

  • 个人资料
    • 部门: 经济与管理学部
    • 性别:
    • 专业技术职务: 教授
    • 毕业院校: 华东师范大学
    • 学位: 博士
    • 学历: 研究生
    • 联系电话:
    • 电子邮箱: lyqian@stat.ecnu.edu.cn
    • 办公地址: 理科大楼A1709
    • 通讯地址: 上海市中山北路3663号华东师范大学理科大楼A1709
    • 邮编: 200062
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    2005.72007.7 华东师范大学统计系助教

    2007.72007.12 华东师范大学金融与统计学院助教

    2007.122011.12 华东师范大学金融与统计学院讲师

    2011.122016.12 华东师范大学金融与统计学院副教授

    2016.12—至今 华东师范大学经济与管理学部统计学院教授















    • 国家自然科学基金委重点项目《经济管理中复杂数据和复杂行为的分析方法及其应用》(批准号: 71931004(子课题负责人) 2020.01-2023.12

    • 上海市曙光计划基金《上海市大病保险可持续发展研究——基于统计精算模型》,(项目批准号:18SG25) (主持人)2018 .12- 2021 .12

    • 国家自然科学基金面上项目《保险人和再保险人效用限制下最优再保险问题研究》(项目批准号: 11771147) (主持人) 2018.01-2021.12

    • 国家社科基金重大项目《大数据背景下健康保险的精算统计模型与风险监管研究》(项目批准号: 17ZDA091) (子课题三负责人) 2018.01-2021.12

    • 国家自然科学基金青年项目长寿风险建模及其衍生品定价研究(项目批准号: 11301189) (主持人) 2014.01-2016.12

    • 上海市人民政府决策咨询研究重点专项课题《上海保险交易所运行机制及风险防控机制研究》(项目批准号:2016-A-76) (主持人) 2016.10-2017.10

    • 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目《马尔科夫调制过程首达时研究及其应用》(项目批准号:15ZZ023) (主持人) 2015.01-2016.12

    • 教育部博士学科点专项科研基金项目(新教师类)《变额年金定价、对冲及其统计分析(项目批准号: 20130076120007) (主持人) 2014.01-2016.12

    • 上海市自然科学基金面上项目《O-U加跳过程极值问题研究》(项目批准号: 12ZR1408300) (主持人) 2012.07-2015.06

    • 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金《权益指数年金的定价研究》(项目批准号: 12YJC910006) (主持人) 2012.02-2015.01



    1. Ning Wang, Nan Zhang, Zhuo Jin, Linyi Qian.Reinsurance-investment game between two mean-variance insurers under model uncertainty. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2021, 382:.2021.01

    2. 范堃,竺琦,钱林义,张楠,基于目标替代率的税延型商业养老保险扣除限额优化研究,保险研究,2020年第2期,70-81.

    3. Ning Wang, Linyi Qian, Nan Zhang*, Zehui Liu (2019). Modelling the aggregate loss for insurance claims with dependence. To appear at Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods.

    4. 范堃, 杨雯霓, 钱林义*, 何裕馨,税延商业养老保险的分等级税率研究,华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2019年第4期,133-142.

    5. Nan Zhang, Zhuo Jin, Linyi Qian,Kun Fan, Stochastic differential reinsurance games with capital injections, Insurance Mathematics and Economics. 88(2019),7-18.

    6. Nan Zhang, Zhuo Jin, Linyi Qian, Wei Wang*. Optimal reciprocal stop-loss reinsurance with mutual utility improvement, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization.Accept

    7. Linyi Qian, Yang Shen, Wei Wang, Zhixin Yang. Valuation of Risk-Based Premium of DB Pension Plan with Terminations, Insurance Mathematics and Economics. 86(2019),51-63.

    8. Ning Wang, Nan Zhang, Zhuo Jin, Linyi Qian. Robust non-zero-sum investment and reinsurance game with default risk. Insurance Mathematics and Economics. 84(2019), 115-132.

    9. Linyi Qian, Wei Wang,Ning Wang, Shuai Wang. Pricing and hedging equity-indexed annuities via local risk-minimization. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods.4862019, 1417-1437.

    10. Nan Zhang, Zhuo Jin, Linyi Qian*, Rongming Wang. Optimal quota-share reinsurance based on the mutual benefit of insurer and reinsurer, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.342 (2018) ,337-351.

    11. Linyi Qian, Lv Chen, Zhuo Jin, Rongming Wang. Optimal Liability Ratio and Dividend Payment Strategies under Catastrophic Risk, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. 14(4)2018, 1443-1461.

    12. Linyi Qian, Zhuo Jin, Wei Wang, Lv Chen. Pricing dynamic fund protections for a hyperexponential jump diffusion process. Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods. 47(1) 2018, 210-221.

    13. Lv Chen, Linyi Qian, Yang Shen, Wei Wang, Constrained investmentreinsurance optimization with regime switching under variance premium principle. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics .71 (2016), 253267.

    14. Wei Wang, Zhuo Jin, Linyi Qian*, Xiaonan Su. Local risk minimization for vulnerable European contingent claims on nontradable assets under regime switching models. Stochastic Analysis and Applications.34(4)2016,662-678.

