
Yan Li

  • About
    • Department: Department of Statistics
    • Gender: female
    • Post:
    • Graduate School:
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    • Academic Credentials:
    • Tel:
    • Email: yli@stat.ecnu.edu.cn
    • Office: Room 1717, Science Building A
    • Address: No. 3663 North Zhongshan Rd, Putuo District, Shanghai
    • PostCode:
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    2005.7-2008.3 Teaching Assistant, Department of Statistics, ECNU

    2008.4-2012.6 Lecturer, School of Finance and Statistics, ECNU

    2012.7-present Associate Professor, School of Statistics, ECNU

    2006.7-2006.8, Research Assistant, Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management, Hongkong University of Science and Technology (Supervisor: Fugee Tsung)

    2013.3-2014.3, Visiting Scholar, H. Milton Stewart School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (Supervisors: Jeff Wu & Yajun Mei)


    2009.92011.6 Ph.D. in Probability and Mathematical StatisticsEast China Normal University (ECNU)

    2002.92005.M.S. in Probability and Mathematical Statistics, ECNU

    1998.92002.6 B.S. in Statistics and Probability, ECNU


    Yan Li is currently Associate Professor in the School of Statistics at East China Normal University (ECNU). She got her Ph.D. in statistics from ECNU in 2011. She is interested in applied statistics, sequential analysis, statistical process control, sampling inspection, causal inference. 

    Other Appointments

    2023.4-present Deputy Secretary, General in Education Statistics and Management Branch of the Chinese Association for Applied Statistics

    Research Fields

    Applied Statistics, Sequential Analysis, Statistical Process Control, Sampling Inspection, Causal Inference

    Enrollment and Training


    Statistical Machine Learning, Data Processing and Visualization, Regression Analysis, Sampling Survey, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, et al..

    MOOC: Data Preprocessing and Feature Engineering: Methods, Principles and Applications in Python (will be available soon)


    Grants as a Host:

    [1] 2015.12018.12 “Sequential Test Methods and Control Charts for Multivariate Data and Functional Data” funded by National Natural Science Foundation Grant of China (11471119

    [2] 2012.12014.12 “Studies on Sequential Test and Sequential Experiment Design” funded by National Natural Science Foundation Grant of China (11101156)

    [3] 2012.12013.12 “Studies on Control Charts for Short Production Runs and Dynamic Processes” funded by East China Normal University

    Academic Achievements

    Selected Publications:

    [1] Shuaiyu Chen, Yan Li, Xiaolong Pu, Dongdong Xiang (2023) A stable sequential multiple test for KoopmanDarmois family. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 226: 3962. (SCI)[link]

    [2] Pengcheng Ren, Guanfu Liu*, Xiaolong Pu, Yan Li* (2022) Generalized fiducial methods for testing quantitative trait locus effects in genetic backcross studies. Statistical Theory and Related Fields, 6(2): 148-160.[link]

    [3] Wenjuan Liang, Dongdong Xiang*, Xiaolong Pu, Yan Li, Lingzhu Jin (2019) A robust multivariate sign control chart for detecting shifts in covariance matrix under the elliptical directions distributions. Quality Technology & Quantitative Management, 16(1),113-127. (SCI)[link]

    [4] Yan Li, Yajun Mei* (2016) Effect of bivariate data's correlation on sequential tests of circular error probability. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 171, 99-114. (SCI)[link]

    [5] Dongdong Xiang, Yan Li, Lei Wang, Xiaolong Pu* (2016) Double stepwise likelihood ratio test for one-sided composite hypotheses. Quality Technology and Quantitative Management, 13(3)355-366. (SCI)[link]

    [6] Wenjuan Liang, Xiaolong Pu, Yan Li* (2015) A new EWMA chart based on weighted loss function for monitoring the process mean and variance. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 31, 905-916. (SCI)[link]

    [7] Lei Wang, Xiaolong Pu, Yan Li, Yukun Liu* (2015) Sequential two-stage D-optimality sensitivity test for binary response data. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 44(7)1833-1849.(SCI)[link]

    [8] Lei Wang, Xiaolong Pu, Dongdong Xiang, Yan Li* (2014) Asymptotic optimality of double sequential mixture likelihood ratio test. Journal of Statistical Computation & Simulation, 84(4), 916-929.(SCI)[link]

    [9] Lei Wang, Xiaolong Pu, Dongdong Xiang, Yan Li* (2013) A double sequential weighted probability ratio test for one-sided composite hypotheses. Communications in Statistics  Theory and Methods, 42(20), 3678-3695.(SCI)[link]

    [10] Dongdong Xiang, Xiaolong Pu, Lei Wang, Yan Li* (2012) Degenerate-generalized likelihood ratio test for one-sided composite hypotheses. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2012, 1-11.(SCI)[link]

    [11] Yan Li, Xiaolong Pu* (2012) On the performance of two-sided control charts for short production runs. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 28(2), 215-232.(SCI)[link]

    [12] Yan Li, Xiaolong Pu*, Dongdong Xiang (2011) Mixed variables-attributes test plans for single and double acceptance sampling under exponential distribution. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2011.(SCI)[link]

    [13] Yan Li, Xiaolong Pu* (2010) Method of sequential mesh based on Koopman-Darmois distributions. Science in China Series A: Mathematics, 53(4), 917-926. (SCI)[link]

    [14] Yan Li*, Xiaolong Pu (2010) Hypothesis designs for three-hypothesis test problems. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2010.(SCI)[link]

    [15] Yan Li, Xiaolong Pu* (2010) A method for designing three-hypothesis test problems and sequential schemes. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 39(9), 1690-1708.(SCI)[link]

    [16] Yan Li, Xiaolong Pu*, Fugee Tsung (2009) Adaptive charting schemes based on double sequential probability ratio tests. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 25, 21-39.(SCI)[link]

    [17] Weiqing Zhang, Xiaolong Pu*, Yan Li* (2009) The method of combined inspection. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 25(2), 235-242.(SCI)[link]


    Chapters in Cross-Disciplinary Monographs:

    [1]Part 3: Research Method in National Survey and Policy Analysis for Teacher Professional Development in Primary and Secondary Schools, East China Normal University Press, 2010.[link]

    [2]Part 4: Research Method in National Survey and Policy Analysis for Initial Teacher Training in Normal Universities and Colleges, East China Normal University Press, 2014.[link]

    [3]Statistical Perspective: Using Data to Analyze Education in Education That Satisfies the People in the New Era: A Multidisciplinary Perspective, East China Normal University Press, 2018.[link]



    Optimized design and evaluation software for sensitivity experiment V1.0 (registered with other 4 collaborators)


    Chinese National Standard:

    GB/T 4889-2008 “Statistical interpretation of data - Techniques of estimation and tests relating to means and variances of normal distribution”, implemented since 01/01/2009 (second drafter).[link]


    Entries of the Encyclopedia of China (3rd Edition):

    Independent author of over 50 entries on sampling inspection,in the Encyclopedia of China (3rd Edition). For example, the sequential probability ratio test (SPRT).[link


    [1] First Prize for Science and Technology Progress Award provincial and ministerial level, 2006 (collaborating with other 7 awardees)

    [2] Second Prize for Science and Technology Progress Awardprovincial and ministerial level, 2011 (collaborating with other 9 awardees)

    [3] Shanghai Educational Development Foundation’s Shenwan Hongyuan Award, 2016

    [4] Second Prize in the Book Category of the Thirteenth Shanghai Philosophy and Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award, 2016 (collaborating with other 5 awardees)

    [5] Second Prize for Excellent Teaching Achievements in Shanghai Higher Education, 2022 (collaborating with other 9 awardees)