

职称: 教授

直属机构: 城市与区域科学学院




  • 部门: 城市与区域科学学院
  • 性别:
  • 专业技术职务: 教授、紫江青年学者,博士生导师
  • 毕业院校: 英国利兹大学
  • 学位: 博士研究生
  • 学历: 博士
  • 联系电话: 021-54341118
  • 电子邮箱: yanp.jiang@gmail.com
  • 办公地址: 中北校区地理馆204室
  • 通讯地址: 上海市中山北路3663号地理馆204室,邮编200062
  • 邮编: 200062
  • 传真:


PhD: University of Leeds.


201812-至今     华东师范大学 紫江青年学者、教授

201807-201812 华东师范大学 紫江青年学者 、研究员

He is currently working as a professor  in the School of Urban and Regional Science, at the East China Normal University.

 Since obtaining his PhD in University of Leeds in January 2015 , he has worked as Fellow at the Department of Geography, the University of Hong Kong; Research fellow at Department of Political and Social Change at the Australian National University (ANU) and  Fellow at Research School of Asia & the Pacific at the Australian National University (ANU).



He is currently working as a research professor at the East China Normal University, Shanghai China. He worked as a research fellow and lecturer in Department of Geography, in the University of Hong Kong. Before joining the University of Hong Kong, he worked as a research Fellow in Department of Political and Social Change, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs. Since 2015 shortly after completing his PhD in human geography from University of Leeds, UK, he was also a fellow of the Research School of Asia and the Pacific at the Australian National University.


His main research interests are urbanization, financialization of mega urban projects and social change and governance in contemporary China as well as comparative urban studies, development of global cities and inter-city competition, regional industrial transformation and upgrading in the Asia-Pacific region. He published a series of papers in top journals of International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Regional Studies, Environment Planning A, Environment Planning C, Urban Studies, Journal of Peasant Studies, Journal of Contemporary China, Cities etc.


He has been collaborating with other researchers in the UK, Australia, China Hongkong, and internationally. Over time he has developed research contacts and solid research partners in a number of countries, in particular East Asian countries, including Kagoshima University in Japan. He has also been invited to give academic and public talks in universities and government organisations in China, US, Australia, Britain, Japan.

 Any students who may be of intersted in his research at various level, are welcomed to apply to join his research team every year. The post-doc positions can be also offered with competitive salary based on the mutual research interests and research quality. Please feel free to contact  him via email. 


Editorial Board member:


Springer Nature Social Science

Urban Planning

Member of research Group:





Member of American Association Geographers (AAG)

Member of Society for Association of Chinese Geographers (ACG)

Member of Society for Urban Geography Forum (UGF)

Member of British Association for Chinese Studies (BACS)

Member of regional Studies in Australia.


Urban Studies, Antipo, EPA, Land Use Policy, Habitat International, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Sustainable Cities and Society, Urban Studies, Town Planning Review, Cities, China Journal, The Journal of Contemporary China, applied economic letter,  Regional Sustainbility and JUA etc.




姜炎鹏,紫江青年学者,华东师范大学城市与区域科学学院教授,博士生导师。英国利兹大学博士毕业,先后在英国利兹大学、澳大利亚国立大学和香港大学担任教学与研究工作,5年在International Journal of Urban and Regional ResearchJournal of Peasants StudiesRegional StudiesEnvironment and Planning AUrban StudiesLand Use PolicyEnvironment and Planning C中英文刊物发表高质量论文20多篇。姜炎鹏研究员在城市地理、城市与区域创新领域主持国家社科规划基金、教育部人文社科研究规划基金、上海市哲社规划等项目,同时参与国家社科重大子课题和地方政府决策咨询项目数项。姜炎鹏研究网络现有国内外知名大学长聘教授及数名博士/硕士研究生,与英国利兹大学、伦敦政经学院、加拿大多伦多学、澳大利亚国立大学、澳大利亚悉尼大学、香港大学等国内外城市地理领域研究团队保持深度合作。



1. 城市发展动力:包括土地利用、基础设施等城市工程、城市投资金融化等中国城市化动力机制与空间过程研究。

2. 全球城市与科创中心:关注时空视域创新要素流动对中国全球城市/全球科创中心城市建设作用;关注东西方全球城市比较研究及中国语境下全球城市理论体系构建。

3. 区域发展治理:关注中国城市空间过程治理的复杂性和尺度性,探究建构竞争性城市化原理与政策应用。


1. 拥护党和国家的各项政策,遵守法律法规;热爱城市地理、城市与区域创新研究,熟悉相关理论和研究方法。

2. 具有发表英文学术论文或者高水平中文学术论文的能力。

3. 热爱科研,工作勤奋,善于沟通,主动合作。









联系人:姜炎鹏 yanpjiang@163.com

Since obtaining his PhD, he has further developed and expanded  research interests to cover a number of policy areas, urbanization, global city, city regions, urban governance, urban and rural land governance, scalar politics, rural-urban governance, etc. These research areas, though covering a wide range of topics, are centred on two main themes: how the political dynamics, government administrative and public and private finance systems have facilitated urban expansion through urban regeneration and construction of mega urban project at city centre or urban edge; and how different actors/stakeholders interact to drive urban growth and what mechanism of financing of the urbanization plan is given the constraints of public finance in a rapidly changing urban context. 




