教育经历2006.06-2009.01 同济大学环境科学与工程学院,环境工程专业,博士 2003.09-2006.06 同济大学环境科学与工程学院,环境工程专业,硕士 1999.09-2003.06 湘潭大学化工学院,环境工程专业,学士 工作经历2025.1-今 华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院,教授 2018.12-2024.12 上海电力大学,教授,科研处副处长 2017.09-2018.11 上海电力学院,教授,科研处副处长 2016.12-2017.09 上海电力学院环境与化学工程学院,教授,环境工程系主任 2014.07-2016.12 上海电力学院环境与化学工程学院,副教授,环境工程系主任 2011.12-2014.07 上海电力学院环境与化学工程学院,副教授 2009.07-2011.12 上海电力学院能源与环境工程学院,讲师 个人简介聚焦高标准污/废水处理与资源化技术领域,围绕污水处理领域的关键问题“新型高标准污水处理与资源化工艺及其调控机制”,依托国家重点研发计划课题、国家863计划课题、国家自然科学基金、重大产学研项目等科研项目,在污泥原位减量与能源化、工艺建模调控与智能化、物质转化回收与资源化等方向开展了系列研究,相关成果发表于Environ Sci & Technol、Water Res等权威学术期刊,完成7项专利成果转化与百余座工程应用,获上海市、山东省科技进步奖二等奖等省部级奖项5项。 围绕污泥原位减量与能源化,建立污泥原位减量数学模型并探明了减量主导途径,提出微氧-厌氧交替加速絮体解离与水解溶胞的新型减量理论,建立微氧强化厌氧消化与高无机质减量污泥脱水方法体系,研发填料强化污泥侧流减量、SPRAS双污泥体系减量2条工艺路线,并实现5万吨级污水处理厂的工程应用。 围绕工艺建模调控与智能化,发明污水处理厂脱氮除磷潜力评估方法,建立基于不同污水处理工艺模型的多目标优化技术,开发OTE/DO双反馈按需精确曝气关键技术并工程应用,完成上海市白龙港、石洞口、竹园、奉贤西部等多座20万吨以上的超大型污水处理厂的运行优化。 围绕物质转化回收与资源化,发明污水铵分离耦合侧流转化循环浓缩氮高值回收体系,建立高标准污水碳氮磷高值资源化工艺;开发以致垢离子深度去除与分类转化利用为核心的脱硫废水强化递级分盐零排放、循环除氯短流程零排放2套成套工艺,实现废水、盐分与污泥充分资源化,应用于沪、苏、皖、赣等地10余座电厂废水零排放工程。 社会兼职2023年06月-2027年06月 上海市净水技术学会理事 2018年01月-今 《上海电力大学学报》编委 2021年10月-2025年12月 中国硅酸盐学会固废与生态材料分会学术委员会委员 研究方向污水处理与资源化;污泥原位减量技术;高盐废水处理与零排放;雨季溢流污染控制;污泥处理与资源化 招生与培养开授课程科研项目主持科研项目情况: 1. 国家级项目 (1) 国家重点研发计划课题,2023YFC3207502,全过程协同溢流污染减排及快速净化技术研究,2024.12-2027.11 (2) 国家863计划课题,2012AA063403,城市污水处理厂污泥过程减量技术,2012.01-2019.12 (3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52470048,污水铵分离耦合侧流硝化循环浓缩氮回收体系构建与调控机制研究,2025.1-2028.12 (4) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,51878403,污泥原位侧流减量工艺强化技术研究及其机理模型构建,2019.1-2023.6 (5) 国家自然科学基金青年基金,51408352,好氧/沉淀/厌氧(OSA)工艺的污泥减量机制及其调控研究,2015.1-2018.5 2. 省部级项目 (1) 上海市优秀学术带头人(青年)项目,23XD1421300 ,污水中氮的定向转化耦合循环浓缩调控机制与回收体系研究,2023.5-2026.4 (2) 上海市碳中和专项课题,22DZ1209206,基于碳氮富集回收的污水资源化新工艺研究,2022.9-2025.8 (3) 上海市科技创新行动计划课题,19DZ1204502,陆域沿岸排口污染控制技术研究与示范,2019.10-2022.9 (4) 上海市曙光计划项目,19SG49,高盐废水沉淀除盐机制与零排放工艺技术研究,2019.9-2023.9 (5) 上海市青年科技启明星计划项目,16QA1401900,污泥原位减量工艺数学模型构建与优化调控研究,2016.4-2020.4 (6) 上海市教委项目一般项目,14CXY28,污泥减量微生物的污染物降解和污泥减量动力学特性评价技术,2013.9-2014.8 (7) 上海市教委项目一般项目,12YZ137,污水生物处理系统功能性微生物定量分析及动力学参数测定研究,2012.1-2013.12 (8) 上海市教委晨光计划项目,2011CG60,基于节能减排的污水处理厂多目标优化技术研究,2011.9-2014.5 (9) 上海高校青年教师培养资助计划项目,SDL10020,城镇污水处理厂减排潜力评估及运行优化研究,2010.6-2013.2 3. 产学研合作项目 (1) 西原环保(上海)股份有限公司,2025FWR0032,双碳目标下城镇污水处理厂水泥气精确控制关键技术研究,2025.1-2025.12 (2) 上海市生态环境局,H2024-200,2024年排污单位自行监测监督检查情况跟踪评估,2024.9-2025.5 (3) 上海市生态环境局,H2023-242,2023年污染源自动监测大数据分析及深度应用评估,2023.9-2024.5 (4) 上海城投污水处理有限公司,H2023-072,化学强化一级处理耦合氮分离回收污水快速处理与物质全面资源化技术研究,2023.1-2024.12 (5) 上海城投污水处理有限公司,H2023-047,《城镇污水处理厂分类技术规范》修订,2023.3-2024.11 (6) 上海市城市建设设计研究总院(集团)有限公司,H2022-120,城镇污染雨水就地高效快速处理关键技术研究,2022.7-2023.12 (7) 中国电建集团华东勘测设计研究院有限公司,H2022-097,基于生态城市建设的水环境综合治理研究—初期雨水末端处理工艺研究,2022.7-2022.12 (8) 上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司,H2022-235,高低负荷切换对厌氧-缺氧-好氧工艺运行特性影响分析,2022.2-2022.12 (9) 上海城投污水处理有限公司,H2021-337,白龙港污水处理厂全流程物质流分析与能耗优化研究,2021.12-2023.8 (10)西安西热水务有限公司,H2021-277,燃煤机组烟气水分回收及处理技术研发与应用脱硫废水重金属高效去除及稳定化技术研究技术服务,2021.11-2022 (11)江苏海容热能环境工程有限公司,H2021-112,基于盐类物质流分析的电厂高盐废水分质资源化零排放技术研究2021.6-2021.12 (12)上海择希环保工程有限公司,H2021-352,存量填埋污泥脱水与脱水液处理关键技术研究,2021.4-2023.3 (13)上海外高桥第三发电有限责任公司,H2020-032,脱硫废水短流程零排放关键技术研究,2020.4-2021.3 (14)华能国际电力股份有限公司南通电厂,H2020-015,电厂污泥/固废特性分析与污泥资源化关键技术研究,2020.3-2020.12 (15)中国电建集团中南勘测设计研究院有限公司,H2019-231,污水处理厂出水难降解有机物和总氮深度去除关键技术研究,2019.12-2020.12 (16)华能国际电力股份有限公司南通电厂,H2019-184,高效低耗电厂烟气脱硫废水资源化利用技术,2019.9-2020.12 (17)上海市城市建设设计研究总院(集团)有限公司,H2019-140,污染雨水就地生物处理关键技术研究,2019.9-2020.8 (18)上海电力股份有限公司吴泾热电厂,H2019-061,电厂含盐废水源头减量关键技术研究与工程示范,2019.5-2020.12 (19)上海市城市建设设计研究总院(集团)有限公司,H2019-062,FCR工艺脱水调理前后污泥特性与流变学性质分析,2018.11-2019.8 (20)上海城投污水处理有限公司,H2018-183,高排放标准要求下污水处理厂反硝化强化关键技术研究,2018.11-2020.12 (21)江苏海容热能环境工程有限公司,H2018-148,电厂高盐废水软化处理关键技术研究与成套装备开发,2018.9-2019.12 (22)上海奉贤西部污水处理有限公司,H2018-054,奉贤西部污水处理厂运行效能评估与优化研究,2018.3-2019.5 (23)上海城投污水处理有限公司,H2018-036,膜覆盖污泥暂存库区污泥处理成套技术研究,2018.3-2019.12 (24)上海外高桥发电有限责任公司,H2017-135,火力发电厂烟气脱硫废水资源化利用关键技术研究,2017.9-2018.6 (25)上海城投污水处理有限公司,H2017-081,污泥厌氧消化工艺运行优化与预处理强化技术研究,2017.7-2020.6 (26)上海市浦东新区祝桥镇人民政府,H2017-051,上海市祝桥镇企业污染物排放调研与治理对策分析,2017.3-2017.12 (27)上海市城市建设设计研究总院,H2017-005,污水处理厂污泥调理表征指标测定方法的标准化研究,2016.11-2017.6 (28)上海城投污水处理有限公司,H2017-003,污水处理厂运行现状评价与水质指标检测体系分析,2017.1-2018.11 (29)江苏海容热能环境工程有限公司,H2016-055,火力发电厂烟气脱硫废水零排放工艺技术研究,2016.6-2018.12 (30)上海市城市排水有限公司排水设计研究分公司,H2015-101,排水防汛实时预警系统研发咨询服务,2015.9-2015.12 (31)上海城投污水处理有限公司,H2015-069,污水处理厂节地综合利用技术研究,2015.7-2016.5 (32)上海城投污水处理有限公司白龙港污水处理厂,H2014-129,多模式AAO工艺强化脱氮除磷关键技术研究—污泥产量削减技术研究,2014.11-2015.12 (33)上海城投污水处理有限公司,H2014-055,污水源热泵技术研究及其应用潜力分析,2014.7-2018.11 (34)上海城投污水处理有限公司,H2014-010,污水与污泥处理工专业技术培训教材编写,2014.3-2015.12 (35)上海熠星环保工程有限公司,H2013-051,污泥减量微生物的污染物降解和污泥减量评价技术,2013.7-2014.6 (36)上海市白龙污水处理厂,H2013-020,多模式AAO工艺强化除磷关键技术研究,2013.3-2014.1 (37)上海市白龙污水处理厂,H2013-019,浓缩脱水污泥液处理关键技术及其对微生物活性的影响研究,2013.3-2014.1 (38)上海市石洞口污水处理厂,H2012-001,基于数学模型的石洞口污水处理厂运行调控技术研究,2011.12-2018.11 (39)临沂进民水务有限公司,H2010-047,污泥过程减量-污水处理技术机制分析与新工艺开发,2010.6-2011.5 (40)上海市白龙污水处理厂,H2010-046,基于数学模型的污水处理厂模拟软件开发及优化运行研究,2010.8-2011.12 (41) 上海市白龙污水处理厂,H2010-045,污水处理厂运行管理决策支持系统的工程化应用研究,2010.8-2011.8 4. 