


直属机构: 计算机科学与技术学院


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  • 部门: 计算机科学与技术学院
  • 性别:
  • 专业技术职务: 副研究员
  • 毕业院校: 复旦大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 博士
  • 联系电话:
  • 电子邮箱: ylsun@cs.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 中山北路校区理科大楼B707
  • 通讯地址: 上海市中山北路3663号
  • 邮编: 200062
  • 传真:


I (www.yulingsun.net)  finished my Ph.D. in Computer software and theory and under the supervision of Professor Ning Gu.


I was a post-doctoral researcher at Institute of Computer Applications of East China Normal University with Prof. Liang He.


I (Personal Website)  am an Associate Researcher in the School of Computer Science and Technology at East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. I was just awarded Hughes Fellowship of University of Michigan, and will be a visiting scholar at UMich, Ann Arbor, in 2024-2025. I received my Ph.D. at Fudan University, Shanghai, China in 2016. My advisor was Prof. Ning Gu. I was a post-doctoral researcher at Institute of Computer Applications of East China Normal University with Prof. Liang He.

My research lies at the interaction of Health Informatics, Human-computer Interaction (HCI), Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW), and Social Computing. My current work primarily focuses on computer-mediated collaborative and interactive forms for sustainable living. In particular, I have been studying issues of aging, sustainability, healthcare and digital city, and adopting socio-technical approaches including participatory design, making, human-engaged computing, crowdsourcing, mobile sharing and others for better digital service. In addition, I have extensively collaborated with machine learning and AI researchers on various topics such as self-tracking, mobile persuasive design, short-video experience, social media and civic engagement, and sustainable HCI.




随着当下数字社会和物理社会的深度交融,我们对于所有计算、智能问题的研究都不可能脱离社会环境而独立开展。作为智能计算背景的研究人员,作为现在(或未来)数字社会的推动者和建设者,我们有责任引导其朝着“公平(Fairness)”“负责任(Accountability)”“正义(Justice)”“符合伦理(Ethics)”的方向发展。我们不仅需要关注智能应用的技术性能、技术生产力和技术创新力,更加需要关注其所带来的社会和人文影响,为人机共协(Human-AI Collaborative)、公平可信(Just and Trustworthy)的社会而努力。这是我从事科研工作的初心和一直坚持的理念。

我的主要研究方向是人机交互(Human-Computer Interaction, HCI)、社会计算(Social Computing)、计算机支持的协同工作(Computer Supported Collaborative Work, CSCW)、以人为本的人工智能(Human-Centered AI, HCAI)等。我希望通过社会科学、心理科学、计算科学相融合的理念,更好地分析和理解社会中不同角色的人的需求,分析智能技术在人们日常生活中所发挥的角色和影响;在此基础上开展以人为本的智能技术设计,引导更加友好、人本、公平的智能技术设计,推动人与智能的“和谐相处”。


(1)智能与老人(AI for Care) — 一个十余年不变的初心。不断加剧的老龄化给当下社会带来极大的养老压力和挑战。我们课题组在AI for Care方向上已经走了十余年的路。在9073的整体养老格局(90%的老人居家养老)下,我们的目标和使命是:通过AI赋能,让每个老人的家都变成他/她专属的私人养老院。在技术路径上,我们构建了基于AI的家庭智养院,通过数字智能技术,及时地感知、分析、计算老人的健康状况和个人需求,并智能调度他们需要的服务,实现专业、精准的服务调度,让老人可以在他/她熟悉的家中安心养老。涉及的技术研究内容包括:数字驱动的养老服务生态建模与量化、基于数据挖掘的健康问题(如认知症、跌倒、脑卒中等)诊断与预测、基于VR/AR的认知障碍训练与评估、基于智能优化的多元协同养老资源调度、面向基层护理人员和社区工作者的数字效能分析、面向老年群体的数字鸿沟分析与弥合技术设计、数据驱动的多元协同调度平台建设等。


(2)智能与教育(AI for EDU) — 一个刚刚启动的梦想。教育是国之根本。智能技术的发展重塑着当下的教育生态。本着“以人为本”的原则,课题组于2022年启动了面向智能教育的人机交互系列研究,目前开设的研究方向包括面向低龄儿童的讲故事智能体需求分析与交互理论研究、知识图谱增强的教育型对话智能体设计、面向亲子交互的讲故事对话智能体设计、面向自闭症儿童的陪伴助手设计等。不同于只聚焦技术性能的智能研究,我们课题组始终将“人—孩子、家长、老师”的需求放在所有技术研究的第一位,希望研究更加符合教育需求的技术应用,希望通过智能技术更好地辅助亲子互动,而不是将孩子“丢给机器”。