本科生课程:全球城市导论: (上海市高校重点课程;华东师范大学大夏学堂优质示范课程;华东师范大学精品MOOC课程)。

        城市金融地理: (华东师范大学通识核心课程)。


Undergraduate Courses: Global City, Key course at Shanghai Municipal level.

               Financial Geography.

Master course:     Global Cities from the regional perspective.


Hong Kong University Seed Fund for Basic Research, 2017-2018.


 Research School of Asia and Pacific ECR Grant Australian National University, 2015.


Early Career research travel Grant Australian National University, 2016.

Australian Research Council (ARC)- funded project on Converting Farmland for Development: Politics, Community and Conflict in China working with Professor Jonathan Unger, Sally Sargeson and Luigi Tomba, 2016.

国家自然科学基金面上项目“ 长三角地区城镇化的资本驱动过程、机制于模式研究---以城投债为例”,在研。

国家社科基金后期资助一般项目“人才与宜居驱动全球科创中心成长的理论探索与上海实践”,2021 在研。




华东师范大学卓越成果培育项目, 2021-2022.




Jiang, Y. & Waley, P. (2021). Financialization of urban development in China: fantasy, fact or somewhere in between?. Regional Studies, 1-11

Jiang, Y., Sargeson, S & Tomba, L. (2020). No Worse off? The governance impacts of compensating for land takings in China. Journal of Peasant Studies Volume 1 47(6): 1278-1300.

Jiang, Y. & Waley, P. (2020). Who Builds Cities in China? How Urban Investment and Development Companies Have Transformed Shanghai. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,44(4):636-651.

Jiang, Y. & Waley, P. (2019). Small horse pulls big cart in the scalar struggles of competing administrations in Anhui Province, China. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 38(2):329-346.

Jiang, Y., Mohabir, N, Ma, R. et. (2019).Whose village? Stakeholder interests in the urban renewal of Hubei old village in Shenzhen Land Use Policy2020,91,

Jiang, Y. (2018).Common Frameworks: Rethinking the Developmental City in China. China Journal. :80, pp.164-165.

Jiang, Y. & Waley, P. (2018). Shenhong: The Anatomy of an Urban Investment and Development Company in the Context of China’s State Corporatist Urbanism. Journal of Contemporary China, 27(112), 596-610.

Jiang, Y., Waley, P. & Gonzalez, S. (2018). ‘Nice apartments, no jobs’: How former villagers experienced displacement and resettlement in the western suburbs of Shanghai. Urban Studies, 55(14), 3202-3217

Jiang, Y., Mohabir, N., Ma,R., 2017 ’Sorting through Neoliberal Variations of Ghost Cities in China’ Land Use Policy pp. 445-453: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2017.09.001.

Mohabir, N., Jiang, Y and Ma, R., 2017. Chinese floating migrants: Rural-urban migrant labourers' intentions to stay or return. Habitat International, 60, pp.101-110. (Corresponding author)

Jiang, Y., Waley, P. and Gonzalez, S., 2016. Shifting land-based coalitions in Shanghai's second hub. Cities, 52, pp.30-38.

Jiang, Y., Waley, P. and Gonzalez, S., 2016. . Shanghai swings: The Hongqiao project and competitive urbanism in the Yangtze River Delta. Environment and Planning A, 48(10), pp.1928-1947

Zhao, S.X., Zhan, H., Jiang, Y. and Pan, W., 2017. How big is China’s real estate bubble and why hasn’t it burst yet?. Land Use Policy, 64, pp.153-162.

Zhu, P., Wang, L., Jiang, Y., & Zhou, J. (2018). Metropolitan size and the impacts of telecommuting on personal travel.Transportation,45(2), 385-414.

Ma, R., Wang, T., Zhang, W., Yu, J., Wang, D., Chen, L., Jiang, Y. and Feng, G., 2016. Overview and progress of Chinese geographical human settlement research. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 26(8), pp.1159-1175.

Ning, Y., Jiang, Y. (2013). “Producer Services in China: Economic and Urban Development”, in Anthony GO Yeh., The selected article of the development of China’s capital market and construction of a financial centre: a case study of Shanghai, Beijing and Shenzhen, London & New York: Routledge, pp, 314-332.




Jiang, Yanpeng (2017) Shenhong: The Anatomy of an Urban Investment and Development Company in the Context of China's State Corporatist Urbanism, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 21-September 2017.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2017) ‘Urban development and land finance’ presented in Asian Growth Institution Seminar at Asian Growth Institution, Kitakyushu, Japan 23rd-29th March 2017.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2016) ‘Making space in a fiercely competitive regional setting’ presented in Regional studies in Japan,Kagoshima University,  Kagoshima, Japan 28-30 November 2016.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2016) ‘land based urban growth model in mega urban project’ presented in department seminar at Australian National University, Canberra, 29 July 2016.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2016) ‘Fragmentation and fragility – the limits of localism in China’s urban land development’ invited presentation at The biennial Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) conference at Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 5th-7th July 2016,.





