

  • 个人资料
    • 部门: 高栓虎 化学与分子工程学院
    • 性别:
    • 专业技术职务: 教授博士生导师
    • 毕业院校: 兰州大学
    • 学位: 博士
    • 学历:
    • 联系电话:
    • 电子邮箱: shgao@chem.ecnu.edu.cn
    • 办公地址: 化学馆
    • 通讯地址: 上海市 中山北路3663号
    • 邮编: 200062
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    《Organic Chemistry Frontiers》青年编委



    (1) 活性天然产物全合成研究

    (2) 导向天然产物的合成方法学研究

    (3) 天然产物药物化学研究





    1) 国家自然科学基金委员会,杰出青年科学基金,天然产物合成化学, 2023-01-012027-12-31;

    2) 上海市科委基础研究项目,激发态化学反应对映选择性控制研究及合成应用, 2022-07-012025-06-30

    3) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,基于Nazarov反应的活性天然产物合成研究,2022.012025.12;

    4) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,多环型呫吨酮类天然产物的全合成研究,2020-012023-12

    5) 上海市科委项目,基于碳氢键活化的化学焊接,2018-062021-05,

    6) 上海市科委项目,基于不对称光反应的活性天然产物全合成,2018-052021-04

    7) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,Gukulenin类天然产物的合成研究,2018-012021-12

    8) 国家自然科学基金委员会,优秀青年基金项目,天然产物合成研究,2015-012017-12,;

    9) 上海市科委项目Hamigeran 类天然产物的全合成研究,2014-072016-06,;

    10) 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,Tetramic Acid类天然产物的仿生合成研究,2013-012016-12

    11) 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,Variecolin类天然产物的全合成研究,2011-092014-08


    完整学术成果:ORCID 0000-0001-6919-4577


    67. Hao Shao, Wenheng Liu, Muhan Liu, Haibing He, Qi-Lin Zhou, Shou-Fei Zhu*, Shuanhu Gao*

    Asymmetric Synthesis of cyclopamine, a Hedgehog (Hh) Signaling Pathway Inhibitor

    J. Am. Chem. Soc.2023, 145, 25086–25092. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c10362

    66. Hui Wang, Yi Liu, Hongyuan Zhang, Baochao Yang, Haibing He, and Shuanhu Gao * Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Cephalotaxus Diterpenoids: Cephinoid P, Cephafortoid A, 14-epi-Cephafortoid A and Fortalpinoids M‑N, P 

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2023, 145, 16988–16994. DOI: 10.1021/jacs.3c05455 

    65. Shaolei Ding, Yingbo Shi, Baochao Yang, Min Hou, Haibing He, and Shuanhu Gao* Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Hasubanan Alkaloids: Periglaucines A–C, N,O-dimethyloxostephine and Oxostephabenine 

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2023, DOI: 10.1002/anie.202214873.

    64. Yanyu Chen, Zhengyuan Xin, Hui Wang, Haibing He and Shuanhu Gao*

     Asymmetric total synthesis of norzoanthamine and formal synthesis of zoanthenol 

    Org. Chem. Front. 2023, 10, 651–660.

    63. Quan Zhang, Haibing He and Shuanhu Gao* 

    Total synthesis of streptovertidione and bioinspired transformation to streptovertidine A and formicapyridine A

    Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 4239–4242. (This article is part of the themed collection: 2022 Pioneering Investigators)

    62. Baochao Yang, Guoen Wen, Quan Zhang, Min Hou, Haibing He, Shuanhu Gao* 

    Asymmetric Total Synthesis and Biosynthetic Implications of Per-ovskones, Hydrangenone and Hydrangenone B

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 6370−6375

    61. Zhengyuan Xin, Hui Wang, Haibing He, Xiaoli Zhao, Shuanhu Gao* 

    Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Norzoanthamine

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 1280712812. 

    60. Mengmeng Xu,Min Hou, Haibing He, Shuanhu Gao* 

    Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Aglacins A, B and E 

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 16655–16660.

    59. Kuanwei Chen, Tao Xie, Yanfang Shen, Haibing He, Xiaoli Zhao*, Shuanhu Gao* 

    Calixanthomycin A: Asymmetric Total Synthesis and Structural Determination

    Org. Lett. 2021, 23, 17691774.

