

  • About
    • Department: school of statistics
    • Gender: male
    • Post: Associated Prof.
    • Graduate School: NWPU. (Northwestern Polytechnic University)
    • Degree: PhD
    • Academic Credentials:
    • Tel: 021-54345058
    • Email: shhe@stat.ecnu.edu.cn
    • Office: South building of law and business , No. 219
    • Address: Dong Chuan Lu 500
    • PostCode: 200241
    • Fax: 021-54345058


    July 1987 -- September 1996, Teaching in Yongping Middle School of Yanchuan County, Shaanxi province;


    From September 1996 to July 2005, he taught in the Department of Actuarial Science in the Statistical School of Xi 'an University of Finance and Economics (formerly Xi 'an Statistical Institute).


    Jul. 2006 -- present: Taught in the Department of Risk Management and Insurance, School of Statistics, East China Normal University;


    From September 1983 to July 1987, studied in the Department of Mathematics, Yan 'an University and obtained the bachelor of Science degree;


    From September 1995 to June 1996, studied in the Scientific research Institute of Central South University (formerly Changsha Railway College);


    From September 1996 to August 1998, studied in the Graduate class of Statistics in Xi 'an Statistics University;


    From March 2001 to May 2005, I studied for the doctor's degree in systems engineering in Northwestern Polytechnical University and obtained the doctor's degree in engineering.


    He Sihui, male,Han Chinese. Born in Yanchuan County, Shaanxi Province, P.R.China

    • In recent years, I having been engaged in the theoretical and technical research of financial risk management. In the early years, I have studied the fields of comprehensive statistical evaluation, risk theory and risk measurement theory, actuarial science and interest theory.I have a long-term academic follow-up study on risk theory and interest theory, and I am currently preparing monographs on financial Risk Management Theory and Technology and Macroeconomic Model research of Interest rate.In the statistical comprehensive evaluation and risk management theory has got a certain research basis.

    Other Appointments

    • 1. Member of expert Committee of Shanghai Insurance Institute

    Research Fields

    1. Financial risk management;

    2. Actuarial risk theory;

    3. Comprehensive evaluation of statistics;

    4. Interest theory

    Enrollment and Training


    1. Undergraduate courses: Financial Risk Management, Interest Theory, Survival Model, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Corporate Finance, Property and Liability Insurance


    2. Postgraduate courses: Higher Financial Risk Management, Property and Liability Insurance, Risk Management

    3. MBA Courses:  Risk Management,  Performance Appraisal


    1. National Natural Science Foundation of China participated in the project


    (1) General Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 11571112, Statistical Analysis of functional Semi-parametric regression Model with Index Terms, 2016/01-2019/12,


    2. General projects of the International Social Science Fund


    (1) National Social Science Foundation project, one project in 2020 (main participant)

    Academic Achievements

    1. Comprehensive evaluation methods, Science Press, 2000.


    2. Probability theory and Statistics, Wuhan University Press, 2010-april


    1. In 2018, the First prize of Shanghai Teaching Achievement