(3)智能与城市和乡村(AI for Urban, AI for Rural) — 一个一直打酱油的热情。我们的社会在快速地步入数字化,我们日常的生产生活方式都深深地被数字技术所影响。作为一个社会计算方向的研究学者,我始终对这样的生态环境变化有着极高的研究兴趣。这过去几年,我或多或少地关注了不同社会生态下的群体与数字技术的交互过程,包括:2018年研究了以淘宝众包为代表的数字众包群体行为、2019年研究了短视频媒介所掀起的普惠知识传播形态、2020年研究了以共享单车为代表的物理-数字混合生态中市民参与的数字城市建设范式、2021年研究了数字新媒体形态下的乡村振兴、2022年研究了数字驱动的疫情管理对于基层工作者的数字赋能影响等。在未来,我也将持续对这个变化的数字社会保持研究的热情,也欢迎你的热情!


上海爱照护养老服务有限公司 首席科学家


我的主要研究方向是人机交互(Human-Computer Interaction, HCI)、社会计算(Social Computing)、计算机支持的协同工作(Computer Supported Collaborative Work, CSCW)、以人为本的人工智能(Human-Centered AI, HCAI)等。我希望通过社会科学、心理科学、计算科学相融合的理念,更好地分析和理解社会中不同角色的人的需求,分析智能技术在人们日常生活中所发挥的角色和影响;在此基础上开展以人为本的智能技术设计,引导更加友好、人本、公平的智能技术设计,推动人与智能的“和谐相处”。当前,我的研究兴趣主要集中在面向老年群体、基层工作者、儿童、农村人等弱势群体的智能技术设计和应用分析上,详见“个人网站”。




  1. Shanghai Science and Technology Innovation Action Plan Project. The Theory, Design, and Practices for Artifical Intelligence Governance. Co-PI, 2021.11.01-2024.10.31.

  2. University of Michigan. From Farm to Dataset: How China’ AI is Changing the Future of Agriculture. Co-PI, 2021.10-2022.10. 

  3. National Intelligent Social Governance’s Shanghai Changning District Elderly Characteristic Experimental Base. CI, 2021.10-2024.10.

  4. Shanghai Informationization Development Special Fund Project. Facility, Community, and Family Integrated Data-Driven Elderly Healthcare and Large-Scale Application Demonstration. CI, 2021.12-2023.12.

  5. Open Project of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Intelligent Information Processing. Research on Multi-Discipline Knowledge Sharing and Collaborating Mechanism in Elderly Healthcare. PI, 2021.10-2022.10.

  6. Tongji University. Social Supporting System Research and Analysis in Kongjiang District Shanghai. PI, 2021.01-2021.11.

  7. Shanghai City Running Center. Digital signs of Future Digital City. PI, 2020.12-2021.2.

  8. ACM SIGCHI Early Career Travel Grants. Issues of aged-care in Digital World, PI, 2019/09-2020/09.

  9. ECNU – iZhaohu Research Center at Digital Aged Care, PI, 2018/06/01-2021/06/01.

  10. National Natural Science Foundation of China – Youth Program, Research on Modeling and Interactive Mechanism of Situated Collaborative Caring Behavior Oriented Home-Based Elderly, PI, 2018/01/01-2020/12/31.

  11. Shanghai Action Projects of Technological Innovation 2017, Medical Healthcare Oriented Big Data Mining Platform and Application Paradigm, Co-PI, 2017/07-2019/06.

  12. National Natural Science Foundation of China – General Program, Research on Crowdsourcing-based Knowledge Graph Refinement, Main participant, 2018/01/01-2021/12/31.

  13. National Key Research and Development Program of China “Intelligent Robot” Key Special Projects, Biological-Computational Intelligent Interaction and Biological-Computational-Electronical Integration Robotics Technology, Main participant, 2018/01/01-2020/12/31.

  14. The Open Project of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Multidimensional Information Processing, Research on Social Ecology Embedded Knowledge Sharing and Interaction in Aged Care, PI, 2017/06-2018/06.

  15. The Open Project of Shanghai Key Laboratory of Data Science, Research on Context-Based Caring Behavioral Analysis and Interactive Mechanism Oriented Home-Based Elderly, PI, 2017/10/01-2018/10/01.

  16. Shanghai Post-doctoral Innovation Practice Base Program, Internet-Based Affordable Educational Programming Robot, PI, 2017/10-2018/10.

