

  • About
    • Department: 经济与管理学部
    • Gender: male
    • Post:
    • Graduate School: Fudan University
    • Degree: Doctor
    • Academic Credentials:
    • Tel: 021-54345059
    • Email: bjding@stat.ecnu.edu.cn
    • Office: 1707 Science Building A
    • Address: 3663 North Zhongshan Road
    • PostCode: 200062
    • Fax:


    Aug 1988-Aug.1993,  Lecture, Yancheng Teachers  University

    Aug 1996-Aug.1999,  Lecture, Yancheng Teachers  University

    Dec 2004-Mar. 2005, Research Fellow, Hong Kong University


    Sep.1984- July 1988,  Department of Mathematics,Jiangsu Normal University , B.S. , July 1988.

    Sep.1993- July 1996,  Department of Statistics, Fudan University , Statistics M.S.,  July 1996.

    Sep.1999- July 2002,  Department of Statistics, Fudan University , Statistics Ph.D., July 2002.


    Dr. Bangjun Ding is Professor of School of Statistics, East China Normal University. Dr. Ding has hosted more than 10 research programs including National Natural Science Foundation of China. He has published more than 40 papers, of which 10 papers were included in SCI, as well as two monographs and two textbooks. His areas of research include statistical analysis of big data, financial statistics, life data analysis.

    Other Appointments


    Research Fields

    Statistical analysis of big data, Financial statistics, Life data analysis. 

    Enrollment and Training


    Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra, Advanced Mathematics, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Regression Analysis, Multivariate Statistical Analysis, Advanced Mathematical Statistics (graduate), Linear Models (graduate), Linear Algebra, Universist Statistics, Data analysis, Data model and decisions,etc.


    1. Shanghai Development and Reform Commission. (201403. 2014-2015

    2. Shanghai Counterpart Supports Xinjiiang Work Program.(JY2014004). 2014-2015

    3. National Natural Science Foundation of China. (11271135) . 2013-2016

    4. Shanghai Economic Informatization Committee. (2013314). 2013-2014

    5. Shanghai  Natural Science Foundation. (08ZR1407000) , 2008-2010

    Academic Achievements

    to be wright soon


    to be wright soon