

  • About
    • Department: School of Ecological and Environmental Sciences
    • Gender: female
    • Post:
    • Graduate School: East China Normal University
    • Degree: Associate professor
    • Academic Credentials:
    • Tel:
    • Email: eqcui@des.ecnu.edu.cn
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    Research Group: Plant Functional Traits Research Group (PFT-Lab)

    Research Areas: 

    Conducting research around the urgent scientific demand of the national Dual Carbon goal, focusing on How to enhance the quantification and prediction of ecosystem carbon sink based on plant traits. The research primarily relies on field control experiments, ecosystem model simulations, interpretation of satellite remote sensing data, and analysis of eddy covariance flux data. The key exploration involves the spatiotemporal distribution changes of plant functional traits and their diversity, ecological factors, and their impact on the functioning of ecosystem carbon sinks.

    Research Directions:

    1. Global Change Ecology: Emphasizing the changes that global ecosystems face, especially the impacts of climate change and human activities on ecosystems.

    2. Functional Biogeography: Investigating the spatiotemporal distribution changes of plant functional traits and their diversity, studying the impact of ecological factors on the functioning of ecosystem carbon sinks.

    Research Methods:

    1. Field Control Experiments: Conducting on-site experiments in natural environments, observing changes in plant functional traits and their impact on carbon sinks by controlling various factors.

    2. Ecosystem Model Simulations: Using mathematical models to simulate changes in plant functional traits in ecosystems and their impact on carbon sinks.

    3. Satellite Remote Sensing Data Interpretation: Using satellite data to obtain extensive vegetation information, inferring the spatiotemporal distribution of plant functional traits.

    4. Eddy Covariance Flux Data Analysis: Utilizing meteorological eddy covariance flux measurements to analyze the exchange processes of carbon between plants and the atmosphere, revealing characteristics of ecosystem carbon sink functionality.

    Other Appointments

    Research Fields

    Enrollment and Training



    Academic Achievements

    [First author]

    Cui, E., Xia, J*., & Luo, Y. (2023). Nitrogen use strategy drives interspecific differences in plant photosynthetic CO2 acclimation. Global Change Biology, 29(13), 3667-3677.

    Cui, E., Lu, R., Xu, X., Sun, H., Qiao, Y., Ping, J., ... & Xia, J*. (2022). Soil phosphorus drives plant trait variations in a mature subtropical forest. Global Change Biology, 28(10), 3310-3320.

    Cui, E., Weng, E., Yan, E., & Xia, J*. (2020). Robust leaf trait relationships across species under global environmental changes. Nature Communications, 11(1), 1-9. [F1000Prime推荐论文]

    Cui, E., Bian, C., Luo, Y., Niu, S., Wang, Y., & Xia, J*. (2020). Spatial variations in terrestrial net ecosystem productivity and its local indicators. Biogeosciences, 17(23), 6237-6246.

    Cui, E., Huang, K., Arain, M. A., Fisher, J. B., Huntzinger, D. N., Ito, A., ... & Xia, J*. (2019). Vegetation functional properties determine uncertainty of simulated ecosystem productivity: A traceability analysis in the East Asian monsoon region. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33(6), 668-689. [封面文章]

    Cui, E., Ren, L., & Sun, H. (2017). Analysis on the regional difference and impact factors of CO2 emissions in China. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 36(5), 1282-1289.

    Cui, E., Ren, L., & Sun, H. (2016). Analysis of energy-related CO2 emissions and driving factors in five major energy consumption sectors in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(19), 19667-19674.

    Cui, E., Ren, L., & Sun, H. (2015). Evaluation of variations and affecting factors of eco-environmental quality during urbanization. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22(5), 3958-3968.


    Ping, J., Cui E., Du, Y., Wei, N., Zhou, J., Wang, J., Niu, S., Luo, Y., & Xia, J*. (2023). Enhanced causal effect of ecosystem photosynthesis on respiration during heatwaves. Science Advances. (Accepted)

    You, C., Wang, Y., Tan, X., Cui, E., Zhang, B., Bian, C., ... & Chen, S*. (2023). Inner Mongolia grasslands act as a weak regional carbon sink: A new estimation based on upscaling eddy covariance observations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 342, 109719.

    Bian, C., Xia, J*., Zhang, X., Huang, K., Cui, E., Zhou, J., ... & Luo, Y. (2023). Uncertainty and emergent constraints on enhanced ecosystem carbon stock by land greening. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 15(5), e2022MS003397.

    Qiu, S., Wang, Z., Xu, J., Cui, E., & Yan, L*. (2023). Influence of Vegetation Dynamics on Soil Organic Carbon and Its Fractions in a Coastal Wetland. Ecosystem Health and Sustainability, 9, 0016.

    Wei, N., Xia, J*., Zhou, J., Jiang, L., Cui, E., Ping, J., & Luo, Y. (2022). Evolution of Uncertainty in Terrestrial Carbon Storage in Earth System Models from CMIP5 to CMP6. Journal of Climate, 35(17), 5483-5499.

    Du, Y., Lu, R., Sun, H., Cui, E., Yan, L., & Xia, J*. (2022). Plant photosynthetic overcompensation under nocturnal warming: lack of evidence in subtropical evergreen trees. Annals of Botany, 130(1), 109-119.

    Liu, H., Ye, Q*., Simpson, K. J., Cui, E., & Xia, J. (2022). Can evolutionary history predict plant plastic responses to climate change? New Phytologist, 235(3), 1260-1271.

    Lu, R., Qiao, Y., Wang, J., Zhu, C., Cui, E., Xu, X., ... & Xia, J*. (2021). The U‐shaped pattern of size-dependent mortality and its correlated factors in a subtropical monsoon evergreen forest. Journal of Ecology, 109(6), 2421-2433.

    Zhu, C., Cui, E., & Xia, J*. (2020). Both day and night warming reduce tree growth in extremely dry soils. Environmental Research Letters, 15(9), 094074.

    Wei, N., Cui, E., Huang, K., Du, Z., Zhou, J., Xu, X., ... & Xia, J*. (2019). Decadal stabilization of soil inorganic nitrogen as a benchmark for global land models. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11(4), 1088-1099.

    Huang, K., Xia, J*., Wang, Y., Ahlström, A., Chen, J., Cook, R. B., Cui, E., ... & Luo, Y. (2018). Enhanced peak growth of global vegetation and its key mechanisms. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2(12), 1897-1905.
