1.Language Skills and Labor Market Performance of Immigrants in the Netherlands (with Jan C. van Ours), Labour Economics, 2015 (34), 76-85.
2.Educational Consequences of Language Proficiency on Young Children (with Asako Ohinata and Jan C. van Ours), Economics of Education Review, 2016 (54), 1-15.
3.Dialect Speech and Wages (with Jan C. van Ours), Economics Letters, 2019 (177), 35-38.
4.Daily Dialect-Speaking and Wages among Native Dutch Speakers (with Jan C. van Ours), Empirica, 2019 (46), 653-668.
5.Sex Ratio and Marital Matching Outcomes in the Chinese Marriage Market (with Yixian Li and Min Zhang), Economics Letters, 2023 (222): 110927.
6.The Long-run and Intergenerational Effects of Early-life Hunger Experience on Human Capital and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Retrpspective Data (with Yi Zhang), China Economic Review, 2023 (77): 101914.
1. Sex Ratio and Timing of the First Marriage: Evidence from the One-and-A-Half Children Policy in China
2. Peer Effects of Misbehavior and Ability in Classroom: Evidence from a Seat Randomization Experiment (coauthored)
Conferences: SOLE conference 2023 (canceled), Asia Meeting of Econometric Society 2022/2019, Asia & Australian Society of Labor Economics 2021, ESA Global Congress 2021, Society of Labor Economists 2017, European Economic Association 2017/2015, Spanish Economic Association 2016, European Society for Population Economics 2016/2015, European Association for Labour Economists 2016/2014, SOLE/EALE World Conference 2015 Seminars: University of Cologne; Maastricht University; Tilburg University; University of California, Berkeley; Erasmus University Rotterdam; Tinbergen Institute |