

职称: 研究员

直属机构: 河口海岸科学研究院


10 访问



  • 部门: 河口海岸科学研究院
  • 性别:
  • 专业技术职务: 研究员
  • 毕业院校: 迈阿密大学(University of Miami)
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 研究生
  • 联系电话: 021-54836472
  • 电子邮箱: zxfeng@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 上海市闵行区东川路500号华东师范大学河口海岸大楼A305
  • 通讯地址: 上海市闵行区东川路500号华东师范大学河口海岸大楼A305
  • 邮编: 200241
  • 传真:


美国迈阿密大学(University of Miami) 应用海洋物理学 博士 (2009-2014)

美国路易斯安那州立大学(LSU) 海洋学与海岸科学 硕士 (2007-2009)

南京大学 地理科学 学士 (2003-2007)


华东师范大学 河口海岸学国家重点实验室 研究员 (2019年9月至今)

美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所 客座研究员 (2019年9月至今)

美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所 访问研究员 (2019年8月)

美国伍兹霍尔海洋研究所 博士后 (2014年8月-2019年7月)




自然资源部第二海洋研究所卫星海洋环境动力学国家重点实验室 青年访问海星学者(2020-2021)










[5] 国家自然科学基金NSFC面上项目:海冰减退对北冰洋桡足类浮游动物生物地理分布的影响;2022年1月至2025年12月。总经费70.5万元;主持。

[4] 科技部重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项:楚科奇海台底栖生物食物来源与生物泵的耦合/非耦合;2020年12月至2023年11月。 项目骨干和参与单位负责人;获得经费63万元;项目主持单位是自然资源部第二海洋研究所,负责人是金海燕研究员。


[2] 上海市“科技创新行动计划”自然科学基金项目:基于地球系统模式的北冰洋初级生产力演变研究;2020年7月至2023年6月;20万元定额资助;主持

[1] 美国科学基金会(NSF)极地项目办公室(Office of Polar Program)北极系统科学项目(Arctic System Science Program):北极太平洋扇区底栖生物热点区域的形成与维持机制研究 (Formation and persistence of benthic biological hotspots in the Pacific Arctic);2016年8月至2020年7月;伍兹霍尔海洋研究所获取经费约55万美元;共同主持。主要合作者:Rubao Ji, Carin Ashjian, Jinlun Zhang, Robert Campbell, and Jackie Grebmeier. 已结题



[10] 杨美晴, 冯志轩*, 宋洪军, 2023. 基于CMIP6模式分析北极典型海区浮游植物藻华模拟误差, 海洋学报,已接收

[9] Feng Z.*, R. Ji, C. Ashjian, J. Zhang, R. Campbell, and J.M. Grebmeier, 2020. Benthic hotspots in the Northern Bering and Chukchi continental shelf: spatial variability in production regimes and environmental drivers, Progress in Oceanography, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2020.102497
[8] Feng Z.*, R. Ji, C.J. Ashjian, R.G. Campbell, and J. Zhang, 2018. Biogeographic responses of the copepod Calanus glacialis to a changing Arctic marine environment, Global Change Biology, 24, 159-170.
[7] Feng Z.*, R. Ji, R.G. Campbell, C.J. Ashjian, and J. Zhang, 2016b. Early ice retreat and ocean warming may induce copepod biogeographic boundary shifts in the Arctic Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 121, 6159-6183. doi: 10.1002/2016JC011784.
[6] Feng Z.*, A. Reniers, B.K. Haus, H.M. Solo-Gabriele, and E.A. Kelly, 2016a. Wave energy level and geographic setting correlate with Florida beach water quality, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 104, 54-60.
[5] Feng Z.*, A. Reniers, B.K Haus, H.M. Solo-Gabriele, J.D. Wang, and L.E. Fleming, 2015. A predictive model for microbial counts on beaches where intertidal sand is the primary source, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 94, 37-47.
[4] Feng, Z.*, A. Reniers, B.K. Haus, and H.M. Solo-Gabriele, 2013. Modeling sediment-related enterococci loading, transport and inactivation at an embayed non-point source subtropical beach. Water Resources Research, 49, 693-712.
[3] Feng, Z.*, A. Reniers, B.K. Haus, H.M. Solo-Gabriele, L. Fiorentino, M. Olascoaga, and J. MacMahan, 2012. Modeling microbial water quality at a beach impacted by multiple nonpoint sources, Coastal Engineering Proceedings, 33, 1-13. 
[2] Feng, Z.*, and C. Li, 2010. Cold-front-induced flushing of the Louisiana bays. Journal of Marine Systems, 82, 252-264.

[1] 冯志轩*, 罗贤, 高抒. 2007. 江苏盐城自然保护区核心区环境动态的遥感分析. 海洋通报, 26 (6), 68-74.


[19] Tang, B., Zhang, F., Jia, J., Feng, Z., Tang, J., Xing, F., & Wang, Y. P., 2023. The Role of Tropical Cyclone on Changjiang River Subaqueous Delta Geomorphology: A Numerical Investigation of Tropical Cyclone Danas (2019). Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 128(5), 1–20.

[18] Kim, D., Ji, R., Feng, Z., Jang, J., Lee, D., Chan, W., & Kang, C.K., 2023. Estuarine dam water discharge enhances summertime primary productivity near the southwestern Korean coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 191, 114971. 