成果转化项目 (1) “一种高盐废水沉淀除盐循环利用工艺(ZL201911032882.9)”专利实施许可,2024-2027 (2) “一种污泥水综合处理系统(ZL201510516606.5)”专利权转让,2023 (3) “一种合并处理强化硝化除磷的方法(ZL201410660049.X)”专利权转让,2023 (4) “同步实现污泥原位减量与脱氮除磷的污水处理装置(ZL2019212056260)”专利权转让,2023 (5) “高污泥浓度污泥侧流原位减量和提高碳氮比的污水处理装置(ZL2019223938753)”专利权转让,2023 (6) “一体化处理深度脱水污泥水与浓缩脱水污泥水的反应器(ZL201410049155.4)”专利权转让,2020 (7) “一种脱硫废水硬度离子资源化预处理工艺(ZL201610304236.3)”专利实施许可,2019 学术成果1. 学术论文(第一作者或通讯作者) 2025年 (1) Qing Xia, Ying Liu, Xu Zhong, Guofeng Chen, Li Li, Zhenfa Wang, Chenbing Zhang, Yiwei Zhang, Ying Ding, Xiaodan Zhao, Zhen Zhou*. Interaction mechanisms between fouling and chemical cleaning on the ageing behavior of ion-exchange membranes during electrodialysis treatment of flue gas desulfurization wastewater. Water Research, 2025, 271, 122897. (2) Zihang Ma, Rui Tang, Lifeng Lin, Zhenjian Zhang, Peng Peng, Molin Lian, Hong Peng, Bin Liu, Zhaowei Li, Ying An, Zhen Zhou*. Enhancing biological nitrogen removal of slaughterhouse and meat processing wastewater in three-stage AO process by influent allocation: From lab-scale to full-scale investigation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 354, 129159. (3) Xiaodan Zhao, Yunya Zheng, Qiaoling Zhu, Mingquan Cheng, Yiwei Zhang, Zhen Zhou*. Removal of chloride ions from aqueous phase as layered double hydroxides via uptake strategies: A critical review. Desalination, 2025, 595, 118317. 2024年 (1) Yunxin Xing, Ying An, Lifeng Lin, Peng Peng, Xiaolu Gong, Weijie Hu, Yuqing Ren, Zihang Ma, Jiafu Xi, Jing Cao, Ziyang Lou, Zhen Zhou*. Microbiological mechanisms of sludge property variations under long-term landfill: From micro-omics perspective. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 486, 150275. (2) Rui Tang, Qi Zhang, Yong-Dong Chen, Wen-Jing Bai, Jiao-Jiao Xu, Yilin Pang, Ying An, Zhen Zhou*, Zhen-Hu Hu. Deciphering pathogens inactivation mechanism during anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and waste activated sludge: The role of pH. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 498, 155197. (3) Xiangdong Xu, Guang Chen, Jun Wei, Yangjie Qin, Rui Tang, Lihua Wang, Haijuan Wei, Chuanting Zhou, Jun Wu, Xiaodan Zhao, Zhen Zhou*. Effects of competitive cations and dissolved organic matter on ammonium exchange and up-concentration properties of ion exchangers from domestic wastewater under multicycle exchange - regeneration operation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 345, 127274. (4) Xiaodan Zhao, Zhuojun Huang, Haosen Sun, Qiqi Zhao, Zhanghe Huang, Chun Zhang, Yang Wang, Chunyan Yang, Zhen Zhou*. Comparison on molecular transformation of dissolved organic matter during Fenton and activated carbon adsorption processes for chemical cleaning wastewater treatment. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 344, 127226. (5) Yiyue Sun, Yi Zuo, Yanjun Shao, Lihua Wang, Lu-Man Jiang, Jiaming Hu, Chuanting Zhou, Xi Lu, Song Huang, Zhen Zhou*. Carbon footprint analysis of wastewater treatment processes coupled with sludge in situ reduction. Water Research X, 2024, 24, 100243. (6) Ying An, Huimin Zhang, Li Fu, Chen Tang, Mengyu Wang, Yunxin Xing, Fuqiang Xu, Xiao Sun, Zhen Zhou*. Refractory COD removal from bio-treated paper wastewater using powdered activated coke adsorption technology with ozonation regeneration: Performance and molecular insights. Chemosphere, 2024, 364, 143136. (7) 周传庭, 安莹, 羌佳鑫, 王聪, 覃阳洁, 周振*. 盐改性方法对沸石吸附氨氮性能的影响. 净水技术, 2024, 43, 80-86. (8) 王丽花, 王坤, 周传庭, 周振*. 悬浮填料对大型污水处理厂运行的实际强化效果. 中国给水排水, 2024, 40, 77-83. (9) 王丽花, 周振*. 国内外城镇污水处理厂排放标准发展现状与修订思考. 中国给水排水, 2024, 40, 28-34. (10) 安莹, 张慧敏, 刘韵, 陈广, 唐晨, 周振*. 高负荷活性污泥工艺污泥膨胀成因及控制研究. 中国环境科学, 2024. 