonic

Housing Price Functions and Their Quantiles. Journal of Applied Statistics, 2017(44):1979-1999

(41) Yang X. and Zhou, Y.* (2017). Improve efficiency and reduce bias of Cox regression models

for two-stage randomization designs using auxiliary covariates. Statistics in Medicine, 36(11),


(42) Wang, Y. X., Zhou, Z. F., Zhou, X. and Zhou, Y.* (2017). Nonparametric and semiparametric

estimation of quantile residual lifetime for length-biased and right-censored data. Canadian

Journal of Statistics, 45, 220-250.

(43) Fan, C. Lu, W.* Song, R. and Zhou, Y. (2017). Concordance-Assisted Learning for Estimating

Optimal Individualized Treatment Regimes. Journal of The Royal Statistical Society Series B, 79,


(44) Ma, H. J.* and Zhou, Y. (2017). Pseudo-likelihood for case-cohort studies under length-biased

sampling. Communications in Statistics -Theory and Methods, 46(1), 28-48.

(45) Fan, C. Zhang, F.* and Zhou, Y. (2017). Power-transformed linear quantile regression estimation

for censored competing risks data. Statistics and its interface, 10, 239-254.

(46) Xun, L., Shao, L. and Zhou, Y.* (2017). Efficiency of Estimators for Quantile Difference with Left

Truncated and Right Censored Data. Statistics and probability Letter, 121, 29-36.

(47) Li, Y. F., Ma, H. J., Wang, D. H.* and Zhou, Y. (2017). Analyzing the general biased data by

additive risk model. Science China (Mathematics), 60(4), 685-700. (In Chinese)

(48) Zhao, M., Jiang, H.*, and Zhou, Y. (2017), Estimation of percentile residual life function with

left truncated and right censored data. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 46(2),


(49) Zhang, L.*, Lin, C. J. and Zhou, Y. (2017). A resampling method by perturbing the estimating

functions for quantile regression with missing data. Communications in Statistics- Simulation and

Computation, 46(8), 6661-6671.

(50) Cui, X.* and Zhou, Y. (2017). Estimated conditional score function for missing mechanism model

with nonignorable nonresponse. Science in China (Mathematics), 60(7), 1197-1218.

————————- 2016—————————–

(51) Bai, F. F., Huang, J. and Zhou,Y. (2016). Semiparametric inference of mean residual life model

with right censored and length-biased data. Statistica Sinica, 26 1129-1158

(52) Shao, L. Yu, Y. and Zhou,Y.* (2016). Sure feature screening for high-dimensional dichotomous

classification. Science in China: Mathematics, 59(2), 2527-2542.

(53) Qiu, Z. Qin, J., and Zhou, Y. (2016). Composite estimating equation method for accelerated

failure time model with length-biased sampling data. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 43, 396-


(54) Chen, X.*, Liu, Y., Sun, J. and Zhou,Y. (2016). Semiparametric Quantile Regression Analysis

of Right-censored and Length-biased Failure Time Data with Partially Linear Varying Effects.

Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 43(4), 921 -938

(55) Chen,X.*, Tang, N. and Zhou,Y.(2016). Quantile regression of longitudinal data with informative

observation times. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 144, 176-188.

(56) Wei, W. H.* and Zhou, Y. Zhou,Y. Semiparametric Maximum Likelihood Estimation for a Twosample

Density Ratio Model with Right Censored Data. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 44, 58-81.

(57) Ma, H., Qiu, Z. P. and Zhou,Y. (2016). Semiparametric analysis of transformation models with

length-biased data under case-cohort design. Statistics and Its Interface, 9(2), 213-222

(58) Zhang, F. P., Peng, H.* and Zhou,Y. (2016). Composite partial likelihood estimation for lengthbiased

and right-censored data with competing risks. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 149, 160-


(59) Liu, X., Song, X. Y., Xie, S. Y.* and Zhou,Y. (2016), Variable Selection for Gamma Frailty Transformation

Models with Application to Diabetic Complications. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 44,


(60) Lin, C. J.* and Zhou,Y. (2016). Analyzing right-censored and Length-biased data with semiparametric

varying-coefficient partially linear model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 152, 119-144.

(61) Lin, C. J.,* Zhang, L. and Zhou,Y. (2016). Inference on quantile residual life function under right

censored data. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 28(3), 617-643.

(62) Zhao, M.,Wang, Y.*, and Zhou,Y. (2016), Accelerated failure time model with quantile information.

Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 5(68), 1001-1024.

(63) Fan, C. Y., Zhang, F. P.* and Zhou, Y. (2016). Power-Transformed Linear Regression on Quantile

Residual Life For Censored Competing Risks Data, Communications in Statistics- Theory and

Methods, 45, 5884-5905


(64) Zhang, F.*, Fan, C. and Zhou, Y. (2015). Nonparametric quantile inference for cause-specific

residual life function under length-biased sampling. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English

Series, Accepted.

(65) Chen X. R., Wan, T. K. Alan and Zhou,Y.(2015). Efficient Quantile Regression Analysis with

Missing Observations. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 110, 723-741.

(66) Lin, C. J.*, Zhang, L. and Zhou, Y. (2015). Conditional quantile residual lifetime models for right

censored data. Lifetime Data Analysis, 21, 75-96.

(67) Xie, S. Y.,Wan, A. and Zhou,Y. (2015), A Varying-coefficient Approach to Estimating Regression

Quantiles with Censored Observations. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 88, 154-172.

(68) You, J., Wan, A.* Liu, S. and Zhou,Y.(2015) A varying-coefficient approach to estimating multilevel

clustered data models. Test, 24, 417-440.

(69) Wang, Y. X.*, Liu, P. and Zhou,Y. (2015). Quantile residual lifetime for left-truncated and rightcensored

data. Science in China: Mathematics, 58(6), 1217-1234.

(70) Ma, H. J. Zhang, F. and Zhou,Y. (2015). Semiparametric analysis of the additive risk model with

length-biased data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 96, 45-53.

(71) Liu, P., Wang, Y. and Zhou,Y.* (2015). Quantile Residual Lifetime with Right-Censored and

Length-Biased Data. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 67, 999-1028.

(72) Tian. G. L. Ma, H. J.* Zhou, Y. and Deng, D. (2015). Generalized endpoint-inflated binomial

model. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 89, 97-114.

(73) Qiu Z. P., Chen X. P. and Zhou, Y.* (2015). A kernel-assisted imputation estimating method for

the additive hazards model with missing censoring indicator. Statistics and Probability Letters,

98, 89-97.

(74) Shi, J. H., Chen X. P.* and Zhou, Y. (2015). The strong representation for the nonparametric

estimator of length-biased and right-censored data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 104, 49-57.

(75) Ma, H. J., Fan, C. Y.* and Zhou, Y. (2015). Estimating equation methods for quantile regression

with length-biased and right censored data (in Chinese). Science in China: Mathematics, 45, 1981-


(76) Zhang, L.*, Liu, P., and Zhou, Y. (2015). Smoothed estimator of quantile residual lifetime for

light Censored data. Journal of System Science and Complexity, 28, 1374-1388.

(77) Chen, X. P., Shi, J. H., and Zhou, Y.* (2015). Monotone rank estimation of transformation models

with length-biased and right-censored data. Science in China: Mathematics, 58(10), 2055-2068.

(78) Qiu, Z. P.* and Zhou, Y. (2015). Partially linear transformation models with varying coefficients

for multivariate failure time data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 142, 144-166.

(79) Ma, H. J. *, Zhang, F. P. and Zhou, Y. (2015). Composite estimating equation approach for

additive risk model with length-biased and right-censored data. Statistics and Probability Letters,

96, 45-53.


(80) Chen, X.,Wan, A.* and Zhou,Y.(2014). A quantile varying-coefficient regression approach to

length-biased data modeling. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 8, 2514-2540.

(81) Liu, X., Jiang, H. and Zhou,Y.(2014). Local empirical likelihood inference for varying-coefficient

density-ratio models based on case-control data. Journal of the American Statistical Association,

107, 635-646.

(82) Lin, C. J.* and Zhou,Y.(2014). Analyzing Right-Censored and Length-Biased Data with Varying-

Coefficient Transformation Model. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 130, 45-63.

(83) Lin, C. J.* and Zhou,Y.(2014). Inference for the Treatment Effects in Two Sample Problems with

Right-Censored and Length-Biased Data. Statistics and Probability Letters, 90, 17-24.

(84) Yang, G. and Zhou,Y.*(2014). Semiparametric varying-coefficient study of mean residual life

models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 128, 226-238.

