

  • 个人资料
    • 部门: 化学与分子工程学院
    • 性别:
    • 专业技术职务:
    • 毕业院校: 中国科学院上海应用物理研究所
    • 学位: 博士
    • 学历:
    • 联系电话: 021-54345484
    • 电子邮箱: peihao@chem.ecnu.edu.cn
    • 办公地址: 东川路500号化学楼227室
    • 通讯地址: 上海市东川路500号华东师范大学化学楼227室
    • 邮编: 200241
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        裴昊,华东师范大学化学与分子工程学院教授,博士生导师。主要研究方向为生物传感器及合成生物分子计算机,细胞表面工程化及自组装等。国家优秀青年科学基金,主持国家自然科学基金等多项项目,获上海市启明星计划等支持,授权中国专利4迄今为止,已在Chem. Rev., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, Adv. Mater.等国际期刊上发表论文100余篇,被引9100余次,H-index 51


    兼任Analysis & Sensing顾问编委,Journal of Analysis and Testing青年编委, Chinese Journal of Chemistry客座编辑。受邀担任Sci. Adv.J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, Adv. Mater.等多个期刊审稿人。


    课题组聚焦于核酸纳米技术、分子计算、细胞自组装及免疫治疗等。利用核酸分子识别的特异性及可预测性,实现了具有良好生物相容性的人工核酸纳米结构的设计、合成及表征。基于核酸分子间相互作用的可编程性,提出了功能化核酸分子电路的设计策略。结合核酸结构功能化设计,提出了核酸及核酸折纸结构介导的新型细胞自组装方法,发展了基于核酸纳米材料的多功能、可编程合成免疫分子平台。相关研究成果发表在Nature Machine IntelligenceNature Communication, Science advances, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem.等期刊,并被Nature Machine IntelligenceNature Reviews Chemistry等杂志评论引用,部分研究工作作为封面论文被报道。


    • 2023-11  祝贺孙越洋携“基于Dorimer的新抗原TCR-T疗法开发”项目在第八届“创客中国”生物制造中小企业创新创业大赛中荣获创客组二等奖!


    • 2022-12  祝贺孙越洋的研究工作在Science Advances上发表!

    • 2022-08  祝贺曹梦瑶在《文汇报》整版发表DNA计算机科普长文,由华东师范大学公众号专访报道!

    • 2022-07  祝贺熊谢微的研究工作在Nature Machine Intelligence上发表,并被DeepTech深科技科学网文汇报新民晚报等多家媒体整版报道!


      Fig. 4

    • 2022-07  祝贺孙越洋携“基于Dorimer技术的精准免疫监测项目在首届合成生物学竞赛-创业赛上获得“技术突破奖”,DeepTech旗下生辉品牌、华东师范大学公众号专访报道!








    42.  Sun Y., Sun J., Xiao M., Lai W., Li L.*, Fan C., Pei H.*DNA origami-based artificial antigen-presenting cells for adoptive T cell therapy. Sci. Adv. 2022, 8(48), eadd1106.


    41.  Xiong X.+, Zhu T.+, Zhu Y., Cao M., Xiao J., Li L., Wang F., Fan C., Pei H.* Molecular convolutional neural networks with DNA regulatory circuits. Nat. Mach. Intell. 2022, 4(7), 625-635.


    Fig. 4

    40.  Sun Y., Yan L., Sun J., Xiao M., Lai W., Song G., Li L., Fan C., Pei H.* Nanoscale organization of two-dimensional multimeric pMHC reagents with DNA origami for CD8(+) T cell detection. Nat. Commun. 2022, 13(1), 3916.


    39.  Shi S., Chen J., Wang X., Xiao M.*, Chandrasekaran A.R., Li L., Yi C.*, Pei H.* Biointerface Engineering with Nucleic Acid Materials for Biosensing Applications. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022, 32(37).


    38.  Wang X., Yan L., Yu Z., Chen Q., Xiao M., Liu X., Li L.*, Pei H.* Aptamer-Functionalized Fractal Nanoplasmonics-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Metabolite Detection. ChemPlusChem. 2022, 87(1), e202100479.


    37.  Wu Z., Xiao M., Lai W., Sun Y., Li L., Hu Z.*, Pei H.* Nucleic Acid-Based Cell Surface Engineering Strategies and Their Applications. ACS Appl. Bio. Mater. 2022, 5(5), 1901-1915.


    36.  Song L., Xiao M., Lai W., Li L., Wan Y., Pei H.* Intracellular Logic Computation with Framework Nucleic Acid‐Based Circuits for mRNA Imaging. Chin. J. Chem. 2021, 39(4), 947-953.


    35.  Tang Q.+, Lai W.+, Wang P., Xiong X., Xiao M., Li L., Fan C., Pei H.* Multi-Mode Reconfigurable DNA-Based Chemical Reaction Circuits for Soft Matter Computing and Control. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60(27), 15013-15019.


