
Chaohai Shen

Organization: Faculty of Economics and Management

Related to the teacher


  • Department: School of Economics and Management
  • Gender: male
  • Post: Associate Professor
  • Graduate School: Pennsylvania State University-University Park
  • Degree: Ph.D. in Economics
  • Academic Credentials: Ph.D.
  • Tel:
  • Email: chshen@dbm.ecnu.edu.cn
  • Office: North Zhongshan Campus, Science Building A1204
  • Address: 3663 North Zhongshan Road, Science Building A1204, Shanghai, China
  • PostCode: 200062
  • Fax:


2017, Ph.D. in Economics, Department of Economics, Pennsylvania State University-University Park

2012, Master of Economics, Graduate School of Economics, University of Tokyo

2009, Bachelor of Economics, School of Economics, Zhejiang University


Oct. 2017-present, Assistant Professor/Associate Professor, School of Economics and Management, East China Normal University


Dr. Chaohai Shen is an Associate Professor in the School of Economics and Management, East China Normal University. He received his Ph.D in Economics from Pennsylvania State University-University Park (Department of Economics), after receiving his Master of Economics from the University of Tokyo (Graduate School of Economics) and his Bachelor of Economics from Zhejiang University (School of Economics). His current work focuses on detecting collusion in auctions empirically, examining the antitrust leniency programs in European Union and U.S. theoretically, and topics in MNE&FDI. He has received many research grants at national and provincial levels.

Other Appointments

Upon request.

Research Fields

Industrial Organization, Economics of Collusion, Applied Microeconomics, Applied Econometrics

Enrollment and Training


Courses I'm teaching:

Econometrics (Undergraduate), Fall

Microeconomics (Undergraduate), Fall

Game Theory and Business Strategy (Undergraduate), Spring

Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (Graduate), Spring

Courses I taught:

Advanced Mathematics C (Undergraduate)

Specialized English (Graduate)


Three funded research projects

Academic Achievements

With several papers published in leading academic journals


Upon request.