

  • About
    • Department: Faculty of Economics and Management
    • Gender: female
    • Post: Teaching and Research
    • Graduate School: WuHan University
    • Degree: Doctor
    • Academic Credentials: Postgraduate
    • Tel: /
    • Email: hyin@jjx.ecnu.edu.cn
    • Office: A329, Science Building, East China Normal University, 3663 Zhongshan North Road, Shanghai
    • Address: A329, Science Building, 3663 Zhongshan North Road, Shanghai
    • PostCode: 200062
    • Fax: /


    2005-2015 School of business, East China Normal University

    2016-         School of Economics, Faculty of economics and management, East China Normal University


    1995.9-1999.6  Bachelor of mathematics, Central China Normal University

    1999.9-2002.6  Master of Operations Research and Control, Central China Normal University

    2002.9-2005.6  Doctor of Systems Science and Management, Wuhan University

    2016.1-2017.1  Visiting scholar of School of management, Texas State University, Dallas, USA 


    Doctor, Associate Professor, School of Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, East China Normal University. I graduated from the Department of Mathematics of Central China Normal University with a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in 2002, and a doctor's degree from Wuhan University in 2005. In the same year, I began to work in the Business School of East China Normal University and visited Texas State University Dallas in 2016. I have published more than 20 papers and 2 books as the first author in the  journals such as International Financial Research, Chinese Management Science, System Engineering Theory and Practice, Business Economy and Management. I have finished one National Social Science Fund for youth and one Shanghai Soft Science Project. And currently I am the principal investigator of one National Social Science Fund. I have won the excellent Scientific and Technological Paper Award of Wuhan Natural Science, the Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Hubei Province, and the annual best paper of China Financial Review. I have taught Econometrics, Socioeconomic statistics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Quantitative Economy and Research Methods, and have been awarded the 2017 best teacher in the eyes of students.

    Other Appointments


    Research Fields

    Information economics, Network Economy, Mechanism Design, Econometrics, etc.

    Enrollment and Training


    Econometrics, Socio-economic Statistics, Intermediate Microeconomics, Quantitative Economy and Research Methods, etc. 


    Principal Investigator, Shanghai Soft Science (17692104400): "Research on governance mechanism and Countermeasures of moral hazard under the mode of sharing economy"‚ 2017.6-2018.5 (completed)

    Principal Investigator, National Social Science Foundation(10CGL014) : "Research on the prevention of enterprise moral hazard and reputation analysis in network transaction "‚ 2010.7-2014.4 (completed) 

    Principal Investigator, National Social Science Foundation(19BGL106) : "Research on the formation mechanism of sharing psychology and consumption behavior under the background of sharing economy" ‚ 2019.7-2022.6

    Academic Achievements

    ★Theory and method of multi-item auction mechanism design (Monograph) ‚ Yin Hong ‚ Xuelin press ‚ 2009.4