(85) Yang, G., Huang, J. and Zhou,Y.*(2014). Concave group methods for variable selection and

estimation in high-dimensional varying coefficient models. Science in China: Mathematics, 57(10),


(86) Xie, S. Y., Zhou,Y. and Wan, T. K. Alan. (2014). A Varying-coefficient Expectile Model for

Estimating Value at Risk. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 32, 576-592.

(87) Bai, F. F., Huang, J. and Zhou,Y.*(2014). Semiparametric estimation of treatment effects in the

two sample problem with censored data. Statistica Sinica, 24, 121-146.

(88) Qiu, Z. P. Neeta, M. and Zhou,Y.*(2014). Weighted estimator for the linear transformation models

with multivariate failure time data. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 43(16),


(89) Ma, Y. B., Wan, T. K. Alan*, Chen, X. R. and Zhou,Y. (2014). On estimation and inference in

a partially linear hazard model with varying coefficients. Annals of the Institute of Statistical

Mathematics, 66, 931-960.

(90) Shi, J. H.*, Chen, X. P. and Zhou,Y.(2014). The consistency of estimator under fixed design

regression model with NQD errors. Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2014(1), 92, 1-12.

(91) Shi, X. J., Liu, J., Huang, J., Zhou,Y., Shia, B. C. and Ma, S. G.* (2014). Integrative analysis of

high-throughput cancer studies with contrasted penalization. Genetic Epidemiology, 38(2), 144-


Shi, X. J., Liu, J., Huang, J., Zhou,Y., Xie, Y. and Ma, S. G.* (2014). A penalized robust method

for identifying gene-environment interactions. Genetic Epidemiology, 38(3), 220-230.

(93) Shi, X. J., Shen, S., Liu, J., Huang, J., Zhou,Y. and Ma, S. G.* (2014) Similarity of Markers Identified

from Cancer Gene Expression Studies: Observations from GEO. Briefing in Bioinformatics,

15(5), 671-684.

(94) Zhang, F. P. Chen, X. R. and Zhou,Y.*(2014). Proportional hazards model with varying coefficients

for length-biased data. Lifetime Data Analysis, 20(1), 132-157.

(95) Ai, C. R. You, J. H. and Zhou,Y.(2014). Estimation of fixed effects panel data partially linear

additive regression models. Econometric Journal, 17, 83-106.

—————————- 2013 —————————–

(96) You, J. Zhou,Y. and Chen, G.* (2013). Statistical inference of multivariate partially linear regression

models. The Canada Journal of Statistics, 40(3),1-22.

(97) Zhang, F. P. Chen, X. R. and Zhou, Y. * (2013). Proportional hazards model with varying coefficients

for length-biased data. Lifetime Data Analysis, 20, 132-157.

(98) Zhang, F.* and Zhou, Y. (2013). Analyzing left-truncated and right-censored data under Cox

models with long-term survivors. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 29, 241-


(99) Zhao, M., Jiang, H. M.* and Zhou,Y. (2103). L1-deficiency of the sample quantile estimator with

espect to a kernel quantile estimator. Statistics and Probability Letter, 83, 2399-2406.

(100) You, J. Zhou,Y. and Chen, G.* (2013). Statistical inference of multivariate partially linear regression

models. The Canada Journal of Statistics, 40(3), 1-22.


(101) Chen, K.,Lin, H. and Zhou,Y. (2012). Efficient estimation for the Cox model with varying coefficients.

Biometrika, 99, 379-392.

(102) Chen, X. R.*, Zhou,Y. (2012). Quantile Regression for Right-Censored and Length-Biased Data.

Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 28(3), 443-46.

(103) Yuan, Y., You, J. H. and Zhou,Y.* (2012). Efficient estimation of seemingly unrelated additive

nonparametric regression models. Journal of System Science and Complex, 26(4), 595-608


(104) Zhou,Y. Wan, Alan and Yuan, Y.* (2011). Combiningleast-squaresandquantileregressions. Journal

of Planning and Statistical Inference, 141, 3814-3828.

(105) Liu, X. Q. and Zhou,Y. (2011). Estimation and Comparative Analyses of ES in Risk Measure

with application. System Engineering Theory and Practice, 31(4), 631-642.

(106) Liu, X.* Liu, P. X. and Zhou,Y. (2011). Distribution Estimation with Auxiliary Information for

Missing Data. Journal of Planning and Statistical Inference, 141, 711-724.

(107) You. J. Zhou, X.* and Zhou,Y. (2011). Series Estimation in Partially Linear In-slide Regression

Models. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics. 38(1), 89-107.

