




  • 部门: 生态与环境科学学院
  • 毕业院校: 同济大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 研究生
  • 邮编: 200241
  • 联系电话:
  • 传真:
  • 电子邮箱: hydong@des.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 生科辅楼208
  • 通讯地址: 上海市闵行区东川路500号生命科学学院辅楼208


2015.09−2019.04   同济大学    环境科学与工程专业   博士

2012.09−2015.06   山东大学    环境科学与工程专业   硕士

2007.09−2011.07   安庆师范大学      环境科学专业       学士


2023.04−至今  华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院    副教授

2021.12−2023.04   华东师范大学生态与环境科学学院   专任副研究员

2019.05−2021.12   同济大学土木工程学院           博士后














  1. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(No. 22206050),2023.012025.12,主持,在研。

  2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(No. 2019M6616182019.11−2021.12,主持,已结题。



1. Yu, Y. H.; Dong, H. Y.;* Chen, T. S.; Sun, Y. K.; Guan, X. H. Unraveling the intrinsic mechanism behind the selective oxidation of sulfonamide antibiotics in the Mn(II)/periodate process: The overlooked surface-mediated electron transfer process. Water Research 2023, 244, 120507.

2. Dong, H. Y.; Xu, Q. H.; Lian, L. S.; Li, Y.; Wang, S. C.; Li, C.; Guan, X. Y.,* Degradation of organic contaminants in the Fe(II)/peroxymonosulfate process under acidic conditions: The overlooked rapid oxidation stage. Environmental Science & Technology 2021,55, (22), 15390-15399.

3. Dong, H. Y.; Wei, G. F.; Cao, T. C.; Shao, B. B.; Guan, X. H.;* Strathmann, T. J. Insights into the oxidation of organic co-contaminants during Cr(VI) reduction by sulfite: The overlooked significance of Cr(V). Environmental Science & Technology 2020,54, (2), 1157-1166.

4. Dong, H. Y.; Li, Y.; Wang, S. C.; Liu, W. F.; Zhou, G. M.; Xie, Y. F.; Guan, X. H.* Both Fe(IV) and radicals are active oxidants in the Fe(II)/peroxydisulfate process. Environmental Science & Technology Letters 2020,7, (3), 219-224.(封面论文,入选ESI高被引论文)

5. Lin, Y. M.; Qiao, J. L.; Sun, Y. K.; Dong, H. Y.*  The profound review of Fenton process: What's the next step? Journal of Environmental Sciences 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jes.2023.10.005

6. Yu, Y. H.; Chen, T. S.; Guan, X. H.; Dong, H. Y.;* Qiao, J. L.*  Green polyaspartic acid as a novel permanganate activator for enhanced degradation of organic contaminants: Role of reactive Mn(III) species. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023, 460, 132433.

7. Yu, Y. H.; Dong, H. Y.;* Lian, L. S.; Guan, X. H. Selective and rapid degradation of organic contaminants by Mn(V) generated in the Mn(II)-nitrilotriacetic acid/periodate process. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 443, 136387.

8. Rao, D. D.; Zhang, G. Y.; Sun, B.; Sun, Y. K.; Tian, Z. Y; Dong, H. Y.;* Guan, X. H.* Inhibitory effect of sulfite on the SO4•–-induced transformation of selected organic contaminants in sulfite-based advanced oxidation processes. ACS ES&T Water 2022, 2, (12), 2538-2547.

9. Dong, H. Y.; Wei, G. F.;* Yin, D. Q; Guan, X. H.* Mechanistic insight into the generation of reactive oxygen species in sulfite activation with Fe(III) for contaminants degradation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020,384, 121497.

10. Dong, H. Y.; Chen, J.; Feng, L. Y.; Zhang, W. X.; Guan, X. H.;* Strathmann, T. J. Degradation of organic contaminants through activating bisulfite by cerium(IV): A sulfate radical-predominant oxidation process. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019,357, 328-336.

11. Dong, H. Y.; Wei, G. F.; Fan, W. J.; Ma, S. C.; Zhao, H. Y.; Zhang, W. X.; Guan, X. H.;* Strathmann, T. J. Reinvestigating the role of reactive species in the oxidation of organic co-contaminants during Cr(VI) reactions with sulfite. Chemosphere 2018,196, 593-597.

12. Dong, H. Y.; Gao, B. Y.;* Yue, Q. Y.;* Wang, Y.; Li, Q. Effect of pH on floc properties and membrane fouling in coagulation –ultrafiltration process with ferric chloride and polyferric chloride. Chemosphere 2015,130, 90-97.

13. Dong, H. Y.; Gao, B. Y.;* Yue, Q. Y.;* Sun, S. L.; Wang, Y.; Li, Q. Floc properties and membrane fouling of different monomer and polymer Fe coagulants in coagulation–ultrafiltration process: The role of Fe(III) species. Chemical Engineering Journal 2014,258, 442-449.

14. Dong, H. Y.; Gao, B. Y. *; Yue, Q. Y.; Rong, H. Y.; Sun, S. L.; Zhao, S. Effect of Fe(III) species in polyferric chloride on floc properties and membrane fouling in coagulation–ultrafiltration process. Desalination 2014,335, (1), 102-107.

15. Dong, H. Y.; Gao, B. Y.*; Yue, Q. Y.*; Sun, S. L.; Wang, Y.; Li, Q. Floc properties and membrane fouling of polyferric silicate chloride and polyferric chloride: The role of polysilicic acid. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2015,22, (6), 4566-4574.


1. 关小红,董红钰,王辉,范文娟,乔俊莲。一种基于中间态铁快速去除水中有机污染物的方法。专利号:ZL 201610094932.6

2. 关小红,董红钰,鲍倩倩,马尚辰,朱雅婷,饶丹丹。一种用于饮用水处理的预氧化方法。专利号:ZL201710145150.5

3. 关小红,饶丹丹,董红钰,马尚辰,张雪莹,乔俊莲,周恭明。一种利用亚硫酸盐促进曝气去除水中Mn2+的方法。专利号:ZL 201710064464.2




2019年 上海市“超级博士后”激励计划

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