    58. Chaoying Zheng, Tao Xie, Haibing He,* Shuanhu Gao* 

    Asymmetric Total Synthesis of PD-116740 

    Org. Lett. 202123, 469473.

    57. Min Hou, † Mengmeng Xu, † Baochao Yang, Haibing He, Shuanhu Gao* 

    Construction of Polycyclic Structures with Vicinal Quaternary Stereocenters via Enantioselective Photoenolization/Diels–Alder Reaction 

    Chem. Sci. 202112, 7575–7582.

    56. Xiao-Long Lu, Yuanyou Qiu, Baochao Yang, Haibing He, and Shuanhu Gao*

    Asymmetric Total Synthesis of (+)-Xestoquinone and (+)-Adociaquinones A and B

    Chem. Sci. 202112, 4747–4752.

    55. Hongyuan Zhang, Haibing He, Shuanhu Gao,*

    Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Cephanolide A 

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2020, 59, 20417–20422.

    54. Delu Jiang, Kunyun Xin, Baochao Yang, Yanyu Chen, Quan Zhang, Haibing He, Shuanhu Gao* 

    Total Synthesis of Three Families of Natural Antibiotics: Anthrabenzoxocinones Fasamycins/naphthacemycins and Benastatins

    CCS Chemistry, 2020, 2, 800-812.

    53. Youwei Ai, Haibing He, Peihao Chen, Bo Yan, Wenbin Zhang, Zhangcheng Ding, Dianrong Li, Jie Chen, Yan Ma, Yang Cao, Jie Zhu, Jiaojiao Li, Jinjie Ou, Shan Du, Xiaodong Wang, Jianzhang Ma,* Shuanhu Gao,* Xiangbing Qi*

    An Alkaloid Initiates Phosphodiesterase 3A–Schlafen 12 Dependent Apoptosis without Affecting the Phosphodiesterase Activity, 

    Nature Communications, 202011,3236.

    52. Yonglei Que, Hao Shao, Haibing He, Shuanhu Gao* 

    Total Synthesis of Farnesin via an Excited-State Nazarov Reaction 

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.  202059, 7444-7449. 

    Highlighted by Synfacts. 2020, 16, 498

    51. Tao Xie, Chaoying Zheng, Kuanwei Chen, Haibing He, Shuanhu Gao* 

    Asymmetric Total Synthesis of the Complex Polycyclic Xanthone FD‐594 

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 202059, 4360-4364. 

    Highlighted by Synfacts. 2020, 16, 374.

    50. Yang Ji, Zhengyuan Xin, Haibing He, Shuanhu Gao* 

    Total Synthesis of Viridin and Viridiol 

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2019141, 16208-16212.

    Highlighted by Synfacts. 2020, 16, 119.

    49. Jiaxin Zhong, Haibing He,* Shuanhu Gao* 

    Exploration of 1, 3-dipolar Cycloaddition Reaction to Construct the Core Skeleton of Calyciphylline A-type Alkaloids 

    Org. Chem. Front., 20196, 3781-3785.

    48. Jiaxin Zhong, Kuanwei Chen, Yuanyou Qiu, Haibing He, and Shuanhu Gao* 

    A Unified Strategy To Construct the Tetracyclic Ring of Calyciphylline A Alkaloids: Total Synthesis of Himalensine A 

    Org. Lett. 201921, 3741-3745. 

    Abstract Image

    47. Dongsheng Xue, Mengmeng Xu, Chaoying Zheng, Baochao Yang, Min Hou, Haibing He, Shuanhu Gao* 

    Titanium-promoted Intramolecular Photoenolization/Diels–Alder Reaction to Construct Polycyclic Terpenoids: Formal Synthesis of Mycoleptodiscin A 

    Chin. J. Chem. 201937, 135-139.

    46. Baochao Yang, Shuanhu Gao* 

    Recent Advances in the Application of Diels-Alder Reactions Involving O-quinodimethanes O-quinone Methides and Aza-o-quinone Methides in Natural Products Total Synthesis 

    Chem. Soc. Rev., 201847, 7926-7953.