(108) Ai, C.R., You, J.* and Zhou,Y. (2011). Statistical inference using a weighted difference-based

series approach for partially linear regression models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 31(2),



(109) Zhou,Y., Wan, Alan*, Xie, S. Y. and Wang, X. J. (2010). Wavelet analysis of change-points in a

non-parametric regression with heteroscedastic variance. Journal of Econometrics. 159, 183-201.


(110) You, J. Zhou, X.* and Zhou,Y. (2010). Statistical inference for panel data semiparametric partially

linear regression models with heteroscedastic errors. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 101,1079-


(111) Luo, X. Li,Y. Ma, Y. and Zhou. Y. (2010). Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Models with

Censored Data. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 26(1), 79-92. [EI]

(112) Gong, R. B.; Ma, Y. B.* and Zhou,Y. (2010). Confident estimation for density of a biological

population based on line transect sampling. Acta Math. Appl. Sin. Engl. Ser. 26(1), 79–92.


(113) Zhou,Y. Wang, X. and You, J.* (2009). Strong Convergence Rates of Several Estimators in Semiparametric

Varying-Coefficient Partially Linear Models, Acta Mathematica Sinica, 29B(5),1113-


(114) Fan, J., Zhou,Y.*, Cai, J. and Chen, M. (2009). Gaining efficiency via weighted estimators for

multivariate failure time data. Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 52(6), 1113-1138.

(115) Zhou,Y.* and Liang H. (2009). Statistical inference for semi-parametric varying-coefficient partially

linear models with error-prone linear covariates. The Annals of Statistics, 37(1), 427-458.

(116) Luo, X.,Yang, Z. and Zhou,Y. (2009). Nonparametric Estimation of the Production Function

with Time-Varying Elasticity Coefficients (in Chinese). Journal of System Engineering and Practice,

29(4), 114-149.


(117) Zhou,Y. Xie, S. and Yuan, Y. (2008). Statistical Inference of Default Probability in Credit Risk

Models. Journal of System Engineering and Practice, 28(8), 206-214.

(118) Zhou,Y., Wan, T.K. Alan and Wang, X. J. (2008). Estimating equations inference with missing

data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103, 1187-1199.

(119) Liang, H.* and Zhou,Y. (2008). Semi-parametric inference for ROC curves with censoring. Scandinavian

Journal of Statistics 35, 212-227.

(120) Chen, G. M. Choi, Y. and Zhou, Y.* (2008). Detections of changes in return by a wavelet smoother

with conditional heteroscedastic volatility. Journal of Econometrics, 143, 227-262.

(121) Guosheng Yin, Hui Li, Donglin Zeng and Zhou, Y. (2008). Partially Linear Additive Hazards

Regression With Varying Coefficients. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103, 1200-

1213. With corrected in Journal of the American Statistical Association,103, 1729-1729.

(122) Li, Y.* Yang, S. and Zhou,Y. (2008). Consistency and uniformly asymptotic normality of wavelet

estimator in regression model with associated samples. Statistics and Probability Letters, 78, 2947-


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(123) Cai, J., Fan, J. Zhou, H. and Zhou,Y. (2007). Marginal hazard models with varying-coefficients

for multivariate failure time data. The Annals of Statistics, 35(1), 324-354. [SCI]

(124) You, J.* Chen, G. and Zhou,Y. (2007). Statistical Inference of Partially Linear Regression Models

with Heteroscedastic Errors. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 98(8), 1539-1557. [SCI]

(125) Li, H. Yin, G. and Zhou,Y. (2007). Local likelihood with time-varying additive hazards model.

Canadian Journal of Statistics, 35(2), 321-337. [SCI]

(126) Luo, X. H., Li, Y.; Zhou,Y. and Yang, Z. H. (2007). Semiparametric varying-coefficient partially

linear models with longitudinal data. (Chinese) Acta Math. Appl. Sin. 30(3), 540–554.

(127) You, J. Xie, S. and Zhou,Y.* (2007). Two-stage estimation for seemingly unrelated nonparametric

regression models. Journal of System Science & Complexity, 20, 509-520.


