
Yue Hua

  • About
    • Department: Faculty of Economics and Management
    • Gender: female
    • Post: Professor, Chair of the FEM Council
    • Graduate School: East China Normal University
    • Degree: PhD
    • Academic Credentials:
    • Tel: 86-21-62231015
    • Email: hyue@finance.ecnu.edu.cn
    • Office: A509, Science Building
    • Address: A509, Science Building, 3663 Zhongshan Road(N.), Shanghai, P.R.China
    • PostCode: 200062
    • Fax:




    Yue Hua, professor of finance and PhD supervisor. She studied at East China Normal University and obtained a Ph.D. in Economics. Since July 1993, she has been a lecturer, associate professor and professor in the Department of Finance of East China Normal University. She is now Chair of the FEM Council.

    Other Appointments

    Research Fields

    International Finance, Financial Markets, Enterprise Strategic Management

    Enrollment and Training



    Academic Achievements

    Yue Hua, professor of finance and PhD supervisor. She studied at East China Normal University and obtained a Ph.D. in Economics. She entered the post-doctoral center of Applied Economics of Central University of Finance and Economics and occupied in post-doctoral research. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of Victoria in Canada. Since July 1993, she has been a lecturer, associate professor and professor in the Department of Finance of East China Normal University.

    Professor Yue Hua is specialized in the research fields of international finance, foreign exchange theory and market, financial crisis, etc. The topic of her doctoral dissertation is Research on the Issues of International Exchange Rate System, and the post-doctoral research project is Research on the Path and Performance of RMB Appreciation, which is supported by the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. In recent years, Professor Yue Hua gained great achievements in RMB exchange rate research and financial technology and published thirty academic papers in CSSCI core journals such as Finance & EconomicsAcademic Monthly, and Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics, many of which were reprinted in full by Xinhua Digest and Copied Materials from Newspapers &Journals by China People's University. She published two academic monographs totaling 400000 words including Reform and Stability of International Finance in Post-Crisis Era

    Journal papers (Selected papers published as the first author since 2000)

    1. Does Banking Industry in BRICS Share the Same Starting Line under Co-competition, Journal of Beijing Union University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), 2014 (4).

    2. An Empirical Study on the Impact of Stock Index Futures Market on the Volatility of the Spot Market,Shandong Social Sciences, 2014 (12).

    3. The New Design of the Reform of International Monetary Fund's Governance Mechanism, Inquiry into Economic Issues, 2012 (4).

    4. The Change of the Global Financial Structure Strength in the Post-crisis Era, Journal of East China Normal University, 2012 (6), Xinhua Digest, 2013 (3).

    5. The Power of Financial Actors in the Post-bretton Woods Era, Journal of Central University of Finance & Economics, 2019 (12).

    6. Financial Innovations Having Effects on the Design of Financial System,Academic Monthly, 2006 (7).

    7. The International Political and Economic Game of RMB Exchange Rate Revalue, Special Zone Economy, 2006 (4).

    8.A Study on the Theory and Policy of the Optimal Exchange Rate Regime, Journal of East China Normal University, 2006 (4).

    9.The Tobin Tax Prospects for Global Financial Regulation, Taxation and Economy, 2006 (5).

    10.The Target Mode and Path Choice of Financial System Construction in Russia's Economic Transition, Russian Studies, 2006 (3).

    11. Looking at the Financial System Design from Another Perspective: Functional and Structural Finance, Shanghai Finance, 2006 (9).

    12. US Dollar Hegemony and China's Countermeasures, Special Zone Economy, 2006 (7).

    13. The Significance and Technical Details of Levying Tobin Tax on Abnormal Capital Inflow, International Taxation in China, 2006 (3).

    14. The Origin and Development of the System of Medial Rate, The Ideological Front, 2006 (1).

    15. East Asian Monetary Integration in the Theory of Games, Finance & Economics, 2005 (6).

    16. An Analysis of the Choice of International Exchange Rate Regimes in the Perspective of the Game Theory, Journal of East China Normal University, 2005 (6).

    17. On the Near-Rational Expectation and the Theory of Exchange Rate Determination, Journal of East China Normal University, 2001 (4).

    18. Fixed Exchange Rate System: A Costly Disinflation Measure, Journal of East China Normal University, 2000 (3).

    Monographs and textbooks

    1. The Reform and Stability of International Finance in the Post-crisis Period, Academia Press, July 2012.

    2. The Road to Reform of the International Exchange Rate System: Fixed and Floating Game, China Finance Press, December 2005.

    3. International Settlement (Shanghai University Demonstrative English Course Textbook, Second Chief Editor), East China Normal University Press, October 2012.

    4. International Finance (Shanghai Quality Course Textbook, Second Chief Editor), Shanghai Far East Publishers, February 2010.

    5. Bilingual Course of International Settlement (Textbook, First Chief Editor), Lixin Accounting Press, October 2007.

    6. International Monetary Economics (Textbook, Co-edited), East China Normal University Press, June 2003.

    7. International Finance (Textbook, Associate Chief Editor), China Finance Press, July 2002.

    8. Introduction to International Settlement (Textbook, Chief Editor), Lixin Accounting Press, June 2001.


    1. 2018 East China Normal University Party Building Research Project, leader, Research on the Connotation of the Organizational Strength and the Path to Play its Role of the Teaching and Worker Party Branch under the Background of the Reform of the Faculty System , the research results won the first prize; 

    2. 2019 East China Normal University Party Building Research Subject, leader, Research on the Construction and Improvement of the Cultivation Mechanism of Dual Leaders(for Party and academy) for Teachers' Party Branch Secretary, the research results won the first prize; 

    3. 2019 East China Normal University Excellent Work Case Application Project for the Building of Teacher Virtue, leader, Teacher's Virtue Building Based on “Three-for (Student, study and teaching-orientated) Talent Team Construction Forum as the Carrier; 

    4. 2020 Shanghai Municipal Education and Health Party Committee System Party Building Research Committee Project, leader,  Practical Research on University Teachers' Party Branch Playing the Leading Role in Grass-roots Work.