    15. Wei Wang, Linyi Qian*, Wensheng Wang. Hedging of contingent claims written on nontraded assets under Markov-modulated models. Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods.45(122016,3577-3595.

    16. Zhuo Jin, Linyi Qian*, Wei Wang, Rongming Wang.Pricing dynamic fund protections with regime switching. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics.297 (2016) 13-25.

    17. Zhuo Jin, Linyi Qian*. Lookback Option Pricing for Regime-Switching Jump Diffusion Models. Mathematical Control and Related Fields. 5(2)2015, 237-258.

    18. Wei Wang, Linyi Qian*, Xiaonan Su, Pricing and hedging catastrophe equity put options under a Markov-modulated jump diffusion model. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 11(2)2015, 493-514.

    19. Shuai Wang, Yang Shen, Linyi Qian*, Static Hedging of Geometric Average Asian Options with Standard Options. Communications in Statistics –Simulation and Computation, 44(8)2015, 2101-2116.

    20. Linyi Qian, Wei Wang, Rongming Wang, Risk-minimizing hedging strategy for an equity-indexed annuity under a regime switching model. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), 31(1)2015, 101-110.

    21. Linyi Qian, Rongming Wang, Qian Zhao, Valuation of equity-indexed annuities with stochastic interest rate and jump diffusion. Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods, 43(14)2014, 2870–2885.

    22. Linyi Qian, Wei Wang, Rongming Wang, Risk-minimizing portfolio selection for insurance payment processes under a Markov-modulated model. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 9(2) 2013, 411-429.

    23. Liang Peng, Linyi Qian, Jingping Yang. Weighted Estimation of the Dependence Function for an Extreme-Value Distribution. Bernoulli, 19(2) 2013, 492-520.

    24. Linyi Qian, Rongming Wang, Shuai Wang, Valuation of equity-indexed annuities with regime-switching jump diffusion risk and stochastic mortality risk. Science China-Mathematics, 55(11) 2012, 2335-2346.

    25. LinyiQian, Wei Wang, Rongming Wang, Yincai Tang, Valuation of equity-indexed annuity under stochastic mortality and interest rate, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 47(2) 2010, 123-129.

    26. Liping Zhu, Linyi Qian and Jingguan Lin, Variable selection in a class of single-index models, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics63(6)(2011), 1277-1293.

    27. Linyi Qian, Hailiang Yang, Rongming Wang, Locally risk-minimizing hedging strategies for unit-linked life insurance contracts under a regime switching Levy model. Frontiers of Mathematics in China, 6(6) 2011, 1185-1202.

    28. Shuai Wang, Linyi Qian, Valuation of European Currency Options in Financial Engineering. Systems Engineering Procedia. 2 (2011) , 222 -230.

    29. Wei Wang, Linyi Qian, Wensheng Wang. Hedging strategy for unit-linked life insurance contracts in stochastic volatility models [J]. WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 2013, 12(4)363-373.

    30. 范堃, 杨雯霓, 钱林义*, 何裕馨,税延商业养老保险的分等级税率研究,华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2019年第4期,133-142.

    31. 郑玮,柯辰,钱林义,同出生年死亡率相关性效应下的长寿债券定价研究,应用概率统计,3012014: 72-83.

    32. 姚定俊,钱林义,程恭品.   Optimal Investment Strategy in a Markov-Modulated Risk Model: Maximizing the Terminal Utility应用概率统计. 2932013317-329.

    33. 王伟;钱林义;温利民,Regime Switching Levy模型下的局部风险最小套期保值策略,应用数学学报,36(6)2013: 1053-1071.

    34. 钱林义,韩天雄,寿险保单贴现探析,上海保险,第315期,201222-24.

    35. 丁芳清,钱林义,杨亚松,A Easy and Feasible Way to Construct the Joint-Life Status Life Table: Method and Theory,应用概率统计,2832012:235-243.

    36. 钱林义,汪荣明,刘迪,用随机模拟法提留权益指数年金准备金,数理统计与管理,29(4) 2010648-655.

    37. 谌明超,贺思辉,钱林义我国企业年金税收优惠政策建模及分析,统计与信息论坛,24110200966-71.

    38. 钱林义,朱利平,姚定俊,Valuation of Equity-Indexed Annuity under Jump Diffusion Process,应用概率统计,2462008648-659. (CSCD)

    39. 钱林义,范堃,韩天雄,保险资金可投资不动产带来的几点思考,上海保险,第278期,200836-39.

    40. 王修文,钱林义,关于2000-2003 新生命表出台对寿险业的影响分析,应用概率统计,241200898-106.

    41. 沈洋,钱林义,加息对保险资金运用的影响,金融与经济,第351期,200761-63.

    42. 钱林义,汪荣明,廖靖宇,考虑死亡风险下权益指数年金的定价,应用数学学报,3032007497-505.

    43. 廖靖宇,钱林义、韩天雄,平均法下权益指数年金的定价,集团经济研究,第119期,2006173-175.


