In English:
Huamin Chai; Rui Fu; Peter C. Coyte. Unpaid Caregiving and Labor Force Participation among Chinese Middle-Aged Adults. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18(2), 641;
Huamin Chai, Denise N. Guerriere, Brandon Zagorski, Peter C. Coyte. 2013. The size, share and predictors of publicly financed health care costs in the home setting over the palliative care trajectory: A prospective study. Journal of Palliative Care, Autumn; 29(3):154-62. (SSCI/SCI)
Huamin Chai, Denise N. Guerriere, Brandon Zagorski, Peter C. Coyte. 2014. The magnitude, share and determinants of unpaid care costs for home-based palliative care service provision in Toronto, Canada. Health & Social Care in the Community, Jan; 22(1):30-9. doi: 10.1111/hsc.12058. (SSCI)
In Chinese:
CHAI Huamin, LI Jing. Study of Housing Provident Fund System and Housing Demand of Internal Migrants --Evidence from 2016 Internal Migrant Dynamic Monitoring Survey. Scocial Security Research, 2020(4): 31-48.(CSSCI)
Huamin Chai. 2014. Study of the health care utilization and Multi-health insurance programs in China. Medicine and Philosophy, Sep. Vol.35(9A):7-10.
Huamin Chai. 2013. A study of the impact of health insurance on the elder’s health care demands: evidence from China. World Economics Papers (5):107-119. (CSSCI)
Conference (selected)
lHuamin Chai, Josephine Jacobs, Peter C. Coyte. The effect of informal care on labour force participation, wages and hours of work: evidence from the People’s Republic of China. The 9th World Congress on Health Economics, accepted for Discussed Oral session. July 7-10, 2013, Sydney, Australia.
lHuamin Chai. The effects of informal care on labour market outcomes in China. The 10th Annual Conference of Health Technology Assessment International (HTAi), 15th –19th June 2013, Seoul, Korea.
lHuamin Chai. Study of the impact of multi-health insurance schemes on the elder’s out-of-pocket health care expenditure: evidence from China. The 13th China Economics Annual Conference. 16th—17th, Nov. 2013, Chendu, China.
lHuamin Chai, Xiaoyan Lei. Health care utilization, financial burden and health status of the elderly with universal coverage. Chapter 12th of “Healthy aging in China: trends and determinants” (authors: Yi Zeng, Jiehua Lu, Xiaoyan Lei, Xiaoming Si) . National achievements library of philosophy and social sciences. March, 2018. Beijing. (in Chinese)