(128) Zhou,Y.* Wu, G. and Li, D. (2006). A kernel-type estimator of a quantile function under randomly

truncated data. Acta Mathematica Sinica, (English Ed.), 26B, 585-594. [SCI]

(129) You, J. Chen, G. M. and Zhou,Y. (2006). Block empirical likelihood for longitudinal partially

linear regression models. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 34(1), 79-96.[SCI]

(130) You, J. H. and Zhou,Y. (2006). Empirical likelihood for semiparametric varying coefficient partially

linear regression models. Statistics and Probability Letters, 76(4), 412-422. [SCI]

(131) Fan, J., Lin, H. and Zhou,Y. (2006). Local partial-likelihood estimation for life time data. The

Annuals of Statistics, 34(1), 290-325. [SCI]

(132) Wang, Q. and Zhou,Y. (2006). Variable selection by pseudo wavelets in heteroscedastic regression

models involving time series. Acta Mathematica Scientia, 26(3), 469-476. [SCI]

(133) You, J. H., Zhou, Y. and Chen. G. (2006). Corrected Local Polynomial Estimation in Varying

Coefficient Models with Measurement Errors. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 34(3), 391-410. [SCI]

(134) Zhou,Y.* and Li, D. (2006). Confidence intervals of variance functions in generalized linear

model. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,22(3), 353-368.

(135) Zhao, Y. M., You, J. and Zhou,Y.* (2006). Truncated estimator of asymptotic covariance matrix

in partially linear models with heteroscedastic errors. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, 22(4),


(136) Luo, X. H. Yang, Z. H. and Zhou,Y. (2006). Varying-coefficient regression models with censored

data. (Chinese) Acta Math. Appl. Sin., 29(3), 415–427.


(137) Zhou,Y. and Liang, H. (2005). Empirical likelihood-based semiparametric inference of the treatment

effect in the two-sample problem with censoring. Biometrika, 92, 271-282.

(138) Zhou,Y. and Sun, L.Q.* (2005). Sequential Confidence Bands for Quantile Densities Under Truncated

and Censored Data. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 21, 311-322.

(139) Chen, G., M. Choi, Y. and Zhou,Y. (2005). Nonparametric estimation of structural change points

in volatility models for time series. Journal of Econometrics, 126, 79-114. [SSCI]


(140) Zhou,Y.*, Wu, G. F. and Jiang, X. (2003). Asymptotic behavior of the Lipschitz-1/2 modulus

of the PL-process for truncated and censored data. Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.), 19(4), 729–738.


(141) Zhou,Y. and Li, H. (2003). The law of logarithm for quantile density function under truncated

and censored data. Chinese J. Appl. Probab. Statist.., 19, 7-13.

(142) Zhou,Y. and Liang, H. (2003). Asymptotic properties for L1 norm kernel estimator of conditional

median under dependence. J. Nonparametric Statist., 15(2), 205-219.

(143) Yip, P.* Fang, X. Z. Zhou,Y. and Wang, Y. (2003). A sequential procedure for fixed accuracy

estimation of the population size with recapture sampling. Australian New Zealand Journal of

Statistics., 45, 207-216.

(144) Zhou,Y. (2003). A not on oscillation module of PL- process under right censorship. Acta Math.

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(145) Zhou,Y. andWu, G. F. (2002). Sequential fixed-width confidence intervals of quantiles for truncated

and censored data, (in Chinese). Acta Math. Appl. Sinica, 25(2), 204-215.

(146) Chen, S. X. Yip, P. and Zhou,Y. (2002). Sequential Estimation in line transect Surveys. Biometrics,

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(148) Zhou,Y. and Liang, H.(2000). Asymptotic normality for L1 norm kernel estimator of conditional

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(149) Zhou,Y. and Yip, P. (1999). Nonparametric estimation of quantile density function for truncated

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(150) Zhou,Y. and Wu, C. F. (1999). Nonparametric estimation of quantile density function for truncated

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(151) Liang, H. Zhu, L. X. and Zhou,Y. (1999). Asymptotically efficient estimation based on wavelet

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(152) Sun, L. Q. and Zhou,Y. (1999). Strong limit theorems for oscillation moduli of PL-process and

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(156) Yip, P.*, Zhou,Y. Lin, D. Y. and Fang, X. Z. (1999). Estimation of population size based on the

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(157) Lloyd, C. and Zhou,Y. (1999). Kernel estimators of the ROC curve are better than empirical.

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(163) Sun, L. Q.* and Zhou,Y. (1998). Sequential confidence bands for densities under truncated and

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(164) Liang, H. and Zhou,Y. (1998). A modified estimator of error variance in a partly linear model.

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  1. 国家统计局优秀科研成果(论文类)二等奖(2012年)

  2. 《创新统计人才培养模式的实践与探索》上海市教学成果一等奖(2017年,排名1)