2023年 (1) Kaiqi Xiao, Kaichong Wang, Siqi Yu, Yao Yuan, Yangjie Qin, Ying An, Xiaodan Zhao, Zhen Zhou*. Membrane fouling behavior in membrane bioreactors for nitrogen-deficient wastewater pretreated by ammonium ion exchange. Journal of Membrane Science, 2023, 665, 121087. (2) Yangjie Qin, Kaichong Wang, Qing Xia, Siqi Yu, Maonan Zhang, Ying An, Xiaodan Zhao, Zhen Zhou*. Up-concentration of nitrogen from domestic wastewater: A sustainable strategy from removal to recovery. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 451, 138789. (3) Yangjie Qin, Kaichong Wang, Zhen Zhou*, Siqi Yu, Lihua Wang, Qing Xia, Xiaodan Zhao, Chuanting Zhou, Jianfeng Ye, Zhichao Wu. Nitrogen recovery from wastewater as nitrate by coupling mainstream ammonium separation with side stream cyclic up-concentration and targeted conversion. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 455, 140337. (4) Zhen Zhou*, Yiyue Sun, Li Fu, Yi Zuo, Yanjun Shao, Lihua Wang, Chuanting Zhou, Ying An. Unraveling roles of the intermediate settler in a microaerobic hydrolysis sludge in situ reduction process. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 384, 129228. (5) Kun Wang, Chuanting Zhou, Hua Zhou, Ming Jiang, Guang Chen, Cong Wang, Zhenjian Zhang, Xiaodan Zhao, Lu-Man Jiang, Zhen Zhou*. Comparison on biological nutrient removal and microbial community between full-scale anaerobic/anoxic/aerobic process and its upgrading processes. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 374, 128757. (6) Zihang Ma, Lifeng Lin, Jiafu Xi, Xiaolu Gong, Jianqiao Wang, Peng Peng, Ying An, Weijie Hu, Jing Cao, Zhichao Wu, Zhen Zhou*. Nitrogen removal from dewatering liquid of landfill sludge by partial nitrification and denitrification. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 390, 129856. (7) Lu-Man Jiang, Zhenjian Zhang, Yunhui Li, Jialei Xu, Kun Wang, Xinya Ding, Junli He, Zhan Qiu, Hua Zhou, Zhen Zhou*. Under-loaded operation of an anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic system in dry and wet weather dynamics to prevent overflow pollution: Impacts on process performance and microbial community. Bioresource Technology, 2023, 376, 128837. (8) Yangjie Qin, Chuanting Zhou, Siqi Yu, Hongjian Pang, Jiaming Guo, Jun Wei, Libing Wang, Yunxin Xing, Ying An, Zhen Zhou*. Optimization of a compact on-site stormwater runoff treatment system: Process performance and reactor design. Chemosphere, 2023, 315, 137767. (9) Xiaodan Zhao, Li Zeng, Jiaming Guo, Qiaoling Zhu, Zhuojun Huang, Lifeng Lin, Xuanang Chen, Jing Cao, Zhen Zhou*. Efficient separation and comprehensive extraction of aluminum, silicon, and iron from coal fly ash by a cascade extraction method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 406, 137090. (10) Zhen Zhou, Maonan Zhang, Qing Xia*, Xiaodan Zhao, Qiang Ming, Li Zeng. Effects of nanofiltration on desalination of flue gas desulfurization wastewater by electrodialysis: Treatment effect, fouling property and techno-economic analysis. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 316, 123768. (11) Maonan Zhang, Qing Xia, Xiaodan Zhao, Jiaming Guo, Li Zeng, Zhen Zhou*. Concentration effects of calcium ion on polyacrylamide fouling of ion-exchange membrane in electrodialysis treatment of flue gas desulfurization wastewater. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 304, 122383. (12) Yi Zuo, Yanjun Shao, Lihua Wang, Yiyue Sun, Ying An, Lu-Man Jiang, Nan Yu, Rujie Hao, Chuanting Zhou, Jun Tao, Zhen Zhou*. Simultaneous sludge minimization and membrane fouling mitigation in membrane bioreactors by using a microaerobic - Settling pretreatment module. Journal of environmental management, 2023, 328, 116977. (13) Lu-Man Jiang, Wen Zhang, Yunhui Li, Yanjun Shao, Zhenjian Zhang, Ming Zhang, Junli He, Ji Qiu, Wenxiang Li, Junwei Wang, Zhen Zhou*. Applying mass flow analysis and aeration optimization strategy to reduce energy consumption of a full-scale anaerobic/anoxic/oxic system. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2023, 54, 104037. (14) 任雨晴, 吴炜, 魏海娟, 周斌, 幸韵欣, 何侃侃, 周振*. 聚丙烯酰胺性质和结构对厌氧消化前后污泥调理脱水效果的影响. 环境工程,2023,41(8), 57-64. 2022年 (1) Jiaming Guo, Zhen Zhou*, Qiang Ming, Zhuojun Huang, Jun Zhu, Sheng Zhang, Jie Xu, Jiafu Xi, iqiZhao Q, Xiaodan Zhao. Recovering precipitates from dechlorination process of saline wastewater as poly aluminum chloride. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 427, 131612,131612-131612. (2) Jiaming Guo, Zhen Zhou*, Dongqi Sun, Li Zeng, Qiang Ming, Yunxin Xing, Zhuojun Huang, Xiaodan Zhao. Recovering double-metal hydroxides precipitate from desalination process of saline wastewater as conditioner for excess sludge dewatering. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 434, 134787. (3) Qing Xia, Zhen Zhou*, Xiaodan Zhao, Maonan Zhang, Chunhua Wu, Shuili Yu, Guicai Liu. Effects of calcium ions on anionic polyacrylamide fouling of ion-exchange membranes in desalination of polymer-flooding wastewater by electrodialysis. Desalination, 2022, 535, 115846. (4) Yanjun Shao, Zhen Zhou*, Yi Zuo, Jie Jiang, Lihua Wang, Yiyue Sun, Junli He, Ji Qiu, Ying An, Lu-Man Jiang. Sludge decay kinetics and metagenomic analysis uncover discrepant metabolic mechanisms in two different sludge in situ reduction systems. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 851, 158346. (5) Ying An, Yunxin Xing, Jun Wei, Chuanting Zhou, Libing Wang, Xiaowen Pan, Jianguang Wang, Mengyu Wang, Hongjian Pang, Zhen Zhou**. Performance and microbial community of MBBRs under three maintenance strategies for intermittent stormwater treatment. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 851, 158578. (6) Xiaodan Zhao, Ziwei Lan, Jiazhe Yang, Guang Chen, Zhan Qiu, Jun Wu, Li Zeng, Wei Wu, Junyu Liang, Zhen Zhou*. Insights into the dewatering of excavated landfill sludge conditioned by polyferric silicate sulfate. Journal of environmental management, 2022, 315, 115147. (7) Jiafu Xi, Zhen Zhou*, Yao Yuan, Kaiqi Xiao, Yangjie Qin, Kaichong Wang, Ying An, Jianfeng Ye, Zhichao Wu. Enhanced nutrient removal from stormwater runoff by a compact on-site treatment system. Chemosphere, 2022, 290, 133314. (8) QiaoYing Wang, YanLi Li, YingYing Liu, Zhen Zhou*, WeiJie Hu, LiFeng Lin, ZhiChao Wu. Effects of microplastics accumulation on performance of membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment. Chemosphere, 2022, 287, 131968. (9) 徐敏, 杜洪宇, 窦微笑, 李飞, 卢卫, 孙超, 陈宇, 周振*. 钙矾石法去除脱硫废水硫酸根沉淀物沉降特性研究. 工业水处理, 2022, 42, 123-130. 2021年 (1) Jie Jiang, Zhen Zhou*, Lingyan Jiang, Yue Zheng, Xiaodan Zhao, Guang Chen, Mengyu Wang, Jing Huang, Ying An, Zhichao Wu. Bacterial and microfauna mechanisms for sludge reduction in carrier-enhanced anaerobic side-stream reactors revealed by metagenomic sequencing analysis. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55, 6257-6269. (2) Zhen Zhou*, Kaichong Wang, Jiaxin Qiang, Hongjian Pang, Yao Yuan, Ying An, Chuanting Zhou, Jianfeng Ye, Zhichao Wu. Mainstream nitrogen separation and side-stream removal to reduce discharge and footprint of wastewater treatment plants. Water Research, 2021, 188, 116527. (3) Xiaodan Zhao, Jie Jiang, Zhen Zhou*, Yue Zheng, Yanjun Shao, Yi Zuo, Yuqing Ren, Ying An. Responses of microbial structures, functions and metabolic pathways for nitrogen removal to different hydraulic retention times in anaerobic side-stream reactor coupled membrane bioreactors. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 329, 124903. (4) Kaichong Wang, Zhen Zhou*, Jiaxin Qiang, Siqi Yu, Xinqi Wang, Yao Yuan, Xiaodan Zhao, Yangjie Qin, Kaiqi Xiao. Emerging wastewater treatment strategy for efficient nitrogen removal and compact footprint by coupling mainstream nitrogen separation with chemical coagulation and biological aerated filter. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 320, 124389. (5) Kaichong Wang, Zhen Zhou*, Siqi Yu, Jiaxin Qiang, Yao Yuan, Yangjie Qin, Kaiqi Xiao, Xiaodan Zhao, Zhichao Wu. Compact wastewater treatment process based on abiotic nitrogen management achieved high-rate and facile pollutants removal. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 330, 124991. (6) Yao Yuan, Zhen Zhou*, Jie Jiang, Kaichong Wang, Siqi Yu, Jiaxin Qiang, Qiang Ming, Ying An, Jianfeng Ye, Deli Wu. Partial nitrification performance and microbial community evolution in the membrane bioreactor for saline stream treatment. Bioresource Technology, 2021, 320, 124419 (7) Jiaming Guo, Zhen Zhou*, Qiang Ming, Dongqi Sun, Fei Li, Jiafu Xi, Qiong Wu, Jian Yang, Qing Xia, Xiaodan Zhao. Recovering chemical sludge from the zero liquid discharge system of flue gas desulfurization wastewater as flame retardants by a stepwise precipitation process. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 417, 126054. (8) Yanjun Shao, Zhen Zhou*, Jie Jiang, Lu-Man Jiang, Jianping Huang, Yi Zuo, Yuqing Ren, Xiaodan Zhao. Membrane fouling in anoxic/oxic membrane reactors coupled with carrier-enhanced anaerobic side-stream reactor: Effects of anaerobic hydraulic retention time and mechanism insights. Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 637, 119657. (9) Dongqi Sun, Zhen Zhou*, Qiang Ming, Jiaming Guo, Xiaofang Ye, Yao Yuan, Maonan Zhang, Xiaodan Zhao, Lu-man Jiang, Qing Xia. Improving settleability and dewaterability of Friedel's salt for chloride removal from saline wastewater. Desalination, 2021, 509, 115070. (10) Xiaofang Ye, Xiaodan Zhao, Qiang Ming, Jun Zhu, Jiaming Guo, Dongqi Sun, Sheng Zhang, Jie Xu, Zhen Zhou*. Process optimization to enhance utilization efficiency of precipitants for chloride removal from flue gas desulfurization wastewater via Friedel's salt precipitation. Journal of environmental management, 2021, 299, 113682. (11) Zhen Zhou, Qiang Ming, Ying An*, Danian Ruan, Guang Chen, Haijuan Wei, Mengyu Wang, Zhichao Wu. Performance and microbial community analysis of anaerobic sludge digestion enhanced by in-situ microaeration. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2021, 42, 102171. (12) Chuanting Zhou, Ying An, Wei Zhang, Dianhai Yang, Jianguo Tang, Jianfeng Ye, Zhen Zhou*. Inhibitory effects of Ca2+ on ammonium exchange by zeolite in the long-term exchange and NaClO-NaCl regeneration process. Chemosphere, 2021, 263, 128216. (13) 明强, 杨健, 孙东奇, 李飞, 王坤, 赵晓云, 吴琼, 卢卫, 赵晓丹, 周振*. 燃煤电厂烟气脱硫石膏化学脱水调理工艺优化. 热力发电, 2021, 50, 145-151. 2020年 (1) Jiaxin Qiang, Zhen Zhou*, Kaichong Wang, Zhan Qiu, Hui Zhi, Yao Yuan, Yubin Zhang, Yuexi Jiang, Xiaodan Zhao, Zhiwei Wang, Qiaoying Wang. Coupling ammonia nitrogen adsorption and regeneration unit with a high-load anoxic/aerobic process to achieve rapid and efficient pollutants removal for wastewater treatment. Water Research, 2020, 170, 115280. (2) Kaichong Wang, Zhen Zhou*, Yue Zheng, Jie Jiang, Jing Huang, Jiaxin Qiang, Ying An, Lingyan Jiang, Lu-Man Jiang, Zhiwei Wang. Understanding mechanisms of sludge in situ reduction in anaerobic side-stream reactor coupled membrane bioreactors packed with carriers at different filling fractions. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 316, 123925. (3) Jing Huang, Zhen Zhou*, Yue Zheng, Xiao Sun, Siqi Yu, Xiaodan Zhao, Aming Yang, Chunhua Wu, Zhiwei Wang. Biological nutrient removal in the anaerobic side-stream reactor coupled membrane bioreactors for sludge reduction. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 295, 122241. (4) Lu-Man Jiang, Liuyu Chen, Zhen Zhou*, Dongqi Sun, Yunhui Li, Ming Zhang, Yuan Liu, Silu Du, Guang Chen, Jie Yao. Fouling characterization and aeration performance recovery of fine-pore diffusers operated for 10 years in a full-scale wastewater treatment plant. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 307, 123197. (5) Xiaoce Tian, Zhen Zhou*, Wei Wu, Yi Xin, Lu-Man Jiang, Xiaodan Zhao, Ying An, Zhiwei Wang. Sulfate removal by Mg–Al layered double hydroxide precipitates: Mechanism, settleability, techno-economic analysis and recycling as demulsifier. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 242, 118503. (6) Jie Jiang, Zhen Zhou*, Jing Huang, Xiaodan Zhao, Xiao Sun, Yue Zheng, Aming Yang, Ying An, Zhiwei Wang. Repurposing hydrolysis acidification tank in municipal wastewater treatment plants for sludge reduction and biological nutrient removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 396, 125327. (7) Yue Zheng, Zhen Zhou*, Lingyan Jiang, Jing Huang, Jie Jiang, Yirong Chen, Yanjun Shao, Siqi Yu, Kaichong Wang, Jianping Huang, Zhiwei Wang. Evaluating influence of filling fraction of carriers packed in anaerobic side-stream reactors on membrane fouling and microbial community of the coupled membrane bioreactors. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 388, 122030. (8) Yi Xin, Zhen Zhou*, Qiang Ming, Dongqi Sun, Jun Han, Xiaofang Ye, Shifeng Dai, Lu-Man Jiang, Xiaodan Zhao, Ying An. A two-stage desalination process for zero liquid discharge of flue gas desulfurization wastewater by chloride precipitation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 397, 122744. (9) Ying An, Mengyu Wang, Zhen Zhou*, Xiao Sun, Cheng Cheng, Songmei Zhu, Luochun Wang, Zhichao Wu. Enhancing biodegradability of industrial park wastewater by packing carriers and limited aeration in the hydrolysis process. