教育经历工作经历个人简介社会兼职无 研究方向冷分子制备与操控 招生与培养开授课程科研项目学术成果1. Shunyong Hou, Qin Wang, Lianzhong Deng and Jianping Yin, Controllable surface electrostatic velocity filter for polar molecules, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 145303 (2013). 2. Shunyong Hou, Shengqiang Li, Lianzhong Deng and Jianping Yin, Dependences of slowing results on both decelerator parameters and the new operating mode: taking ND3 molecules as an example, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 46, 045301 (2013) 3. Shunyong Hou, Qin Wang, Lianzhong Deng and Jianping Yin, A switched ring Stark decelerator for both light and heavy polar molecules, J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 49, 065301 (2016) 4. Shunyong Hou, Bin Wei, Lianzhong Deng & Jianping Yin, A novel molecular synchrotron for cold collision and EDM experiments, Sci. Rep. 6, 32663 (2016) 5. Qin Wang, Shunyong Hou, Liang Xu and Jianping Yin,Slowing and cooling of heavy or light (even with a tiny electric dipole moment) polar molecules using a novel, versatile electrostatic Stark decelerator,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys. 18, 5432 (2016) 6. Shunyong Hou, Bin Wei, Lianzhong Deng, and Jianping Yin, Chip-based microtrap arrays for cold polar molecules, Phys. Rev. A, 96, 063416 (2017) 7. Shunyong Hou, YaLing Yin, JianPing Yin. Slowing molecular beams using electrostatic Stark deceleration, magnetostatic Zeeman deceleration and optical Stark deceleration. Physics, 46(7): 446-456 (2017) 8. Lianzhong Deng, Shunyong Hou, and Jianping Yin, Optical Stark decelerator for molecules with a traveling potential well, Phys. Rev. A 95, 033409 (2017) 9. Qiang Wang, Bin Wei, Heng-Jiao Guo,Sheng-Qiang Li, Shun-Yong Hou†, and Jian-Ping Yin††, Combination of multiple tools for surface manipulation of polar molecules, Chin. Phys. B, 26, 113701 (2017) 10. Xu Xue-Yan, Hou Shun-Yong†,Yin Jian-Ping, Chip-based controllable Ioffe-typed electrostatic mirotrap for cold molecules, Acta Physica Sinica, 67, 113701 (2018) 11. Yongcheng Yang, Shunyong Hou, and Lianzhong Deng, Optical Stark deceleration of neutral molecules from supersonicexpansion with a rotating laser beam, Chin. Phys. B 27, 5 (2018) 荣誉及奖励 |