[17] Liu, J., Li, P., Tu, C., Wang, H., Zhou, Z., Feng, Z., Shen, F., & Li, Z., 2022. Spatiotemporal Change Detection of Coastal Wetlands Using Multi-Band SAR Coherence and Synergetic Classification. Remote Sensing, 14(11), 2610.

[16] Suca, J. J., Ji, R., Baumann, H., Pham, K., Silva, T. L., Wiley, D. N., Feng, Z., & Llopiz, J. K., 2022. Larval transport pathways from three prominent sand lance habitats in the Gulf of Maine. Fisheries Oceanography, 31(3), 333–352. 

[15] Xi, J., Wang, Y., Feng, Z., Liu, Y., & Guo, X., 2022. Variability and Intensity of the Sea Surface Temperature Front Associated With the Kuroshio Extension. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9(April), 1–15.

[14] Kim, D., Ji, R., Park, H. J., Feng, Z., Jang, J., Lee, C. l, Kang, Y.-H., & Kang, C., 2021. Impact of Shifting Subpolar Front on Phytoplankton Dynamics in the Western Margin of East/Japan Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 1–17. 

[13] Ashjian, C. J., Pickart, R. S., Campbell, R. G., Feng, Z., Gelfman, C., Alatalo, P., & Zhang, J., 2021. Springtime renewal of zooplankton populations in the Chukchi Sea. Progress in Oceanography, 197, 102635. 

[12] Zang, Z., Ji, R., Feng, Z., Chen, C., Li, S., & Davis, C. S., 2021. Spatially varying phytoplankton seasonality on the Northwest Atlantic Shelf: a model-based assessment of patterns, drivers, and implications. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78(5), 1920–1934. 

[11] Song, H., Ji, R., Jin, M., Li, Y., Feng, Z., Varpe, Ø., & Davis, C. S., 2021. Strong and regionally distinct links between ice-retreat timing and phytoplankton production in the Arctic Ocean. Limnology and Oceanography, 66(6), 2498–2508.

[10] Record, N.R., J.A. Runge, D.E. Pendleton, W.M. Balch, K.T.A. Davies, A.J. Pershing, C.L. Johnson, K. Stamieszkin, R. Ji, Z. Feng, S.D. Kraus, R.D. Kenney, C.A. Hudak, C.A. Mayo, C. Chen, J.E. Salisbury, and C.R.S. Thompson. 2019. Rapid climate-driven circulation changes threaten conservation of endangered North Atlantic right whales, Oceanography, 32(2), https://doi.org/10.5670/oceanog.2019.201.

[9] Kvile, K. Ø., C. Ashjian, Z. Feng, J. Zhang and R. Ji., 2018. Pushing the limit: resilience of an Arctic copepod on environmental fluctuations, Global Change Biology, 24, 5426-5439. doi: 10.1111/gcb.14419.  

[8] Kelly E.A., Z. Feng, M.L. Gidley, C.D. Sinigalliano, N. Kumar, A.G. Donahue, A. Reniers, and H.M. Solo-Gabriele, 2018. Effect of beach management policies on recreational water quality, Journal of Environmental Management, 212, 266-277.

[7] Donahue A., Z. Feng, E. Kelly, A. Reniers, and H.M. Solo-Gabriele, 2017. Significance of beach geomorphology on fecal indicator bacteria levels, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 121, 160-167.

[6] Ji. R.,Z. Feng, B.J. Jones, C. Thompson, C. Chen, N.R. Record, and J.A., Runge, 2017. Coastal Amplification of Supply and Transport (CAST): a new hypothesis about the persistence of Calanus finmarchicusin the Gulf of Maine, ICES Journal of Marine Science74(7), 1865-1874.

[5] Elliott S.M., C.J. Ashjian, Z. Feng, B. Jones, C. Chen, and Y. Zhang, 2017. Physical control on distributions of a key Arctic copepod in the northeast Chukchi Sea, Deep Sea Research II, 144, 37-51.

[4] Phillips, M.C., Z. Feng, L.J., Vogel, A.J.H.M. Reniers, B.K. Haus, A.A. Enns, Y. Zhang, D.B. Hernandez, and H.M. Solo-Gabriele, 2014. Microbial release from seeded beach sediments during wave conditions, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 79, 114-122.

[3] Hernandez, R.J., Y. Hernandez, N.H. Jimenez, A.M. Piggot, J.S. Klaus,Z. Feng, A. Reniers, and H.M. Solo-Gabriele, 2014. Effect of full-scale beach renovation on fecal indicator levels in shoreline sand and water, Water Research, 48, 579-591.

[2] Fiorentino, L.A., M.J. Olascoaga, A. Reniers, Z. Feng, F.J. Beron-Vera, and J.H. MacMahan, 2012. Using Lagrangian coherent structures to understand coastal water quality, Continental Shelf Research, 47, 145-149.

[1] Enns, A.A., L.J. Vogel, A.M. Abdelzaher, H.M. Solo-Gabriele, L.R.W. Plano, M.L. Gidley, M.C. Phillips, J.S. Klaus, A.M. Piggot, Z. Feng, A.J.H.M. Reniers, B.K. Haus, S.M. Elmir, Y. Zhang, N.H. Jimenez, N. Abdel-Mottaleb, M.E. Schoor, A. Brown, S.Q. Khan, A.S. Dameron, N.C. Salazar, and L.E. Fleming, 2012. Spatial and temporal variation in indicator microbe sampling is influential in beach management decisions, Water Research, 46, 2237-2246.