    34.  Xiao M.+, Lai W.+, Yu H., Yu Z., Li L., Fan C., Pei H.* Assembly Pathway Selection with DNA Reaction Circuits for Programming Multiple Cell-Cell Interactions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143(9), 3448-3454.


    33.  Xiong X., Xiao M., Lai W., Li L., Fan C., Pei H.* Optochemical Control of DNA-Switching Circuits for Logic and Probabilistic Computation. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60(7), 3397-3401.

    https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202013883    封面文章

    Description unavailable

    32.  Lai W., Xiao M., Yang H., Li L., Fan C., Pei H.* Circularized blocker-displacement amplification for multiplex detection of rare DNA variants. Chem. Commun. 2020, 56(82), 12331-12334.

    https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CC05283C    封面文章

    31.  Yang H., Xiao M., Lai W., Wan Y., Li L., Pei H.* Stochastic DNA Dual-Walkers for Ultrafast Colorimetric Bacteria Detection. Anal. Chem. 2020, 92(7), 4990-4995.


    30.  Cao M., Sun Y., Xiao M., Li L., Liu X., Jin H., Pei H.* Multivalent Aptamer-modified DNA Origami as Drug Delivery System for Targeted Cancer Therapy. Chem. Res. Chinese Universities. 2020, 36(2), 254-260.


    29.  Xiao M., Lai W., Wang F., Li L., Fan C., Pei H.* Programming Drug Delivery Kinetics for Active Burst Release with DNA Toehold Switches. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141(51), 20354-20364.


    28.  Xiao M., Wang X., Li L., Pei H.* Stochastic RNA Walkers for Intracellular MicroRNA Imaging. Anal. Chem. 2019, 91(17), 11253-11258.


    27.  Xiao M.+, Zou K.+, Li L., Wang L., Tian Y., Fan C., Pei H.* Inside Back Cover: Stochastic DNA Walkers in Droplets for Super‐Multiplexed Bacterial Phenotype Detection. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58(43), 15553-15553.

    https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.201906438     当期封底内页

    Description unavailable

    26.  Yu H., Man T., Ji W., Shi L., Wu C., Pei H.*, Zhang C.* Controllable self-assembly of parallel gold nanorod clusters by DNA origami. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2019, 30(1), 175-178.


    25.  Shen J.+, Liang L.+, Xiao M., Xie X., Wang F., Li Q., Ge Z., Li J., Shi J., Wang L., Li L., Pei H.*, Fan C.* Fractal Nanoplasmonic Labels for Supermultiplex Imaging in Single Cells. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141(30), 11938-11946.


    24.  Su Y., Li D., Liu B., Xiao M., Wang F., Li L., Zhang X., Pei H.* Rational Design of Framework Nucleic Acids for Bioanalytical Applications. Chempluschem. 2019, 84(5), 512-523.


    23.  Tang Q.+, Plank T.N.+, Zhu T., Yu H., Ge Z., Li Q., Li L., Davis J.T.*, Pei H.* Self-Assembly of Metallo-Nucleoside Hydrogels for Injectable Materials That Promote Wound Closure. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2019, 11(22), 19743-19750.


    22.  Xiao M., Lai W., Man T., Chang B., Li L., Chandrasekaran A.R.*, Pei H.* Rationally Engineered Nucleic Acid Architectures for Biosensing Applications. Chem. Rev. 2019, 119(22), 11631-11717.


    21.  Man T., Ji W., Liu X., Zhang C.*, Li L., Pei H.*, Fan C.* Chiral Metamolecules with Active Plasmonic Transition. ACS Nano. 2019, 13(4), 4826-4833.


    20.  Pei H.*, Sha R., Wang X., Zheng M., Fan C.*, Canary J.W., Seeman N.C.* Organizing End-Site-Specific SWCNTs in Specific Loci Using DNA. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019, 141(30), 11923-11928.


    19.  Lai W., Xiong X., Wang F., Li Q., Li L., Fan C., Pei H.* Nonlinear Regulation of Enzyme-Free DNA Circuitry with Ultrasensitive Switches. ACS Synth. Biol. 2019, 8(9), 2106-2112.


    18.  Huang P.+, Wang J.+, Jiao L., Gu D., Jiang S., Li M., Lv W., Chen H.*, Pei H.* A time-frozen technique in microchannel used for the thermodynamic studies of DNA origami. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2019, 131, 224-231.


    17.  Deng S.+, Yan J.+, Wang F., Su Y., Zhang X., Li Q., Liu G., Fan C., Pei H.*, Wan Y.* In situ terminus-regulated DNA hydrogelation for ultrasensitive on-chip microRNA assay. Biosens. Bioelectron. 2019, 137, 263-270.


    16.  Lai W.+, Ren L.+, Tang Q., Qu X., Li J., Wang L., Li L., Fan C., Pei H.* Programming Chemical Reaction Networks Using Intramolecular Conformational Motions of DNA. ACS Nano. 2018, 12(7), 7093-7099.


