

  • About
    • Department: School of Statistics
    • Gender: female
    • Post: Associate Professor
    • Graduate School: East China Normal University
    • Degree: Phd
    • Academic Credentials:
    • Tel:
    • Email: pwu@stat.ecnu.edu.cn
    • Office: Room 1706,Science Building A
    • Address: No 3663 Zhongshan North Road, Shanghai
    • PostCode:
    • Fax:


    From 05/2009 to present    The Department of Statistics, East China Normal University


    From 09/2005 to 07/2018   The Department of Statistics, East China Normal University, Phd student

    From 09/2003 to 07/2005   The Department of Statistics, East China Normal  University, Graduate student

    From 09/1999 to 07/2003  The Department of Mathematics, Henan Normal University,     underGraduate student 


    An associate Professor in the Department of Statistics, East China Normal University. Main interesting research fields are  Parameter/nonparametric Statistics, Longitudinal data, Panal data, Small area estimation, Variable velection, Model test.

    Other Appointments

    Research Fields

     Parameter/nonparametric Statistics, Longitudinal data, Panal data, Small area estimation, Variable velection, Model test.

    Enrollment and Training



    1、National Natural Science Foundation of China(11101157Estimation and variable selection in mixed-effects models for longitudinal data(01/2013-12/2015),主Leader。

    2National Natural Science Foundation of China(11371142) Small area estimation based on prameter and semiparameter regression(01/2014-12/2017) ,  participant.


    3、National Social Science Foundation 13CGL048) , Research on the impact of dynamic corporate governance on R & D innovation from the perspective of developing strategic emerging industries,   participant.


    4Social Science Foundation of East China Normal University(43800-20206-542500) Construction of comprehensive evaluation index of skeletal muscle function (2020/01-2023/12) ,  Leader.

    Academic Achievements


