
Hu Jinxing

  • About
    • Department: faculty of economics and management
    • Gender: male
    • Post: associate professor
    • Graduate School: Fudan University
    • Degree: Doctor Degree
    • Academic Credentials: Ph.D.
    • Tel:
    • Email: jxhu@orec.ecnu.edu.cn
    • Office:
    • Address: Department of Public Policy, School of Public Management, East China Normal University, No. 3663, North Zhongshan Road, 200062, Shanghai, China
    • PostCode:
    • Fax:


    2007.7- East China Normal University Orient Real Estate college/Business School/Faculty of Economics and Management/School of Public Management


    Visiting scholar, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)

    Doctor of  Economics, School of Management, Fudan University

    Bachelor of Management, School of Business Administration, Zhejiang Gongshang University


    Jinxing Hu, associate professor. He achieved Ph.D in Economics from Fudan University and was the visiting scholar of TU Delft. His main research interests include real estate economy and management, Enterprise strategic management, etc. Now, he is the executive director of Global Chinese Real Estate Congress, a member of the presidium and the deputy secretary of Friendship Association of Real Estate scholars in Chinese university, the executive director of Oriental Real Estate Research Institute. He has won the honorary title of outstanding coach in National College Students' Real Estate Planning Competition for several times.

    Other Appointments


          Standing Director, Global Chinese Real Estate Congress

          Vice President, Shanghai Real Estate Economics Association

          Executive Director, the Oriental Real Estate Research Institute

    Research Fields

    Real estate economics, housing finance, housing policy, corporate strategy etc.

    Enrollment and Training


     I   1. Introduction to Real Estate

          2. Real estate marketing planning

          3.  International real estate comparison

          4. Real estate economics

          5. Industrial Economics

          6.  Strategic management


    1. Tracking Research on the Implementation of Comprehensive Management Policy in Residential District(FG202010),Shanghai Housing Security and Housing Administration, 2020

    2. Study on the coordinated development of the housing market under the background of the integration of the Yangtze River Delta(2020-GZ-25), the Development of Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Government,2020

    3. Study on Measures to Strengthen the Standardized Development of Shanghai's Housing Rental Market(FG2019002), Shanghai Housing Security and Housing Administration,2019

    4. Study on Optimizing Countermeasures of Shanghai's Housing System of Both Rent and Purchase during the 14th Five-Year Plan(2019-GZ-28), the Development of Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Government, 2019

    5. Research on the problems and countermeasures in the construction of long-term mechanism in Shanghai real estate market (2018-GZ-24), the Development of Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Government,2018

    6. Research on Shanghai Real Estate Early Warning System Construction and Long-term Effective Mechanism Improvement(2017-GZ-12), the Development of Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Government,2017

    7. Research on the Risk Identification Strategy and Countermeasures of Shanghai Real Estate Market, Shanghai Municipal Education Commission,2017

    8. Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Shanghai Housing Security System(2016-GR-04), the Development of Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Government,2016

    9. Research on the Sustainable Development of Public Rental Housing in Shanghai(2015-GZ-07), the Development of Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Government,2015

    10. Research on the Rent Pricing Mechanism of Shanghai's Rental Guaranteed Housing (FG201514),Shanghai Housing Security and Housing Administration,2015

    11. Research on the housing security system for the low- and middle-income groups of migrant workers in Shanghai (2014-GR-12) ,the Development of Research Center of Shanghai Municipal People's Government,2014

    12. Research on Housing Security System under the Background of New Urbanization(13CJY040),National Social Science Foundation of China,2013

    Academic Achievements

    1. Real estate credit and housing prices: evidence from 35 large and medium cities in China, [J]Shanghai Finance,2018

    2. The Rapid Development Miracle of China 's Real Estate Industry: Its Driving Factors and Sustainability[J]Journal of East China Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences),2018 


    ·    1. Purchase restriction policy, diversified strategic choice and corporate performance” won the first prize of outstanding paper in this year's Real estate seminar and the 13th China Association of Real Estate Academicians,2019.

         2. the first prize in the final of the 2nd National University Students Real Estate Innovation and Entrepreneurship Invitational Competition held in Tsinghua University.(mentorHu Jinxing, etc.),2019.

         3. Excellent instructor of themed social practice at ECNU,2018