Chair for Conference session of the A Regional Comparative Urbanism? in RC21 Research Committee 21, 11-13 September 2017, Leeds. UK.


Chair for Politics, contestations and its mechanism in mega urban project in China at 2017 Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. April 5-9, 2017 -- Boston, MA.

Chair for invited speaker of Paul Waley in department seminar HKU.

Chair for conference session in 2016 Annual Meeting of the IGU Urban Commission, 15-20, August 2016, Shanghai.

Chair for department series seminar in Australian National University in 2016, Canberra.

Invited discussant for conference session in 2016 AAG Annual MeetingMarch 29, 2016 - April 2, 2016, San Francisco, United States.




Jiang Yanpeng (2017)’China's State Corporatist Urbanismpresented at RC21: Rethinking Urban Global Justice: An international academic conference for critical urban studies Leeds: September 11-13, 2017, Leeds.

Jiang Yanpeng (2017)’ The land based urban growth coalition in China’ presented as Urban Studies Seminar Hong Kong University. July 1, 2017 Hong Kong.

Jiang Yanpeng (2017)’ Global East: a challenge to polarized geographies.’ presented at 2017 Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts. April 5-9, 2017 -- Boston, MA


Jiang, Yanpeng (2016) ‘Shifting land-based coalitions in Shanghai's second hub.’ presented at Annual Conference of AAG 2016, at the Association of American Geographer, San Francisco  28th  March –1st April 2016,.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2016) ‘Fragmentation and fragility – the limits of localism in China’s urban land development’ invited presentation at The biennial Asian Studies Association of Australia (ASAA) conference at Australian National University, Canberra, Australia 5th-7th July 2016,.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2016)’ Shifting land-based coalitions in China’ invited presentation at 2016 IGU International Urban Commission Annual Meeting at East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 15-18 August 2016,.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2016) Moving the North Atlantic out of the East China Sea: constructions of capitalism in urban China. To be presented at 8th Meeting of East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography (EARCAG), Hong Kong 6-8 December 2016,.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2016) Shanghai and the fraught periphery of China’s big cities’ to be presented at RGS session 2016, London 30 August to 2 September 2016.

Jiang, Yanpeng(2016) Shanghai and the fraught periphery of China’s big cities’ to be presented at RGS session 2016, London 30 August to 2 September 2016.

Jiang, Yanpeng(2015) Marginalised relocated villagers in mega urban project in China’ to be presented at The 12th European Conference on Agriculture and Rural Development in China, at the University of Nankai, Tianjin, China 11th -13rd  December,.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2015) Land based urban growth coalition in mega urban project in Shanghai Hongqiao to be presented at Strategic development forum of three cities: Shanghai, Shenzhen and Tianjin, at Tianjin, China 10th December.

Jiang, Yanpeng(2015) ‘Displacement and relocation and urban change in China’ presented at Housing Studies Association Conference 2015: Housing the Generations: Justice, Inequality and the Implications of Political Change, at University of York, York 8th –10th April,.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2015) ‘Land based urban coalition formed in urban change in the context of China’ invited presentation at The 3rd Conference on China Urban Development: Urbanization and Urban Transformation in China at East China Normal University, Shanghai, China 5th-7th June,.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2014) “The impact of government-led urban project on urban growth in the background of institutional arrangement-The case of Hongqiao project”. Presented at 2014 AAG Annual Conference, Association of American Geographers, Tampa, USA, 8th-12th April, 2014.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2014) “New urban growth coalition and neoliberal urban growth in China, the case study of Hongqiao project” Presented at Conference: Urban Futures-Squaring Circles: Europe, China and the World in 2050, Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, 10th-11th October.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2013) “The Impact of mega urban project on cities and its stakeholders - Case study of Hongqiao integrated transport hub”. Presented at Olympic Legacies: International Conference: Impacts of Mega-Events on Cities 4th-6th September, 2013, University of East London.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2012) “Comparative studies of urban transformation between China and UK”. Seminar presentation at Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Shanghai, 7th August, 2012.

Jiang, Yanpeng2012New Wave Urban Development in Shanghai: Planning and Building the Hongqiao Transport Hub and Business Zone”. Invited presentation delivered to East China Normal University, Shanghai, 2th July, 2012. This paper was also presented at the research seminar of School of Geography, University of Leeds, Leeds .

Jiang, Yanpeng (2012) “Shanghai Hongqiao Mega Urban Project Seen in the Context of Tokyo and London”. Presented at International Conference on Urbanization: Dynamic, Problems and Governance 30 June-1st July, 2012, Shanghai, China.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2011) “The Impact of High Speed Railway on Regional Development in China”. Presented at 2nd International Conference on China’s Urban Transition and City Planning 27th -28th May, 2011, Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom.

Jiang, Yanpeng (2011) “The Impact of High Speed Railway line on Regional Development in Yangtze River Delta” Presentation delivered to MSc Geography students at Ningbo Normal University, Ningbo, China, 12th December, 2011.