    15.  Zhong R., Tang Q., Wang S., Zhang H., Zhang F.*, Xiao M., Man T., Qu X., Li L., Zhang W., Pei H.* Self-Assembly of Enzyme-Like Nanofibrous G-Molecular Hydrogel for Printed Flexible Electrochemical Sensors. Adv. Mater. 2018, 30(12), e1706887.


    14.  Chen L.+, Chao J.+, Qu X.*, Zhang H., Zhu D., Su S., Aldalbahi A., Wang L.*, Pei H.* Probing Cellular Molecules with PolyA-Based Engineered Aptamer Nanobeacon. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2017, 9(9), 8014-8020.


    13.  Qi L., Xiao M., Wang X., Wang C., Wang L., Song S., Qu X., Li L., Shi J., Pei H.* DNA-Encoded Raman-Active Anisotropic Nanoparticles for microRNA Detection. Anal. Chem.2017, 89(18), 9850-9856.


    12.  Qu X.+, Wang S.+, Ge Z.+, Wang J., Yao G., Li J., Zuo X., Shi J., Song S., Wang L., Li L., Pei H.*, Fan C.* Programming Cell Adhesion for On-Chip Sequential Boolean Logic Functions. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139(30), 10176-10179.


    11.  Qu X.+, Yang F.+, Chen H.*, Li J., Zhang H., Zhang G., Li L., Wang L., Song S., Tian Y., Pei H.* Bubble-Mediated Ultrasensitive Multiplex Detection of Metal Ions in Three-Dimensional DNA Nanostructure-Encoded Microchannels. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2017, 9(19), 16026-16034.


    10.  Qu X., Zhang H., Chen H.*, Aldalbahi A., Li L., Tian Y., Weitz D.A., Pei H.* Convection-Driven Pull-Down Assays in Nanoliter Droplets Using Scaffolded Aptamers. Anal. Chem. 2017, 89(6), 3468-3473.


    9.  Qu X.+, Zhu D.+, Yao G.+, Su S., Chao J., Liu H., Zuo X., Wang L., Shi J., Wang L., Huang W., Pei H.*, Fan C.* An Exonuclease III-Powered, On-Particle Stochastic DNA Walker. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2017, 56(7), 1855-1858.


    8.  Zhu D., Pei H., Yao G., Wang L., Su S., Chao J., Wang L., Aldalbahi A., Song S., Shi J., Hu J., Fan C., Zuo X.* A Surface-Confined Proton-Driven DNA Pump Using a Dynamic 3D DNA Scaffold. Adv. Mater. 2016, 28(32), 6860-6865.


    7.  Zhu D., Song P., Shen J., Su S., Chao J., Aldalbahi A., Zhou Z., Song S., Fan C., Zuo X., Tian Y., Wang L., Pei H.* PolyA-Mediated DNA Assembly on Gold Nanoparticles for Thermodynamically Favorable and Rapid Hybridization Analysis. Anal. Chem. 2016, 88(9), 4949-4954.


    6.  Zhu D.+, Pei H.+, Chao J., Su S., Aldalbahi A., Rahaman M., Wang L., Wang L., Huang W., Fan C., and Zuo X.* Poly-adenine-based programmable engineering of gold nanoparticles for highly regulated spherical DNAzymes. Nanoscale. 2015, 7(44), 18671-18676.


    5.  Pei H., Zuo X., Zhu D., Huang Q., Fan C. * (2014) Functional DNA nanostructures for theranostic applications. Acc. Chem. Res. 47, 550–559. (邀请综述)


    4.  Pei, H., Li, F., Wan Y., Wei M., Liu H.*, Su Y., Chen N., Huang Q., Fan C.* (2012) Designed Diblock Oligonucleotide for the Synthesis of Spatially Isolated and Highly Hybridizable Functionalization of DNA–Gold Nanoparticle Nanoconjugates. J. Am. Chem. Soc.134, 11876-11879. 

    Highlighted by the editors in JACS spotlights with “DNA−Gold Nanoparticle Combo gets Straight A’s”该工作被JACS  Spotlights 作为亮点文章报道


    3.  Pei, H., Liang, L., Yao G., Li J., Huang Q., Fan C.* (2012) Reconfigurable three-dimensional DNA nanostructures for construction of intracellular logistic sensors. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 51, 9020-9024.

    Chosen by the editors as Back Inside Cover; Highlight in Nature China (该工作被选为当期封底,并被Nature China报道)


    2.  Pei, H., Li J., Lv M., Wang J., Gao J., Lv J, Li Y., Huang Q., Hu J.*, Fan C.* (2012) A graphene-based sensor array for high-precision and adaptive target identification with ensemble aptamers. J. Am. Chem. Soc.134, 13843-13849.


    1.  Pei, H., Lu, N., Wen, Y., Song, S., Liu, Y., Yan, H. * and Fan, C.* (2010) A DNA Nanostructure-based Biomolecular Probe Carrier Platform for Electrochemical Biosensing. Adv. Mater22, 4754-4758. 

    ☆This paper was chosen by editors as cover story. 该工作以封面文章报道



    ChemPubSoc Europe Early Career Award (2020)