  17. National Natural Science Foundation of China – Major Program, Theories and Methods for Social Order Oriented Social Computing, participant, 2014/01-2018/12.


论文 | Papers:

  1. Yuling Sun, Jiali Liu, Bingsheng Yao, Jiaju Chen, Dakuo Wang, Xiaojuan Ma, Yuxuan Lu, Ying Xu, Liang He. Exploring Parent's Needs for Children-Centered AI to Support Preschoolers' Storytelling and Reading Activities. Proc. ACM CSCW 2024 (CCF Rank A, to appear).

  2. Yuling Sun, Zhennan Yi, Xiaojuan Ma, Junyan Mao, Xin Tong. Technology-Mediated Non-pharmacological Interventions for Dementia: Needs for and Challenges in Professional, Personalized and Multi-Stakeholder Collaborative Interventions. In proc. ACM CHI 2024 (CCF-A, to appear).

  3. Ying Lei, Shuai Ma, Yuling Sun*Unpacking ICT-supported Social Connections and Support of Late-life Migration: From the Lens of Social Convoys. In Proc. ACM CHI 2024. (CCF-A, to appear).

  4. Bangyan Li, Xingjiao Wu, Yuling Sun*, Liang He. A Dynamic Composite Ensemble Learning Framework for Multi-Stage Dementia Prediction. Proc. IEEE BIBM 2023 (CCF Rank B).

  5. Yuling Sun, Xiaojuan Ma, Silvia Lindtner, Liang He. Care Workers’ Wellbeing in Data-driven Healthcare Workplace: Identity, Agency, and Social Justice. Proc. ACM CSCW 2023 (CCF Rank A, Recognition for Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion Award).

  6. Yuling Sun, Xiaojuan Ma, Silvia Lindtner, Liang He. Data Work of Frontline Care Workers: Practices, Problems, and Opportunities in the Context of Data-Driven Long-term Care. Proc. ACM CSCW 2023 (CCF Rank A, Impact Recognition Award).

  7. Yuchen Chen, Yuling Sun*, Silvia Lindtner. Maintainers of Stability: The Labor of China’s Data-Driven Governance and Dynamic Zero-COVID. Proc. ACM CHI 2023 (CCF Rank A).

  8. Jifan Shen, Yuling Sun. Privacy-Preserved Video Monitoring Method with 3D Human Pose Estimation. Proc. IEEE CSCWD 2023 (CCF Rank C).

  9. He Xiao, Yuling Sun. “Policies Look for the Elderly”: A Knowledge Graph Based Care Information Recommendation System. Proc. IEEE CSCWD 2023 (CCF Rank C).

  10. Ruiqi Chen, Shuhe Wang, Xuhai Xu, Lan Wei, Yuling Sun, Xin Tong. Design and Evaluation of a VR Therapy for Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: Perspectives from Patients and Stakeholders. IEEE VR 2023 Poster.

  11. Shaobin Chen, Jie Zhou, Yuling Sun*, Liang He. An Information Minimization Based Contrastive Learning Model for Unsupervised Sentence Embeddings Learning. Proc. COLING (CCF-B), 2022.

  12. Xinru Tang, Yuling Sun*, Bowen Zhang, Zimi Liu, Ray LC, Zhicong Lu, and Xin Tong. “I Never Imagined Grandma Could Do So Well with Technology”: Evolving Roles of Younger Family Members in Older Adults’ Technology Learning and Use. Proc. ACM CSCW (CCF Rank A), 2022.

  13. Yuling Sun, Xiaojuan Ma, Kai Ye, Liang He. Exploring Crowdworkers’ Identity, Perception and Practices in Micro-Task Crowdsourcing. Proc. of ACM GROUP (CCF Rank B), 2022.

  14. Yong Ding, Yuling Sun*, Xiaoying Qu. Digital Technology driven Inclusive Care System for Elderly Community. Blue Book of The Development of Healthy Aging in China,2022.

  15. Bin Wang, Jin Zhao, Yuling Sun*. Caregiving in Digital Healthcare Setting: Impacts of Data-driven Technologies to Caregivers in Practice. Proc. IEEE CSCWD 2022 (CCF Rank C).

  16. Jiancong Guo, Bin Wang, Jin Zhao, Yuling Sun*. CareMap: Human-Space-Service Based Healthcare Modeling and Quantifying for the Elderly Aging in Place. Proc. IEEE CSCWD 2022 (CCF Rank C).

  17. Bin Wang, Xingjiao Wu, Miaomiao Gong, Jin Zhao, Yuling Sun*. Lightweight Network Based Real-time Anomaly Detection Method for Caregiving at Home. Proc. IEEE CSCWD 2022 (CCF Rank C).

