
10 Visits


  • Department: School of Economics
  • Gender: female
  • Post: Associate professor
  • Research:
  • Graduate School: Xiamen University
  • Degree: Ph.D.
  • Academic Credentials: Ph.D
  • Tel:
  • Email: xlouyang@foxmail.com
  • Office: Room 203, South Fashang Building
  • Address: No. 500 Dongchuan Road
  • PostCode: 200241
  • Fax:


She received her doctorate in Economics from Xiamen University in June 2014.


July, 2014 - December, 2016: East China Normal University, Lecturer (ChenHui Scholar)

December, 2016 - : East China Normal University, Associate Professor


She received her doctorate in Economics from Xiamen University in June 2014, and has been an associate professor in the Faculty of Economics and Management of East China Normal University since December 2016. Her main research fields are applied econometrics, energy and environmental economics. She has published nearly 40 academic papers on important international journals such as Energy Economics and China Economic Review. As the program tutor of science and technology innovation for undergraduates, she has guided several research groups to win Science and Technology Awards at the national and provincial levels. Under her guidance, several master degree candidates have been awarded national scholarships for graduate students, and the Outstanding Graduates of Shanghai city. She has also guided a number of undergraduates to further their studies at well-known universities including Shanghai Jiaotong University, University of Chicago, and Columbia University.

Other Appointments

She is a part-time researcher of Collaborative Innovation Center for Energy Economics and Energy Policy at Xiamen University, China; She is also a member of Sustainable Operations and Management System Council affiliated to Systems Engineering Society of China. In addition, She is an anonymous referee for international SSCI and SCI journals such as Energy Economics, Contemporary Economic Policy, China Economic Review, and was awarded as Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing for the above-mentioned journals. She is also an anonymous reviewer for research foundations including NSFC.

Research Fields

Evaluation methods of economic growth and environmental economics, energy economics and policy, environmental and ecological efficiency measurement, etc.

Enrollment and Training



International Finance

Frontier of Economics in China


She has hosted and accomplished more than ten research projects, including projects supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Ministry of Education, Shanghai Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Science, and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and has participated in a number of national, provincial and enterprise level scientific research projects.

Academic Achievements

She has published more than 30 academic papers on SCI and SSCI journals, including Energy Economics, Energy Policy, China Economic Review, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, and other international academic journals.


One of her acedemic papers was awarded the Most Cited Energy Articles from China in 2017 from the Elsevier. Eight of her papers have been rated as the ESI most cited articles and two of her papers have been rated as ESI hot papers.