

  • About
    • Department: 经济与管理学部
    • Gender: female
    • Post: 200062
    • Graduate School: Nankai University
    • Degree: PHD
    • Academic Credentials: PHD
    • Tel: None
    • Email: myi@sfs.ecnu.edu.cn
    • Office: Shanghai
    • Address: School of Economics, East China Normal University No.3663 North Zhongshan Road Putuo Area Shanghai
    • PostCode: 200062
    • Fax: None


    July 2011 till now ECNU


    Master of Economics (2008) Majored in World Economy, Ph.D of Economics (2011) Majored in International Trade, School of International Economics and Trade, Nankai University, Tianjin, China


    I graduated from the Department of international trade of Nankai University. My research fields are international relations and international economy, globalization and labor market

    Other Appointments


    Research Fields

    international relations and international economy, globalization and labor market

    Enrollment and Training


    Intermediate international economics, China's foreign trade, international settlement, selected readings of professional literature, etc



    Academic Achievements

    ·“China’s Labor Market Integration and the Effect of Economic Openness”, Review of Development Economics20162 (SSCI Journal)

    ·“Measure and Effect Factor Analysis of Trade Cost between China and Major EU Countries: Focus on Diplomatic Factor”, Liaoning University’s Academical Journal, 2015(2)

    ·“Economic Openness and China’s Interregional Labor Migration: a New Theoretical Model”, Population and Economy, 2014 (4)

    ·“ New Economic Geography Analysis of the Role of China’s Economic Openness on Internal Labor Migration”, Modern Finance and Economics, 2011(3)

    ·“Application of Case Teaching in World Economy Courses”, Guide of Economic Research, 2010(10)

    ·“China’s Labor Market Integration and Economic Openness”, Journal of Central South University of Economics and Law, 2010(6)

    “Effect of Foreign Direct Investment and Outsourcing on Labor Demand Elasticity of Chinese Manufacturing”, Journal of Economic Longitude and Latitude, 2010(1)