    45. Yihua Dai, Feixia Ma, Yanfang Shen, Tao Xie, Shuanhu Gao*

    Convergent Synthesis of Kibdelone C

    Org. Lett.201820, 2872–2875.

    Highlighted by Synfacts. 2018, 14, 784.

    44. Yuanyou Qiu, Jiaxing Zhong, Shan Du, Shuanhu Gao* 

    Synthetic Studies on Daphniglaucins 

    Chem. Commun.201854, 5554-5557.

    43. Yingbo Shi, Yang Ji, Kunyun Xin and Shuanhu Gao* 

    Total synthesis of (−)-Xestosaprol N and O 

    Org. Lett. 201820, 732–735. 

    Abstract Image

    42. Yingbo Shi, Haibing He, Shuanhu Gao*

    Recent Advances in the Total Synthesis of Gracilamine 

    Chem. Commun., 201854, 12905-12913. 

    Graphical abstract:Recent advances in the total synthesis of gracilamine

    41.Yihua Dai, Yanfang Shen, Shuanhu Gao*

    Cascade Halo-Michael/Aldol Reaction and Its Application in Synthesis 

    Chin. J. Org. Chem. 201838, 1608-1625

    40. Baochao Yang, Shuanhu Gao* 

    The Application of Photochemical Rearrangement of Santonin in Total Synthesis of Complex Natural Terpenoids 

    Acta Chim. Sinica. 201876, 161-167. 

    39. Yingbo Shi, Qiaoling Wang, Shuanhu Gao*

    Recent Advances of Using Intramolecular Mannich-reaction in Total synthesis of Alkaloids 

    Org. Chem. Front. 20185, 1049 – 1066. 

    38. Xiaojun Li, Wanbin Zhang,* Shuanhu Gao* 

    Total Synthesis of Complex Natural Products: Combination of Chemical Synthesis and Biosynthesis Strategies 

    Chin. J. Org. Chem. 201838, 2185-2198.

    37Baochao Yang, Kuaikuai Lin, Yingbo Shi, Shuanhu Gao*

    Ti(Oi-Pr)4-promoted photoenolization Diels–Alder reaction to construct polycyclic rings and its synthetic applications

    Nature Communications2017, 8, 622.

    36Xiaojun Li, Qingfei Zheng, Jun Yin, Wen Liu* and Shuanhu Gao*

    Chemo-enzymatic Synthesis of Equisetin

    Chem. Commun., 201753, 4695 – 4697.

    35. Zheming Xiao, Yayue Li, and Shuanhu Gao*

    Total Synthesis and Structural Determination of the Dimeric Tetrahydroxanthone Ascherxanthone A

     Org. Lett. 201719, 1834–1837.

    34Dan Wang, Min Hou, Yue Ji, and Shuanhu Gao*

    Total Synthesis of Scholarisine K and Alstolactine A

    Org. Lett.201719, 1922-1925.

    33Ke Li, Jinjie Ou, Shuanhu Gao*

    Total Synthesis of Camptothecin and Related Natural Products by a Flexible Strategy

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201655, 14778–14783.

    32Xiaojun Li, Dongsheng Xue, Cheng Wang, Shuanhu Gao*

    Total Synthesis of Hamigerans

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201655, 9942–9946.

    31. Yuanyou Qiu and Shuanhu Gao*

    Trends in Applying C–H Oxidation to Total Synthesis of Natural Products

    Nat. Prod. Rep., 201633, 562-581.

    30Shuanhu Gao*, Yuanyou Qiu

    Advances of Radical and Photo Reactions in Natural Products Synthesis

    Sci. Chin. Chem. 201659, 1093-1108. 

    29. Yingbo Shi and Shuanhu Gao*

    Recent Advances of Synthesis of Fluorenone and Fluorene Containing Natural Products

    Tetrahedron201672, 1717-1735.

    28Shuanhu Gao,* Advances of Radical and Photo Reactions in Natural Products Synthesis

    A Photo-induced C-C Bond Formation Methodology to Construct Tetrahydrofluorenones and Related Structures

    Org. Chem. Front. 20163, 354-358.

    27. Yingbo Shi, Baochao Yang, Shujun Cai, and Shuanhu Gao*

    Total Synthesis of Gracilamine

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 201453, 9539-9543. 

