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  • Email: josef@dlps.ecnu.edu.cn
  • Office: 法商楼120号
  • Address: 上海市闵行区东川路500号, 华东师范大学政治学系,200241




Other Appointments

serves as a Professor of Politics, East China Normal University; Director, the International Graduate Program in Politics (ECNU); Doctoral Supervisor (ECNU); Adjunct Professor of Chinese History and Politics, CIEE; Managing Editor, US-based Journal of Chinese Political Science; Editor, the Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences; Associate Editor, ECNU Review; and Columnist, Beijing Review. He frequently collaborates with colleagues at East China Normal, Fudan, Shanghai Jiaotong and Tongji universities, and was a visiting scholar with the Institute for Asian Studies under the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg in 2014. He joined ENCU’s Department of Politics in 2010.

Research Fields

History of Western Political Philosophy‚ Critical Theory‚ Utopias‚ Western Marxism

Enrollment and Training


Scientific Research

Academic Achievements

His publications have appeared in numerous Chinese and Western academic journals, including Marxism and Reality, Foreign Theoretical Trends, the Journal of Studies in Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory, Science & Society, TSLA, The China Journal, and Rethinking Marxism, among others. He also publishes regularly in newspapers and magazines.

He was formerly a Senior Researcher with the Central Compilation and Translation Bureau (Beijing) and a member of the Chinese team that translated Jiang Zemin’s Selected Worksinto English. Prior to that he was a professor in the United States at different universities, including the George Washington University and the University of Maryland, College Park. Before that, he worked as a public health office leading national health programs with the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 
Many of his publications discuss contemporary Chinese politics but, on a deeper level, his primary interest regards comparative Chinese and Western epistemology. He teaches courses in Marxism, Western Political Philosophy, Ethics, Modern Chinese Politics and Modern Chinese History.
He holds a BA (international affairs) and an MPhil and PhD (philosophy and critical theory) from the George Washington University and an MSPH (international health and epidemiology) and MPA (organizational management and policy analysis) from the University of Alabama at Birmingham.


10 Visits

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