
Yaping Wang

  • About
    • Department: School of Statistics
    • Gender: male
    • Post: 200062
    • Graduate School: Peking University
    • Degree: Ph.D.
    • Academic Credentials: Ph.D.
    • Tel:
    • Email: ypwang@fem.ecnu.edu.cn
    • Office: Science Building A1506B, ECNU North Zhongshan Road Campus
    • Address: School of Statistics, East China Normal University, 3663 North Zhongshan Road, Shanghai
    • PostCode: 200062
    • Fax:


    2018.08-presentSchool of Statistics, East China Normal University


    2013.09-2018.07, School of Mathematical Science, Peking University, Ph.D., Advisor: Prof. Mingyao Ai

    2016.09-2017.08, Department of Statistics, UCLA, Visiting Ph.D. student, Advisor: Prof. Hongquan Xu

    2009.09-2013.07School of Mathematical Science, Peking University, B.S.


    Yaping Wang is Professor at School of Statistics, East China Normal University. His main research interests include experimental design, computer experiments and applied statistics. He has published over 20 papers in scientific journals such as Annals of Statistics, JASA, Biometrika, Science China-Mathematics.

    Other Appointments

    Reviewer for Annals of Statistics, Statistica Sinica, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Statistics, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Journal of Applied Statistics, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Statistics & Probability Letters etc.

    Research Fields

    Experimental Design

    Computer Experiments

    Applied Statistics

    Enrollment and Training


    Experimental Design

    Mathematical Analysis

    Advanced Algebra

    Linear Algebra

    Probability and Statistics A,B

    Applied Multivariate Analysis


    National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on complex computer experimental designs and related big data subsampling methods, 2023/01-2026/12

    National Natural Science Foundation of China, Research on several optimality criteria and construction methods of space-filling designs, 2020/01-2022/12

    Shanghai Sailing Project, Theory and construction of maximin distance computer experimental designs, 2019/05-2022/04

    Shanghai Chenguang Project, Uniform projection designs and their applications in computer experiments, 2020/01-2022/12

    Open Project of KLAS Noreast China Normal University, Subsampling methods for big data based on experimental designs, 2020/05-2020/12

    Academic Achievements

    Refereed journal publications

    23. Wang, Y., Liu, S., Xiao, Q. (2024+).  Construction of orthogonal-MaxPro Latin hypercube designs. Journal of Quality Technology,  accepted.

    22. Jiang, B., Wang, Y., Sun, F. (2024+).  On construction of strong orthogonal arrays and column-orthogonal strong orthogonal arrays of strength two plus. Science China-Mathematics,  accepted.

    21. Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Sun, F. (2024+).  Theory and applications of space-filling pattern and projection pattern. Metrika,  accepted.

    20. Xiao, Q., Wang, Y., Mandal, A., Deng, X. (2024). Modeling and active learning for experiments with quantitative-sequence factors. Journal of the American Statistical Association119, 407-421.

    19. Liu, S., Wang, Y. (2024). New bounds and search for maximin distance U-type designs. Stat, 13, e650.

    18. Yu, J., Meng, X., Wang, Y. (2023). Optimal designs for semi-parametric dose-response models under random contamination. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 178, 107615.

    17. Wang, Y., Sun, F. (2023). On the maximin distance properties of orthogonal designs via the rotation. Science China-Mathematics, 66, 1593-1608.

    16. Liu, S., Wang, Y., Sun, F. (2023). Two-dimensional projection uniformity for space-filling designs. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 53, 293-311.

    15. Jiang, B., Wang, F., Wang, Y. (2022). Construction of uniform mixed-level designs through level permutations. Metrika, 85, 753-770.

    14. Jiang, B., Wang, Y., Ai, M. (2022). Search for minimum aberration designs with uniformity. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 74, 271-287.

    13. Wang, Y., Sun, F., Xu, H. (2022). On design orthogonality, maximin distance and projection uniformity for computer experiments. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 117, 375-385.

    12. Pang, S., Wang, Y., Ai, M. (2022). Construction of orthogonal arrays without interaction columns. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 38, 159-168.

    11. Wang, Y., Liu, S., Lin, D. K. J. (2022). On definitive screening designs using Paley's conference matrices. Statistics & Probability Letters, 181, 109267.

    10. Wang, Y., Wang, F., Yuan, Y., Xiao, Q. (2021). Connecting U-type designs before and after level permutations and expansions, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 15:81.

    9. Wang, Y., Peng, Z., Zhang, R., Xiao, Q. (2021). Robust sequential design for piecewise-stationary multi-armed bandit problem in the presence of outliers. Statistical Theory and Related Fields, 5, 122-133.

    8. Jiang, B., Wang, Z., Wang, Y. (2021). Strong orthogonal arrays of strength two-plus based on the Addelman-Kempthorne method. Statistics & Probability Letters175, 109114.

    7. Su, Z., Wang, Y., Zhou, Y. (2020). On maximin distance and nearly orthogonal Latin hypercube designs. Statistics & Probability Letters, 166, 108878.

    6. Sun, F., Wang, Y., Xu, H. (2019). Uniform projection designs. Annals of Statistics, 47, 641-661.

    5. Wang, Y., Yang J., Xu, H. (2018). On the connection between maximin distance designs and orthogonal designs. Biometrika, 105, 471-477.

    4. Yu, J., Ai, M., Wang, Y. (2018). Optimal designs for linear models with Fredholm-type errors. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 194, 65-74.

    3. Wang, Y., Ai, M. (2017). Definitive screening designs with extreme numbers of level changes. Statistics & Probability Letters, 131, 13-18.

    2. Wang, Y., Ai, M. (2016). Optimal designs for multiple treatments with unequal variances. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 171, 175-183.

    1. Wang, Y., Ai, M., Li, K. (2016). Optimality of pairwise blocked definitive screening designs. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 68, 659-671.


    Design of Experiments, 3rd edition, Mao, S., Zhou, J., Zhou, Y., Wang, Y., China Statistics Press, 2020


    Peking University Excellent PhD Thesis