    Highlighted by Synfacts, 201410, 1011.

    26. Lili Kong, Mingjin Rao, Jinjie Ou, Jun Yin, Weiqiang Lu, Mingyao Liu, Xiufeng Pang,* and Shuanhu Gao*

    Total Synthesis and Biological Studies of Cryptocin and Derivatives of Equisetin and Fusarisetin A

    Org. Biomol. Chem., 201412, 7591-7597.

    25. Shujun Cai, Zheming Xiao, Yingbo Shi and Shuanhu Gao*

    The Photo-Nazarov Reaction: Scope and Applications

    Chem.-Eur. J. 201420, 8677-8681.

    24. Dan Wang, Shuanhu Gao*

    Sonogashira Coupling in Natural Product Synthesis

    Org. Chem. Front. 20141, 556-566.

    23. Zheming Xiao, Shujun Cai, Yingbo Shi, Baochao Yang, Shuanhu Gao*

    Photo-induced C-O Bond Formation to Construct Tetrahydroxanthones

    Chem. Commun201450, 5254-5257.

    (Invited for “2014 Emerging Investigators Issue”)

    22. Jun, Yin; Gao Shuanhu*

    Total Synthesis of (+)-Fusarisetin A: A Biomimetic Approach

    Synlett. 201425, 1-7.

    (Invited Synpacts)

    21. Ke Li, Cheng Wang, Baochao Yang, Shuanhu Gao*

    Construction of the Basic Skeleton of Ophiobolin A and Variecolin

    Org. Biomol. Chem., 201311, 7550-7558.

    20. Cheng Wang, Dan Wang, and Shuanhu Gao*

    Total Synthesis of Cyanthiwigins A, C, G and H

    Org. Lett. 201315, 4402-4405.

    19. Jun Yin, Lili Kong, Cheng WangYingboShi, Shujun Cai, and Shuanhu Gao*

    Biomimetic Synthesis of Equisetin and (+)-Fusarisetin A

    Chem.-Eur. J. 201339, 13040-13046.

    Highlighted in ChemistryViews

    18. Jun, Yin; Kong, Lili; Gao Shuanhu*

    Synthetic Progress of FusarisetinA

    Chin. J. Org. Chem.2013, 33, 259-266.

    17. Jun Yin‚ Cheng Wang‚ LiliKong‚ Shujun Cai‚ Shuanhu Gao*

    AsymmetricSynthesisand Biosynthetic Implications of (+)-Fusarisetin A

    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012‚ 51, 7786-7789.

    Highlighted in Chemical & Engineering News (JUNE 25, 2012)

    Highlighted in Organic Chemsitry Portal

    Highlighted in Chin. J. Org. Chem.

    Publications during Ph. D. and Postdoctor's research

    16. Shi, H.; De, S.; Wang, Q.; Shuanhu Gao; Wang, X.;  Chuo Chen

     Construction of the 5,6,7-tricyclic skeleton of lancifodilactone F

    Tetrahedron Lett. 201556, 3225. 

    15. Zhiqiang Ma†, Xiaolei Wang†, Xiao Wang, Rodrigo A. Rodriguez, Shuanhu Gao,

    Xianghui Tan, Yuyong Ma, Curtis E. Moore, Arnold L. Rheingold, Phil S. Baran and Chuo Chen

    Asymmetric syntheses, structural refinement, and biosynthetic implications of sceptrin,

    massadine, and ageliferin

    Science2014346, 219-224.

    14. Gao Shuanhu; Chen Chuo

    Total Synthesis of Natural Products–At the Frontiers of Organic Chemistry;

    Nakiterpiosin (Chapter 2). Li, J. J., Corey, E. J., Eds.; Springer-Verlag:

    Berlin/Heidelberg, 2013; 25–38.

    13. Gao, Shuanhu; Wang, Qiaoling; Wang, Gelin; Lomenick, Brett; Liu, Jie; Fan, Chih-Wei; Deng, Lih-Wen;  Huang, Jing; Lum, Lawrence; Chen, Chuo

    The Chemistry and Biology of Nakiterpiosin - C-nor-D-Homosteroids

    Synlett,2012,23, 2298.