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 264, 121638. (10) Xiaodan Zhao, Jie Jiang, Zhen Zhou*, Jiazhe Yang, Guang Chen, Wei Wu, Dongqi Sun, Jie Yao, Zhan Qiu, Kankan He, Zhichao Wu, Ziyang Lou. Applying organic polymer flocculants in conditioning and advanced dewatering of landfill sludge as a substitution of ferric trichloride and lime: Mechanism, optimization and pilot-scale study. Chemosphere, 2020, 260, 127617. (11) 周振*, 陈柳宇, 吴炜, 周传庭, 唐建国. 污泥脱水性能指标表征体系的构建. 上海电力学院学报, 2020, 36, 51-56. (12) 葛洪, 顾锦绣, 张坚明, 姚建强, 安莹, 李宇杰, 戴世峰, 周振*. 膜生物反应器在电厂生活污水处理与污泥减量工程中的应用. 上海电力大学学报, 2020, 36, 456-460. 2019年 (1) Wei Wu, Zhen Zhou*, Jiazhe Yang, Guang Chen, Jie Yao, Chengqin Tu, Xiaodan Zhao, Zhan Qiu, Zhichao Wu. Insights into conditioning of landfill sludge by FeCl3 and lime. Water Research, 2019, 160, 167-177. (2) Yue Zheng, Cheng Cheng, Zhen Zhou*, Hongjian Pang, Liuyu Chen, Lu-Man Jiang. Insight into the roles of packing carriers and ultrasonication in anaerobic side-stream reactor coupled membrane bioreactors: Sludge reduction performance and mechanism. Water Research, 2019, 155, 310-319. (3) Yue Zheng, Zhen Zhou*, Xiaofang Ye, Jing Huang, Lingyan Jiang, Guang Chen, Liuyu Chen, Zhiwei Wang. Identifying microbial community evolution in membrane bioreactors coupled with anaerobic side-stream reactor, packing carriers and ultrasonication for sludge reduction by linear discriminant analysis. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 291, 121920. (4) Danian Ruan, Zhen Zhou*, Hongjian Pang, Jie Yao, Guang Chen, Zhan Qiu. Enhancing methane production of anaerobic sludge digestion by microaeration: Enzyme activity stimulation, semi-continuous reactor validation and microbial community analysis. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 289, 121643. (5) Yue Zheng, Zhen Zhou*, Cheng Cheng, Zhiwei Wang, Hongjian Pang, Lingyan Jiang, Lu-Man Jiang. Effects of packing carriers and ultrasonication on membrane fouling and sludge properties of anaerobic side-stream reactor coupled membrane reactors for sludge reduction. Journal of Membrane Science, 2019, 581, 312-320. (6) Wei Wu, Zhen Zhou*, Liuyu Chen, Guang Chen, Yue Zhang, Lingyan Jiang, Zhan Qiu, Kankan He, Zhichao Wu. Conditioning for excess sludge and ozonized sludge by ferric salt and polyacrylamide: Orthogonal optimization, rheological characteristics and floc properties. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 373, 1081-1090. (7) Xiaodan Zhao, Chengqin Tu, Zhen Zhou*, Wei Zhang, Xu Ma, Jiazhe Yang. Recovery of ammonia nitrogen and magnesium as struvite from wastewaters in coal‐fired power plant. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 14, 2355. (8) Zhen Zhou, Danian Ruan, Lu-Man Jiang*, Yang Yang, Honghua Ge, Libing Wang. Comparison on treatment strategy for chemical cleaning wastewater: Pollutants removal, process design and techno-economic analysis. Journal of environmental management, 2019, 235, 161-168. (9) Xiaoce Tian, Zhen Zhou*, Yi Xin, Lu-Man Jiang, Xiaodan Zhao, Ying An. A novel sulfate removal process by ettringite precipitation with aluminum recovery: Kinetics and a pilot-scale study. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 365, 572-580. (10) Xiaodan Zhao, Jiazhe Yang, Chengqin Tu, Zhen Zhou*, Wei Wu, Guang Chen, Jie Yao, Danian Ruan, Zhan Qiu. A full-scale survey of sludge landfill: sludge properties, leachate characteristics and microbial community structure. Water Science and Technology, 2019, 80, 1185-1195. (11) 蒋路漫, 周振*, 田小测, 窦微笑, 陈国锋, 李朝明, 李黎. 电厂烟气脱硫废水零排放工艺中试研究. 热力发电, 2019, 48, 103-109. 2018年 (1) Tianhao Niu, Zhen Zhou*, Xuelian Shen, Weimin Qiao, Lu-Man Jiang, Wei Pan, Jijun Zhou. Effects of dissolved oxygen on performance and microbial community structure in a micro-aerobic hydrolysis sludge in situ reduction process. Water Research, 2018, 90, 369-377. (2) Lu-Man Jiang, Zhen Zhou*, Cheng Cheng, Jinmin Li, Chao Huang, Tianhao Niu. Sludge reduction by a micro-aerobic hydrolysis process: A full-scale application and sludge reduction mechanisms. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 268, 684-691. (3) Hongjian Pang, Zhen Zhou*, Tianhao Niu, Lu-Man Jiang, Guang Chen, Biao Xu, Lingyan Jiang, Zhan Qiu. Sludge reduction and microbial structures of aerobic, micro-aerobic and anaerobic side-stream reactor coupled membrane bioreactors. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 268, 36-44. (4) Xiaomeng Han, Zhen Zhou*, Xiaojie Mei, Yan Ma, Zhenfang Xie. Influence of fermentation liquid from waste activated sludge on anoxic/oxic- membrane bioreactor performance: Nitrogen removal, membrane fouling and microbial community. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 250, 699-707. (5) Cheng Cheng, Zhen Zhou*, Zhan Qiu, Jiyuan Yang, Wei Wu, Hongjian Pang. Enhancement of sludge reduction by ultrasonic pretreatment and packing carriers in the anaerobic side-stream reactor: Performance, sludge characteristics and microbial community structure. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 249, 298-306. (6) Cheng Cheng, Zhen Zhou*, Hongjian Pang, Yue Zheng, Liuyu Chen, Lu-Man Jiang, Xiaodan Zhao. Correlation of microbial community structure with pollutants removal, sludge reduction and sludge characteristics in micro-aerobic side-stream reactor coupled membrane bioreactors under different hydraulic retention times. Bioresource Technology, 2018, 260, 177-185. 2017年 (1) Cheng Cheng, Zhen Zhou*, Tianhao Niu, Ying An, Xuelian Shen, Wei Pan, Zhihui Chen, Jin Liu. Effects of side-stream ratio on sludge reduction and microbial structures of anaerobic side-stream reactor coupled membrane bioreactors. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 234, 380-388. (2) Ying An, Zhen Zhou*, Jie Yao, Tianhao Niu, Zhan Qiu, Danian Ruan, Haijuan Wei. Sludge reduction and microbial community structure in an anaerobic/anoxic/oxic process coupled with potassium ferrate disintegration. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 245, 954-961. (3) Dalong Hu, Zhen Zhou*, Tianhao Niu, Haijuan Wei, Weixiao Dou, Lu-Man Jiang, Yan Lv. Co-treatment of reject water from sludge dewatering and supernatant from sludge lime stabilization process for nutrient removal: A cost-effective approach. Separation and Purification Technology, 2017, 172, 357-365. (4) Yang Yang, Zhen Zhou*, Chenjie Lu, Yunke Chen, Honghua Ge, Libing Wang, Cheng Cheng. Treatment of chemical cleaning wastewater and cost optimization by response surface methodology coupled nonlinear programming. Journal of environmental management, 2017, 198, 12-20. (5) Weixiao Dou, Zhen Zhou*, Lu-Man Jiang, Aijian Jiang, Rongwei Huang, Xiaoce Tian, Wei Zhang, Dongqing Chen. Sulfate removal from wastewater using ettringite precipitation: Magnesium ion inhibition and process optimization. Journal of environmental management, 2017, 196, 518-526. (6) Ying An, Zhen Zhou*, Weimin Qiao, Wei Pan, Zhihui Chen. Simultaneous removal of phosphorus and dissolved organic matter from a sludge in situ reduction process effluent by coagulants. RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 42305-42311. (7) Weixiao Dou, Zhen Zhou*, Jiongjiong Ye, Rongwei Huang, Lu-Man Jiang, Guofeng Chen, Xiaoyun Fei. Reusing effluent of flue gas desulfurization wastewater treatment process as an economical calcium source for phosphorus removal. Water Science and Technology, 2017, 76, 1429-1435. (8) Wei Zhang, Zhen Zhou*, Ying An, Silu Du, Danian Ruan, Chengyue Zhao, Ning Ren, Xiaoce Tian. Optimization for zeolite regeneration and nitrogen removal performance of a hypochlorite-chloride regenerant. Chemosphere, 2017, 178, 565-572. (9) 黄钟霆, 朱松梅, 周振*, 彭锐. 造纸工业园区污水处理厂溶解性有机物迁移转化规律. 环境工程学报, 2017, 11, 1575-1580. (10) 蒋路漫, 周振*, 俞杰, 胡大龙. 烟气脱硫中亚硫酸钙铁锰复合催化氧化优化. 环境工程学报, 2017, 11, 6332-6338. (11) 唐建国, 吴炜, 周振*, 张显忠, 吴志超. 污泥脱水性能测定对污泥调理与脱水的重要性分析. 给水排水, 2017, 43, 11-16. 2016年 (1) Tianhao Niu, Zhen Zhou*, Xuelian Shen, Weimin Qiao, Lu-Man Jiang, Wei Pan, Jijun Zhou. Effects of dissolved oxygen on performance and microbial community structure in a micro-aerobic hydrolysis sludge in situ reduction process. Water Research, 2016, 90, 369-377. (2) Weichao Ren, Zhen Zhou*, Li Wan, Dalong Hu, Lu-Man Jiang, Luochun Wang. Optimization of phosphorus removal from reject water of sludge thickening and dewatering process through struvite precipitation. Desalination and Water Treatment, 2016, 57, 15515-15523. (3) Tianhao Niu, Zhen Zhou*, Weichao Ren, Lu-Man Jiang, Bingyue Li, Haijuan Wei, Jing Li, Luochun Wang. Effects of potassium peroxymonosulfate on disintegration of waste sludge and properties of extracellular polymeric substances. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2016, 206, 170-177. (4) Songmei Zhu, Zhen Zhou*, Haitao Jiang, Jianfeng Ye, Jiamin Ren, Lingyun Gu, Luochun Wang. Advanced treatment of effluents from an industrial park wastewater treatment plant by ferrous ion activated persulfate oxidation process. Water Science and Technology, 2016, 74, 535-541. (5) 牛天浩, 周振*, 胡大龙, 魏海娟, 李晶, 窦微笑, 葛红花. 