  18. Mengwen Liang, Jie Zhou, Yuling Sun*, Liang He. Working with Few Samples: Methods that Help Analyze Social Attitude and Personal Emotion. Proc. IEEE CSCWD 2021 (CCF Rank C).

  19. Qingyu Xu, Yuling Sun*, Liang He. Design Considerations for Information Collaboration in Long-term Senior Care System. Proc. IEEE CSCWD 2021 (CCF Rank C).

  20. Ge Gao, Yuling Sun*; Yongle Zhang. Engaging the Commons in Participatory Sensing: Practice, Problems, and Promise in the Context of Dockless Bikesharing. Proc. ACM CHI 2020 (CCF Rank A).

  21. Liuqian Ni, Yuling Sun*, Yanqin Yang, Liang He. Human-Engaged Health Care Services Recommendation for Aging and Long-term Care. Proc. ofIEEE CSCWD 2019 (CCF Rank C).

  22. Miaomiao Gong, Yuling Sun*, Liang He. A Social Network Engaged Crowdsourcing Framework for Expert Tasks. Proc. ofIEEE CSCWD 2019 (CCF Rank C).

  23. Yuling Sun, Yan Tang,Liang He.USee: An Online-Offline Hybird Danmaku Social System. Proc. ofIEEE CSCWD 2018 (CCF Rank C).

  24. Yu Jiang, Yuling Sun*, Jing Yang, Xin Lin, Liang He.Enabling Uneven Task Difficulty in Micro-Task Crowdsourcing. Proc. ofACM GROUP 2018 (CCF Rank B).

  25. Jie Zhou, Yuling Sun*, Liang He. Multi-Model Hybrid Traffic Flow Forecast Algorithm Based on Multivariate Data. Proc. of ChineseCSCW2018.

  26. Jie Zhou, Yuling Sun*, Liang He. A Data Driven Collaborative Caring Framework for Aging in Place in China. Proc. ofIEEE CSCWD 2018 (CCF Rank C).

  27. Meihong Wang, Yuling Sun*Jing Yang, Liang He. Enabling the Disagreement among Crowds: A Collaborative Crowdsourcing Framework. Proc. ofIEEE CSCWD 2018 (CCF Rank C).

  28. Yang Song, Yuling Sun*, Qinmin Hu, Liang He.  An Interaction Embedded Framework for Healthcare Search. Proc. ofIEEE CSCWD 2018 (CCF Rank C).

  29. Yuling Sun, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. A Method of Electronic Health Data Quality Assessment: Enabling Data Provenance. Proc. ofIEEE CSCWD 2017 (CCF Rank C).

  30. Kai Ye, Yuling Sun*, Jing Yang, and Liang He. Enabling Social Network: An Exploration of Crowdsourcing System. Proc. ofChineseCSCW2017.

  31. Kai Ye,Yuling Sun*, Jing Yang, Liang He. WeCrowd: A WeChat based Mobile Crowdsourcing Platform. Proc. ofIEEE CSCWD 2017 (CCF Rank C).

  32. 卢暾,孙玉灵,顾宁. CSCW 2017 ——计算机支持的协同工作及社会计算会议. 中国计算机学会通讯,第134期,20174月:68-71.

  33. Yuling Sun, Kai ye, Liang He. Ageing with the Help of AT: Learning from a Study of Seniors Using AT in China. InACM CSCW 2017 Workshop.

  34. Yuling Sun, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. A Provenance-based Personalized Recommendation Method in Assistive Device Matching for Disabled. In proc. ofCCSCW 2015, Taiyuan, China, 2015.

  35. Yuling Sun, Silvia Lindtner, Xianghua Ding, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. Reliving the Past & Making a Harmonious Society Today: A Study of Elderly Electronic Hackers in China. Inproc. ofACM CSCW 2015(CCF Rank A, Best Paper Award).

  36. Yuling Sun, Xianghua Ding, Silvia Lindtner, Tun Lu, Ning Gu. Being senior and ICT: a study of seniors using ICT in China.In proc. ofACM CHI 2014(CCF Rank A).

  37. Hong Liu, Yuling Sun*. Task Assignment Approach in a Multi-Agent System. Inproc. ofIEEE CSCWD 2012 (CCF Rank C).

  38. Hong Liu, Yuling Sun*, Yuanyuan Li. Modeling and Path Generation Approaches for Crowd Simulation Based on Computational Intelligence, Journal of Electronics (CCF Rank A), 2012, 21(4): 636-641.