    12. Shuanhu Gao; Qiaoling Wang; Lawrence Lum; Chuo Chen*.

    Chemical and Biological Studies of Nakiterpiosin andNakiterpiosinone

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2010132‚ 371.

    11. Shuanhu Gao; Qiaoling Wang; Chuo Chen*.

    Synthesis andStructure Revision of Nakiterpiosin

    J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2009‚ 131‚ 1410.

    10. J. R.Falck;Shuanhu Gao; Ravi Naga Prasad; SreenivasuluReddy Koduru.

    Electrophilic α-thiocyanation of chiral andachiralN-acyl imides. A convenient route to

    5-substituted and 5‚5-disubstituted 2‚4-thiazolidinediones

    Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2008‚ 18‚ 1768.

    9. Shuanhu Gao;Yong-Qiang Tu*; Xiangdong Hu; Rongbao Hua; Yijun Jiang; Yuming Zhao;

    Xiaohui Fan; Shuyu Zhang.

    General and Efficient Strategy for Erythrinan and Homoerythrinan Alkaloids: Syntheses of

    (±)-3-demethoxyerythratidinone and (±)-Erysotramidine

    Org. Lett. 2006‚ 8‚2373.

    8. Shuanhu Gao;Yong-QiangTu*Zhenlei Song; Aixia Wang; Xiaohui Fan; Yijun Jiang.

    General and Efficient Strategy for 7-Aryloctahydroindoleandcis-3a-Aryloctahydroindole

    Alkaloids: Total Syntheses of (±)-γ-Lycorane and(±)-Crinane

    J. Org. Chem. 2005‚ 706523.

    7. Shuanhu Gao; Yanxing, Jia; Xuezhi Zhao; Yongqiang Tu*

    A Novel Strategy for the Key Fully Substituted Cyclopentenedione Moiety of Madindonlines

    via AlEt3-promoted TandemReductive Rearrangement of Hydroxy Epoxides

    Chin. J. Chem. 200624, 595.

    6. Xiang-Dong Hu; Yong-Qiang Tu*En Zhang; Shuanhu Gao; Shaohua Wang; Aixia Wang;

    Chun-An Fan; Min Wang.

    TotalSynthesis of (±)-Galanthamine


    5. Ai-Xia Wang; ZhenLei, Song; Shuanhu Gao; Yi-Jun Jiang; Dao-Yi Yuan; Yong-Qiang Tu; Ning-Zi Li.

    Studies on Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement of benzospirocyclic β-bromoketones and application to formal synthesis of (±)-Colchicine

    Youji Huaxue 200727, 1171.

    4. Ai-Xia Wang; Yong-Qiang Tu; Zhen-Lei Song; Dao-Yi Yuan; Xiang-Dong Hu; Shao-Hua Wang; Shuanhu Gao

    Synthetically useful Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement of α-quaternary β-bromovinyl methyl ethers

    European Journal of Organic Chemistry200612, 2691.

    3. Zhenlei Song; Yongqiang Tu; Shuanhu Gao; Yijun Jiang, Shuyu Zhang.

    Studies on the synthesis of morphinan alkaloid: preparation of the key allylic silyl ether precursor

    Chinese Chemical Letters200516, 1445.

    2. Xue-Zhi Zhao; Lei Peng; Meng Tang; Yong-Qiang Tu; Shuanhu Gao

    Synthetic Studies of the HIV-1 Protease Inhibitive Didemnaketals: Precise and Stereocontrolled Synthesis of the Key Mother Spiroketal

    Tetrahedron Lett. 200546, 6941.

    1. Li, Xin; Wang, Bao-Min; Zhao, Xue-Zhi; Shuanhu Gao; Tu, Yong-Qiang; Li, De-Run

    Extensive Studies on the AlEt3/THF-Promoted Diastereoselective Tandem Rearrangement Reduction of a-Hydroxy (Amino) Heterocyclopropane: An Efficient Approach to 2-Quaternary 1,3-Diheteroatom Units

    Chin. J. Chem. 200422, 1177.




    ACP-Lecture Awards (to Hong Kong and Japan)(2016

    中国化学会青年化学奖 (2014

    Thieme Chemistry Journal Award 2014