




  • 部门: 生命科学学院
  • 毕业院校: 上海交通大学
  • 学位: 博士
  • 学历: 研究生
  • 邮编: 200062
  • 联系电话:
  • 传真:
  • 电子邮箱: xjin@bio.ecnu.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 脑功能基因组学研究所
  • 通讯地址: 上海市中山北路3663号


19982002 中国农业大学 学士

20022007 上海交通大学 博士


20082011 美国国立卫生研究院 博士后

20122017 美国 索尔克生物研究所 助理教授

20182020 美国 索尔克生物研究所 副教授

2021-至今 华东师范大学特聘教授、运动控制与疾病研究中心主任




1. Cook JR, Li H, Nguyen B, Huang HH, Mahdavian P, Kirchgessner MA, Strassmann P, Engelhardt M, Callaway EM, Jin X (2022) Secondary auditory cortex mediates a sensorimotor mechanism for action timing. Nature Neuroscience 25(3): 330-344.

2. Zhang Z, Zhou J, Tan P, Pang Y, Rivkin AC, Kirchgessner MA, Williams E, Lee CT, Liu H, Franklin AD, Miyazaki PA, Bartlett A, Aldridge AI, Vu M, Boggeman L, Fitzpatrick C, Nery JR, Castanon RG, Rashid M, Jacobs MW, Ito-Cole T, O'Connor C, Pinto-Duartec A, Dominguez B, Smith JB, Niu SY, Lee KF, Jin X, Mukamel EA, Behrens MM, Ecker JR, Callaway EM (2021) Epigenomic diversity of cortical projection neurons in the mouse brain. Nature 598(7879): 167-173. 

3. Hollon NG, Williams EW, Howard CD, Li H, Traut TI, Jin X (2021) Nigrostriatal dopamine signals sequence-specific action-outcome prediction errors. Current Biology 31(23): 5350-5363.

4. Zell V, Steinkellner T, Hollon NG, Warlow SM, Souter E, Faget L, Hunker AC, Jin X, Zweifel LS, Hnasko TS (2020) VTA glutamate neuron activity drives positive reinforcement absent dopamine co-release. Neuron 107(5): 864-873.


5. Hollon NG, Jin X (2020) Neural implementation of behavioral hierarchy. Neuron 105(3): 402-404.

6. Aoki S, Smith JB, Li H, Yan X, Igarashi M, Coulon P, Wickens JR, Ruigrok TJ, Jin X (2019) An open cortico-basal ganglia loop allows limbic control over motor output via the nigrothalamic pathway. eLife 8: e49995.

7. Geddes CE, Li H, Jin X (2018) Optogenetic editing reveals the hierarchical organization of learned action sequences. Cell 174(1): 32-43.

8. Klug JR, Engelhardt MD, Cadman CN, Li H, Smith JB, Ayala S, Williams EW, Hoffman H, Jin X (2018) Differential inputs to striatal cholinergic and parvalbumin interneurons imply functional distinctions. eLife 7: e35657.

9. Mansour AA, Gonçalves JT, Bloyd CW, Li H, Fernandes S, Quang D, Johnston S, Parylak SL, Jin X, Gage FH (2018) An in vivo model of functional and vascularized human brain organoids. Nature Biotechnology 36(5): 432-441.


10. Howard CD, Li H, Geddes CE, Jin X (2017) Dynamic nigrostriatal dopamine biases action selection. Neuron 93(6): 1436-1450.

11. Smith JB, Klug JR, Ross DL, Howard CD, Hollon NG, Ko VI, Hoffman H, Callaway EM, Gerfen CR, Jin X (2016) Genetic-based dissection unveils the inputs and outputs of striatal patch and matrix compartments. Neuron 91(5): 1069-1084.

12. Tecuapetla F, Jin X, Lima SQ, Costa RM (2016) Complementary contributions of striatal projection pathways to action initiation and execution. Cell 166(3): 703-715.

13. Amin ND, Bai G, Klug JR, Bonanomi D, Pankratz MT, Gifford WD, Hinckley CA, Sternfeld MJ, Driscoll SP, Dominguez B, Lee KF, Jin X, Pfaff SL (2015) Loss of motoneuron-specific microRNA-218 causes systemic neuromuscular failure. Science 350(6267): 1525-1529.

14. Santos FJ, Oliveira RF, Jin X, Costa RM (2015) Corticostriatal dynamics encode the refinement of specific behavioral variability during skill learning. eLife 4: e09423.

15. Jin X, Costa RM (2015) Shaping action sequences in basal ganglia circuits. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 33: 188-196.


16. Jin X, Tecuapetla F, Costa RM (2014) Basal ganglia subcircuits distinctively encode the parsing and concatenation of action sequences. Nature Neuroscience 17(3): 423-430.

17. Cui G, Jun SB, Jin X, Pham MD, Vogel SS, Lovinger DM, Costa RM (2013) Concurrent activation of striatal direct and indirect pathways during action initiation. Nature 494(7436): 238-242.

18. French CA, Jin X, Campbell TG, Gerfen E, Groszer M, Fisher SE, Costa RM (2012) An aetiological Foxp2 mutation causes aberrant striatal activity and alters plasticity during skill learning. Molecular Psychiatry 17(11): 1770-1085.

19. Koralek AC*, Jin X*, Long JD, Costa RM, Carmena JM (2012) Corticostriatal plasticity is necessary for learning intentional neuroprosthetic skills. Nature 483(7389): 331-335. (* Co-first authors)

20. Jin X, Costa RM (2010) Start/stop signals emerge in nigrostriatal circuits during sequence learning. Nature 466(7305): 457-462.









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