  39. Yuling Sun, Hong Liu. Dynamic Path Planning Algorithm for Artificial Bee Colony Based on Octree Modeling, Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(20): 120-124.

  40. Xiaowei Zhang, Hong Liu, Yuling Sun. A Player Tracking Algorithm of Multi-Feature Adaptive Fusion, Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(17): 214-218.

  41. Huijie Zheng, Hong Liu, Xiangwei Zheng, Yuling Sun. Group Search Optimization Algorithm of Differential Variation Based on Simulated Annealing. Computer Engineering, 2012, 38(17): 178-181.

  42. Hong Liu, Yuling Sun*. A Dynamic Task Assignment Approach Based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm in a Multi-Agent Cooperative Design System. InACDDE 2011, Shanghai, China, 2011: 66-71.

  43. Hong Liu, Yuling Sun*. A Role Modelling Approach for Crowd Animation in a Multi-Agent Cooperative System. InIEEE CSCWD 2011 (CCF Rank C), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2011: 304-310.

  44. Yuling Sun, Hong Liu. Path generation Method of Group Animation based on Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm, Computer Engineering, 2011, 37(22): 131-133.

  45. Hong Liu, Yuling Sun*. A Cooperative Crowd Simulation System Based on Computational Intelligence. InACM CSCW 2011 workshop, Hangzhou, China, 2011.

  46. Jie Cao, Yuling Sun. Concurrency Control Mechanism in Maya Collaborative Design System, Computer Engineering, 2011, 37(23): 291-293.

专利 | Patents:

  1. 孙玉灵,姚栋,贺樑. 一种规则驱动的协同交互式空间布局自动设计方法,专利号:ZL202010021651.4,授权公告日:2022.4. 

  2. 孙玉灵,陈少斌. 一种基于冗余信息过滤的无监督句子表征学习方法,申请号:202310508625.8. 

  3. 孙玉灵. 面向基层护理工作者的数据工作量化方法,申请号:202310514770.7. 

  4. 孙玉灵. 一种基于合成数据的无监督句子表征学习方法,申请号:202310546138.0.

  5. 孙玉灵. 一种去负样本的无监督句子表征学习方法,申请号:202310581403.9.

  6. 孙玉灵,李邦彦. 一种基于复合集成学习的认知症预测方法,申请号:202311519864.X.

  7. 童佳亮,孙玉灵. 一种基于迁移学习与专家反馈的照护问答模型训练方法,申请号:202311528596.8.

软件著作权 | Sofeware Copyright

  1. 知识图谱数据处理与分析系统,2022SR1398343.

报告 | Talks

  1. 基于AIGC的全天候长期照护解决方案.中国智慧医疗创新创业发展论坛,2024.01,中国 上海.

  2. 家庭智养院:数智驱动的普惠型家庭长期照护平台. “科创中国”智能康养论坛, 2023.10,中国 北京. 

  3. EduChat: A Large Language Model Based Chatbot System for Intelligent Education. 联合国教科文组织2023数字学习周, 2023.9,法国 巴黎. 

  4. 面向养老的人工智能:‘赋能’还是‘负能’. 2022世界人工智能大会报告,2022.9, 中国 上海.

  5. 社会计算视角下的智慧生活探索. 2021年全球智慧城市大会报告,2021.11, 中国 上海.


  • Hughes Fellowship. University of Michigan. 2024-2025.

  • Best Paper Award. Reliving the past & making a harmonious society today: A study of elderly electronic hackers in China, ACM CSCW 2015, 1/5. 

  • 上海市科技进步二等奖. 家庭智养院:数智驱动的普惠型家庭养老长期照护平台, 1/10.

  • Recognition for Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion AwardCare Workers’ Wellbeing in Data-Driven Healthcare Workplace: Identity, Agency, and Social Justice, ACM CSCW 2023, 1/4.

  • Impact Recognition Award. Data Work of Frontline Care Workers: Practices Problems and Opportunities in the Context of Data-Driven Long-Term Care ACM CSCW 2023, 1/4.

  • 基于专家交互的阿尔茨海默病全天候实时照护解决方案. 数字医学技术与应用创新大赛DiMTAIC 2023,二等奖.

  • 家庭智养院:数智驱动的普惠型家庭养老长期照护平台. 2023 CCF 技术公益案例.

  • 基于数智技术的老年社区普惠照护服务体系设计. 《中国健康老龄化发展蓝皮书》2022 经典案例。

  • 智能化全覆盖照料社区(IACC). 《中国老年健康蓝皮书》2021 经典案例。