污水处理厂污泥水溶解性有机物的光谱特性分析. 环境科学, 2016, 37, 1460-1466. (6) 窦微笑, 周振*, 周凯鹏, 魏海娟, 蒋路漫, 李晶, 裘湛, 胡大龙. 污泥水磷和有机物同步混凝去除的多目标优化技术研究. 环境科学学报, 2016, 6, 4400-4406. (7) 朱松梅, 周振*, 谢跃, 蒋海涛, 顾凌云, 王罗春. 工业园区污水厂溶解性有机物转化规律研究. 环境科学与技术, 2016, 39, 18-22. (8) 沈雪莲, 周振*, 任伟超, 蒋玲燕, 魏海娟, 李云辉, 胡大龙, 乔卫敏. 城镇污水处理厂污泥中磷的形态分布及生物可利用性分析. 环境工程学报, 2016, 10, 1200-1204. (9) 朱松梅, 周振*, 顾凌云, 蒋海涛, 任佳慜, 王罗春. 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Effects of alkalinity on membrane bioreactors for reject water treatment: Performance improvement, fouling mitigation and microbial structures. Bioresource Technology, 2015, 197, 217-226. (5) Weichao Ren, Zhen Zhou*, Lu-Man Jiang, Dalong Hu, Zhan Qiu, Haijuan Wei, Luochun Wang. A cost-effective method for the treatment of reject water from sludge dewatering process using supernatant from sludge lime stabilization. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015, 142, 123-128. (6) Weichao Ren, Zhen Zhou*, Yeye Zhu, Lu-Man Jiang, Haijuan Wei, Tianhao Niu, Penghao Fu, Zhan Qiu. Effect of sulfate radical oxidation on disintegration of waste activated sludge. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2015, 104, 384-390. (7) Zhen Zhou*, Dalong Hu, Weichao Ren, Yuzeng Zhao, Lu-Man Jiang, Luochun Wang. Effect of humic substances on phosphorus removal by struvite precipitation. Chemosphere, 2015, 141, 94-99. (8) Zhen Zhou*, Can Xing, Zhichao Wu, Jianguo Tang, Aiping Zhang, Ying An. 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Elsevier,2019 3. 授权专利(第一发明人) (1) 周振, 余司颀, 覃阳洁, 徐向东, 张雨玥, 周传庭, 赵晓丹, 安莹. 基于离子交换分离富集的磷酸铵镁沉淀回收装置和工艺. 中国发明专利,专利号 202211113385.3 (2) 周振, 覃阳洁, 徐向东, 张雨玥, 余司颀, 周传庭, 赵晓丹, 安莹. 一种高效快速的脱氮装置与方法. 中国发明专利,专利号 202211111066.9 (3) 周振, 叶小芳, 郭家明, 明强, 袁瑶, 江婕, 余司颀, 郗家福, 曾丽, 赵晓丹, 夏庆. 一种粉煤灰资源化生产高纯氧化铝的系统与方法. 中国发明专利,专利号 202110427862.2 (4) 周振, 江婕, 赵晓丹, 袁瑶, 邵彦鋆, 左艺, 任雨晴, 蓝紫薇, 夏庆. 一种同步实现污泥原位减量和污染物去除的同心圆筒式污水处理装置及工艺. 中国发明专利,专利号 202110055936.4 (5) 周振, 王凯冲, 余司颀, 覃阳洁, 袁瑶, 肖凯琦, 安莹, 左艺, 张茂楠, 赵晓丹, 夏庆. 一种同步高效污染物去除及全面资源化回收的污水处理装置和工艺. 中国发明专利,专利号 202010945053.6 (6) 周振, 王凯冲, 袁瑶, 余司颀, 覃阳洁, 安莹, 肖凯琦, 左艺, 张茂楠, 赵晓丹, 夏庆. 一种污水的高效氮回收装置和工艺. 中国发明专利,专利号 202010945044.7 (7) 周振, 明强, 辛仪, 郭家明, 赵晓丹, 孙东奇, 叶小芳, 杜卓玲, 安莹. 一种高盐废水沉淀除盐循环利用工艺. 中国发明专利,专利号 201911032882.9 (8) 周振, 郑月, 黄景, 江婕, 羌佳鑫, 余司颀, 邵彦鋆, 郭家明, 赵晓丹. 高污泥浓度污泥侧流原位减量和提高碳氮比的污水处理装置和工艺. 中国发明专利,专利号 201911373409.7 (9) 周振;明强;王馨启;庞红建;袁瑶;支慧;安莹;陈柳宇, 羌佳鑫;王凯冲;江婕. 一种具有氨氮去除能力的高效沉淀装置与工艺. 中国发明专利,专利号 201910690198.3 (10) 周振, 吴炜, 杨家哲, 王凯冲, 叶小芳, 孙东奇, 袁瑶, 赵晓丹. 一种填埋污泥的深度脱水预处理工艺. 中国发明专利,专利号 201811532911.3 (11) 周振,张伟,庞红建,郑月,羌佳鑫,黄景,陈柳宇,项学文. 一种提高氨氮吸附材料长期吸附性能的处理系统及其方法. 中国发明专利,专利号 201711122377.4 (12) 周振, 杨阳, 于文杰, 曹曾桐, 陆晨婕, 朱闻韬, 刘媛. 一种多运行模式清洗废水处理系统及其应用.中国发明专利,专利号 201710833277.6 (13) 周振, 杨阳, 赵旸, 陆晨婕, 陈赟珂, 张承玉. 一种多种电厂清洗废水的一体化处理系统与处理方法. 中国发明专利,专利号 201710757759.8 (14) 周振, 窦微笑, 张伟, 任之豪, 李雪洁, 陈晓慈, 蒋路漫. 一种脱硫废水硬度离子资源化预处理工艺. 中国发明专利,专利号201610304236.3 (15) 周振, 程成, 杨纪元, 张大尉, 顾露源, 吴炜, 杨阳, 张伟, 陈屹融. 一种超声填料组合污泥减量工艺. 中国发明专利,专利号201611176156.0 (16) 周振, 张伟, 阮大年, 任宁, 杜思露, 赵诚悦, 吴炜. 一种去除污水和污染水体中氨氮的反应器. 中国发明专利,专利号 201610895162.5 (17) 周振, 窦微笑, 叶炯炯, 黄荣威, 张伟, 程成, 杨阳. 一种处理高浓度含磷废水的反应装置及方法. 中国发明专利,专利号 201510909848.0 (18) 周振, 窦微笑, 叶炯炯, 黄荣威, 牛天浩,沈雪莲. 一种利用脱硫废水污泥处理含磷污水的方法. 中国发明专利,专利号 201510651763.7 (19) 周振, 牛天浩,窦微笑, 胡大龙,任伟超,沈雪莲. 一种污泥水综合处理系统. 中国发明专利,专利号 201510516606.5 (20) 周振, 牛天浩,黄荣威, 窦微笑, 叶炯炯, 胡大龙. 一种利用脱硫废水去除污水中磷的方法. 中国发明专利,专利号 201510651171.5 (21) 周振,胡大龙,任伟超,乔卫敏,沈雪莲. 一体化处理深度脱水污泥水与浓缩脱水污泥水的反应器. 中国发明专利,专利号 201410049155.4 (22) 周振, 任伟超,沈雪莲,胡大龙,牛天浩,实微笑. 一种合并处理并强化硝化初磷的方法. 中国发明专利,专利号 201410660049.X (23) 周振, 胡大龙,乔卫敏,沈雪莲,刑灿,陈冠翰,李昊. 利用深度脱水污泥水去除浓缩脱水污泥水中磷的方法. 中国发明专利,专利号201310335257.8 (24) 周振,刑灿,唐建国,张爱平,安莹,王罗春. 一种污水处理中生物脱氮除磷难度的评价方法. 中国发明专利,专利号201210375953.7 4. 技术标准 (1) 移动式化学清洗废液处理装置技术规范(HG/T 5547-2019).中国化工行业标准(牵头). (2) 火力发电厂反渗透水处理装置验收导则(DL/T 951-2019). 中国电力行业标准(参与). (3) 城镇污水处理厂分类技术规范(DG/TJ 08-2140-2014).上海市地方标准(参与). (4) 火电厂循环水水处理系统验收技术规范(TCSEE 0364-2023).中国电机工程学会团体标准(参与) (5) 火电厂反渗透水处理技术要求(TCSEE 0286-2022).中国电机工程学会团体标准(参与) (6) 污水处理厂温室气体排放监测技术标准(TSHAEPI 010-2024).上海市环保团体标准(参与) 荣誉及奖励2024年入选上海市东方英才(拔尖)计划 2023年入选上海市优秀学术带头人(青年) 2022年获上海市科技进步奖二等奖(1/10) 2022年获上海市上海市教学成果奖二等奖(2/10) 2021年获上海市电力行业“最美科技工作者” 2021年获“挑战杯”上海市大学生科技作品竞赛优秀指导教师 2021年入选上海市东方学者 2020年获中国电力科技进步奖三等奖(1/7) 2020年获“知行杯”上海市大学生社会实践项目大赛优秀指导教师 2019年获上海市科技进步奖三等奖(1/7) 2019年入选上海市曙光计划 2019年入选上海市人才发展资金 2019年获“知行杯”上海市大学生社会实践项目大赛优秀指导教师 2018年获山东省科技进步奖二等奖(2/8) 2016年入选上海市科技启明星计划 2012年获山东省科技进步奖三等奖(2/5) 2011年入选上海市晨光计划 |